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Friday, December 30, 2005

...:: dae with0ut smses ::...
s0 happi t0daee...realli let g0 myself andd g0 enj0y... afterrn0on meet my 2 c0usins... c0z ii slp late... at kfc thenn eat.... afterr tat we g0 watchh m0viee... charlene act de...s0 t0uchy... andd dum... afterr tat g0 arcadee play a whilee... thenn g0 their hse c0z her sis is makingg sushii andd dun0 wadd surprisee ... thenn g0 l0rr... g0 kep0 kep0 abit... g0 kitchenn see see l00ok l0ok... can eat lia0!! s0 the surprisee is pasta... s0 nicee... andd the sushii... 0mg... free 0ne.. n0 nid t0 buy... afterr tat g0 d0wnn walk walk... at baby p0ol play waterr... ii am damnn wet... 0mgg...thenn went up watchh the 9pm sh0w... is nicee.... thenn 10 lia0...we talk talk talk till 1o.30pm... thenn went h0mee...

guess wadd... my 3 d0ggiess is g0nee... urmm...my m0m gave it away... sad sad... n0nsense...wtf... euu ass... is n0 fun at all at h0mee c0z theree is n0 d0g... ass!!!!!!

s0 care free t0daee... n0 sms... n0 w0rries... n0 nth... n0t at all!!! ii thinkk is a dae tat ii enj0y myself... s0 l0ngg le... takireee..........

[[ - start a new year with new dreams andd target bahh!! - ]]

~ { 11:55 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

urm... t0daee actually 10am alarm ringg lia00o but! ii 0ff it.. c0zz ii still wann t0 c0ntinuee my w0nderfull dream... hahas... thenn 1.30pm thenn wake up...wad a dream!! h0pee it realli happen n0rr... thenn hadi givee me a msg..c0z laterr we aree g0ingg t0 watch narnia... wadd a namee f0rr tat sh0w...l0lls... meet ivan des and kel andd cine... n0t l0ng laterr hadi camee.. thenn g0 watchh... watchh finish lia0 is abt 6 smthh... guess wadd.. we went t0 the 9th fl0or 0f cine t0 play lan..wakakas.. w0w... l0ngg timee nv playy lia0... lucky ii kn0w h0w to play... phew pheww... thenn 9 pm finishh ...went h0mee by taxi... wad the hell... sg s0 small ...even a taxi als0 d0nn havvee.. wad thee ass.. 0Pps...thenn g0 h0mee...wahh..my mum wait f0rr me t0 start dinner... s0 g0od...? l0lls.. 0f c0urse la... ii guess... thenn talk talk... see see... eat eat.. tmrr g0ingg f0rr ndp thingy... siann... nvm nvm... sho0!!

#* the*pr0blem*lies*0n*me**c0z*ii*am*n0t*up*t0*it*yet*****ii*guess* #

~ { 11:03 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

..:: k-b0xies :...

w0ahh...just finishh repairingg my 2pid t0ilet d0or... d0nee!! ii am g0od at d0ingg n0nsense thingy...but c0mee t0 seri0us thingg.. ii always fail.. haiiy0... suayy...ii am always unlucky la...

physic test? wad a j0kee... teacher n0t insidee..every0ne discuss... l0lls.. wad a test... pass pass pass... every0nee will pass... n0 matterr wadd... thanks mr tan b0on b0on... hehe...

wadd a daee at clementi k-b0xiess... meet ah ya andd fangiess at clementii at 2pm... but end up is 2.20pm... nvm nvm... thenn we went in andd start singing...n0t l0ngg afterr... guess wh0 c0mee.. ivann lee... l0lls... he l0ok likee just wake up likee tat... thenn we singg al0t al0t al0t.. 5hrs like tat... w0ahh... ii thinkk ii singg quite l0t ya? s0rri guys!! ii t0ok the sp0tlight t0daee... wakakas... n0nsensee... psps... thenn is rainingg 0utsidee... 0mgg.. is 0ur v0icee t0uched the sky 0rr t0o badd till rainn alrdyy?h0pee is the 1st 0nee n0rr... pheww..thenn all went h0mee... t0ok bus 165 backk.. andd it is still rainingg s0 ii havee t0 walkk in the rainn fr0mm thee bus st0pp t0 a ulu ulu placee andd t0 my placee... sae near quite near... sae far als0 farr... dun00 far 0r near... hahas... quite scary leii... ii n0t scaree leii... l0lls... thenn afterr tat c0mee backk bathh... tmrr g0ingg 0ut withh ivan and hadi t0 watchh the m0viee narnia... wakakas.... ii heard is a nicee sh0ww.. tmrr see lia0 then n0ee... lalala... feww daes left... g0nna enj0y myself... 0pps... hw haven d0... d0n caree!! bleaxx... d0n disturbb my h0lidaee euu 2pid w0rk!! sh0o 0ff... bleaxx...

..:: if euu likee s0me0ne, put him/her in the circle c0z a l0vee in the circlee will n0t endd ::..

~ { 10:41 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, December 26, 2005

..:: cut hair cum study ::...
use redd!! t0daee g0 cut hair... f0ko m0mo.. 2pid hairr... dye backk.. siann l0rr!! ii d0n caree!! whenn ii 0ut 0f wwss.. ii am g0ingg t0 keep my hair l0ngg andd nicee!! andd dye... bleaxx... shitt... study study study... nth g0es int0 my head... n0nsense...wadd a examm... shitt y0u!! n0 m0od t0 talkk whenn it c0mes t0 studies... shitt ass...!!!!!

#-- waitinggg.... " ]]

~ { 10:55 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, December 25, 2005

[[ - half sent0sa half bbq " ]]
[[ 20fif-12-20ofivee ]]

haiy0..t0daee 9 smth wake up..s0 early.. 2 c0usinns livee in my r0om t0getherr with my br0.. andd they wake me up at 9 smth andd we head straight t0 sent0sa.. but bef0re tat... all the c0usinns g0 h0mee andd me and br0 went t0 1 0f the c0usinn h0usee 1stt...c0z her sis... the b0ss is als0 g0ingg... hahas... afterr tat we all head straight t0 sent0sa.. theree are 7 0f us all tgt...wtf... t0dae sent0sa t0o much ppl le... we t0ok bus in andd nid t0 q up s0mem0ree... t0 takee thee sil0so beach linee... 0mg.. s0 l0ngg...h0t... thenn went t0 sil0so to play lia0!! andd ii heard tat my c0usinn's bf is c0mingg!! m0re the merrierr... wakakas...but but!! the beach v0lley at sil0s0 nid t0 pay $5 to play l0rr... 0mgg..thenn we walk walk t0 palawan t0 play.. c0z is free... thenn we walk walkk... reached... thenn start t0 play.. 0mg!! is wheri veri h0t!! andd we cant tahann.. s0 3.3opm we left the placee... me,1 small c0usinn , and my c0usinn sit at her bf van.. we sit until likee hamburgerr c0z is 0nly f0r 3 pers0nn t0 sit but we 4 g0 in.. s0rt de.. thenn g0 my hsee !! at first whenn every0ne reachh.. then all g0 pompom... afterr tat guess wadd..we aree g0ingg t0 havee bbq andd to eat the leave0verrs... 0pPs!!nicee leeii... lalaas... eat crab... chicken wingg...aandd we 0rderr pizza hut! 3 large de.. wakakas... thenn we talkk... play withh my 3 d0ggs... andd laugh s0 l0ud... fun fun funn... thenn afterr tat all g0 my r0om talkk... guess wadd... my br0 and 1 0f my c0usinn is slping 0n my bedd... l0lls... wake upp!! 0ur v0icee had disturbb themm...Hahas... s0 theyy wake up andd j0inn us tgt andd laughh.. but everythingg havee to c0me t0 an endd.. merry christmass t0 all!! thanks guys... ii am happi t0daee with0ut thingging t0o muchh ... h0pee t0 see euu all at the 28/12 .. k-b0x ritee?? ii am g0nna singg damn damnn l0udd... withh my nice nicee v0icee... wakakas.... haligato t0 c0usinn... thanks to euu... ii am cl0ser n0w with my c0usinns... tadaa!!

*-- waitingg f0rr the next christmass andd h0pee the anss is n0t the samee... " ]]

~ { 11:03 PM }
reflections of you and me;

...:: christmass eve !! ::...
arhh... t0daee iss christmass eve... wake up at 2pm.. c0zz ii d0n feel likee wakingg up.. thenn helpp t0 eat wadd my m0therr eat bec0zz t0nitee g0t bbq !! wkakakas... m0therrr invitee al0t 0f ppl andd my c0usinn is c0mingg.. eveningg...finallii... m0ree and m0ree ppl c0mee.. s0 we eat...talk.. play...laughh ... singg... andd finallli!!! is 11.59pm andd every0nee is g0ingg t0 c0unt d0wnn... guess wad... eachh 0f us is h0ldingg a crazy ribb0nn..andd rdy t0 sia0... we b0ught 3o cans andd play...12amm!!! andd every0nee anyh0ww sh0ot..s0 funn... hahas... wh0lee balc0nyy is crazy ribb0on l0rr..w0ahh!!! thenn afterr tat ii c0llect the crazy ribb0nn... wh0lee plastic bagg is ribb0n...wakakakas...but.. afterr tat ii g0 back sing singg... but went ii g0 backk ...the wh0le bagg is l0st... wtf... every0nee is g0nee.. andd ii keep findinn the bagg.. is my 0nee l0rr.. andd guess wadd...ii f0undd it at my hse bel0ww ... wtf... andd guess wad... is my m0therr wh0 thr0w away... andd she sc0lded me f0rr sh0utingg here and theree while findingg... wad thee... my fault... ya ritee... f0k0 m0mo... c0zz iss f0rr s0me0nee andd t0 dec0 thee thingg... n0w? thr0wn? ya ya... my fault... wadd a extr0dinaryy christmass... thanks man... t0 euu guys... messingg...bleax...

[[ - merry christmass... extr0dinaryy christmass indeeddddd......... - ]]

~ { 2:26 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Friday, December 23, 2005

..:: sh0pping "with0ut m0ney ::...
arr... s0 early my b0ss call me wake up lia0.. 9.3oam s0 early...c0z we aree g0ingg t0... k b0x! 0mg!! is abt 6mths sincee ii g0.. 0mg0mg!! cant wwait... thenn 10.15 we leavee h0usee... thenn g0 singg singg singg.. k lunchh ...thenn we sing sing sing... 3 pers0n... n0t badd leii... ii guess... l0ls... ii can singg actually!! l0ls.. n0nsense... afterr tat 2 smthh g0 meet my c0usins.. 2 c0usins... l0ls... thenn g0 walk walk walk... actually ii t0ld myself n0t t0 buy anythingg but!! ii b0ught a sh0ee f0r new yr c0st $17o!! 0mgg... g0t t0 save up againn... wakakaas... but nicee la...afterr tat g0 sh0p sh0pp... thenn eat... thenn tw00 0f the c0usinns g0 h0mee 1st..thenn left me my br0 andd 1 c0usinn g0 walkwalk... thenn guess wad... we b0ught 3o cans 0f crazy ribb0n!! wakakaas... tmrr g0t partyy in my h0usee...wakakas.. tmrr cann play... hehe...

wads the pr0blemm withh my hp bill? n0nsense... ii will pay my m0therr de ritee... is $16o andd she always take it as a reas0nn f0r everythingg... n0nsensee.. tmrr ii g0 takee $200 andd pay herr l0rr!! watchh me... ass

*-- if ii nv try.. ii will nv kn0w... g0od 0r badd will depend 0n the w0rdss ii put - ]]

~ { 9:44 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, December 22, 2005

...:: raiiniin ::...
arhh...t0daee wake up at 7am..thenn slp againn...thenn 9am again... thenn 10am againn...hahas... ytd slp at s0fa leii...wakakas... thenn t0daee wanna g0 sent0sa de.. 10.3o am we went t0 swensens eat eat.. afterr wanna g0 sent0sa tat time rainningg!! 0mg!! hahass... s0 we went bugiss wearingg slippers..hahas... pr0 h0rr.. thenn sh0ppsh0pp sh0ppp ... actually ii d0n wan t0 buy but the 0ne wh0 buy the m0st is me!!! hehe... ps ps.. afterr tat we all c0me backk t0 MY h0usee andd settle... thenn g0 clementii eat...eat until $4o... wakakaas... afterr tat went t0 arcadee... wakakas... s0 funn.. s0 funn till 8 smth..we went h0me... laterr g0ingg t0 play playstati0nn...wakakas... andd g0ingg t0 0rder pizza laterrr...wakakas... tatas...

[[ - nth will be yrs unless euu ask f0rr it - ]]

~ { 8:38 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

*-- c0usinn h0usee //

arr...m0rniing g0 sent0saa meet ivan gary hadi gracee and candy..thenn we play play play till 3 smthh and thenn ii g0 findd my c0usinn c0z ii am stayingg at theirr h0usee t0daee!! justt n0w went ch0mh0m eat andd thenn g0 walkwalkk...wakakaas..tmrr g0ing t0 sent0saa again... !!! walalaas...

..::: 0nee w0rdd in my heartt... waitingg... ::...

~ { 9:59 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

...:: 2zer0-dec-2o0fivee ::...

wadd is saidd is saidd... all thee rest is up t0 euu...wadd a l0vely daee ...haii...
...:: it is easy t0 l0vee s0me0ne but is it difficult t0 sae it 0ut ::...

...:: iil0veeuu ::...

~ { 9:00 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, December 19, 2005

...:: g0odg0odg0odg0odg0od ::...
wakakakas!! t0daee meet fangiess at d0verr mrt 1st cabinn at 2pm ii guess... thenn afterr tat we headd straight t0 bugis...w0ow~ we g0 sh0pp sh0pp..andd ii f0undd my bagg and tiee!! wakakaa... s0 cheapp and nicee.. s0 happi... l0lls.. afterr tat shee g0 je studyy andd ii went ps t0 findd my c0usinn andd br0... they eat ii see.. afterr tat g0 his h0usee... ii play gamee... my br0 and mummy andd aunt g0 eat... afterr tat they c0me backk...bringg me h0mee... and ta da!! ii am backk... s0 happii!! tmrr g0ing 0ut... wakakas... [[ - d0n n0t disturbb -]] f0rr tmrr...lalalala~

[[ - ...:: i cho0se my life, cause euu 're my life ::... - ]]

~ { 10:07 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, December 18, 2005

...:: z0o !! ::...

wahh...veri full..just c0mee backk fr0mm a steamb0at feast... t0daee went t0 z0o...l0lls..witthh my 2 c0usins andd br0...laterr thann meet my mummy andd aunt... wakakass.. at 1st we were likee s0o excitedd..thenn sl0wly timee afterr timee 0ur legs aree ache-ingg...wadd thee!! thenn we walk pass the elephants... guess wadd we saw!?the elephant is shittingg!! ii g0t the ph0to... l0lls...can see?thee ass theree g0t shitties... yucks!! pui pui...l0lls..s0 tiredd... cannt p0st everything here la... but all thee animals quiet weird...wakakas... see the cute cute things 0n the t0p pic?he is l0oking at me!! waakakas.... aiy0..6pm lia0... is timee t0 g0...meet my mummy there all...thenn g0 garden h0tel eat steamb0at.. s0 nicee... wkakakas... ice creams... bla bla bla...s0 full...likee pig lia0...but g0 h0me pu pu thenn can lia0 larr...l0olls..rec0mmand a ice creamm t0 euu peeps... benn andd jerrys...wakakas... n0w thenn ii realisee it.. b0o~ ... n0w thenn n0e...but n0t t0o latee... yuppies... ya... nth t0 d0... l0lls...waitingg f0r replys... tatas....

...:: nth is latee c0z thee anss is n0t 0ut yet.. ii am still waitingg... ::...

~ { 10:51 PM }
reflections of you and me;

-- ..: sh0pping sh0ppingg!! :.. *
huh!!went 0ut 0f h0usee at 12pm with my mummy and br0 t0 sh0pp... 1st g0 tanglin mall...thenn afterr tat g0 ajuniedd t0 cut hairr... w0w...thee ppl theree aree s0 friendly...wakakakss... realli cann t0k t0 them... thenn went t0 0rchardd...wearingg slipperr h0rr... s0 ps... haiy0... thenn 1st..we g0 taka... thenn g0 far east... managee t0 buy 0verr $
20o ... tat meeans 0verall this week ii spent m0ree thann $40o bahh..s0 happi...l0ls..thenn meet my m0ther friend... she als0 kn0w mee and my br0...thenn g0 taka eat steamb0at..s0 full!! arr... abt 10 , me br0 andd mummy g0 starbuck hightea till 11 smthh...thenn g0 h0mee... tryingg my shirts tat ii b0ught just n0w...wakakakass... tmrr g0ingg t0 z0o!! h0hoh0....

*-- s0me timee if euu think p0sitivee..euu will feel betterrr... but!! d0n thinkk t0o much c0z it's just bluffing yrself... - ]]

~ { 12:38 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Friday, December 16, 2005

#-- sh0ppingg timee but saddies dae :...
just finishin brushingg teeth... s0 refreshingg 0n thee l0ok but n0w insidee...haii... t0daee 4pm went 0ut t0 start my [ let my stress out ] sh0ppingg... walk all 0ver far east...in 0ut in 0ut 0f sh0pp...try here and theree... finally b0ught 5 shirts ...andd 6 smth met eunicee... g0 walk walk walk...thenn g0 backk...reached h0mee...eat... watchh chann 8 de sh0w...[9pm] thenn afterr tat try my shirts. " fashi0n sh0w ' at 11 smth..watchh mayday's dvd... s0 s0ng nice s0 s0ng 0kiee 0kiee... nice nicee afterr all...

dun0 why n0wadaes cant slp..t0daee is thee 1 week 1 dae tt i slp afterr 3am le..haii...wadd am ii thinkingg... ii n0e wadd ii am thinkin but dun0 h0w t0 sae.. urm...deeppppp breath.... let 0ut... but still feel the samee bahh..alth0ughh ii b0ught al0t 0f shirts tat c0st 0ver $200..but thee feelingg is alm0st the samee... ii hatee thiss feelingg.... ass.. ii am f0rr suree tat t0nitee ii am g0ing t0 slp at 3am... tryingg t0 slp n0w... *trying* 0kiee... haii...

*-- ii cann 0nly act happi infr0nt 0f euu... but .... but..... #ev0l -

~ { 12:57 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, December 15, 2005

..: maggie daee :..
t0daee is maggie daee...fangies andd xinn c0mee..if euu wan t0 kn0w m0ree.. g0 andd see xinya's bl0gg... if euu d0n wan t0 see... just buzz 0ff...
0ne daee nv t0k d0esnt mean the end 0f the w0rld... euu evil s0ul...

*-- d0n ever mess with me .. c0z ii am messed -]]
*-- euu realli messed it this timee... - ]]
*-- ii am n0 l0nger thee 0nee ii am - ]]

~ { 12:36 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

[[ - walk walk walk walk -]]
5pm went 0ut... t0 h0ugang mall... t0 buy puzzle... thenn g0 t0a pay0h findd my mummy at my aunt's sh0pp t0 eat... ii nv eat.. t0o full le...thenn afterr tat ii b0ught mayday's cd... thenn g0 h0mee by taxi t0 watch the dance sh0w..sms sms... watch teevee... aiya.. b0ringg duhh...
tmrr 2 peskii pers0n is c0mingg t0 mess up my h0use.. pleasee g0dd! l0ls.. maggie mee dae huh..? ii am waitingg... l0ls.. see euu!!

[[- wadd r euu d0esnt matterr but wadd euu r d0es matter... iil0veeuu -]]

~ { 11:58 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, December 12, 2005

[[ - b0redddddddd - ]]
[[ - my d0ggies is slping 0n my bed whilee ii am writing thiss bl0ggiess ((x ---
t0daee is a b0ring daee... s0 i use red t0 writee l0rr...haiy0..s0 latee thenn wake up..thenn watch tv ...eat junkiess.. watch teevee...eat.. luckily g0t ph0ne... sms sms sms sms... all th0se sms-es...haligat0 t0 them.. l0ls... aiya.. nth t0 d0... b0redd t0 death...

* -- iif euu see a dead end ahead , maybe theree is a h0pee at the c0rnerr - ]]

~ { 11:48 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, December 11, 2005

*-- h0use visit # dingg d0ng ]]
1.30 went 0ut...t0..my m0ther side de ah yi... 2nd de.. c0nsiderr my br0's half mummy bec0zz she takkire 0f himm f0r dun0 h0w mani years? hahas... g0 theree... sit sit..visit her l0rr... g0 theree talk talk... g0ssip... ii als0 g0ssip abt wat they g0ssip ... l0ls... aiy0... am ii 0ld alrdy.. 0hmyg0ddies!! thenn talk talk talk... s0 fast ...8 smth le... thenn fatherr fetch us h0mee.. quickly changee and g0 d0wn...g0... gym! wakakaas.. ii ran the track mile f0rr 30min... n0n st0p 0kiee!! thenn g0 swimm...let me be a beach b0y 0ne dae la.. please!! l0ls.. thenn g0 up pompom..eat... andd watchh... [[ miss w0rld 20o5 ]] !! w0ah...m0st 0f them s0... pretty... l0ls... n0nsense... g0 watch lia0... hehes...

#-- as l0ng as euu believe in f0reverr... we will n0t be apart --*

~ { 11:44 PM }
reflections of you and me;

* ..: may's dae :..

[[ - ................:: mayday r0x!! ::................. - ]]

arh..wake up at 3pm... suchh a piggy...hahas .. 5pm meet shalene andd g0 eat bk...thenn talk mrt t0 sg exp0... bec0z we aree watchingg [[- maydae's final h0me c0ncert !! -]] wakakakas.. yeahh!! but we reached there abit early h0rr? l0ls..thenn finally!! 9pm... final h0me c0ncert had started...g0go!! 1st s0ng..sun we k0ng...bla bla bla...s0 nicee and t0uching s0ng likee [ zhi zu ]... l0ols...wah...mayday...g0g0!!kampateii!! hahas... s0 nicee!! wahh... realli realli nicee... luckily ii g0.. phew phew...

thanks euu shalene!! haligat0... hehes... takkire ...

[[ - if 0nee daee euu ch0ose t0 leavee me... ii will n0t st0p euu... theree is 3 w0rdds tat ii wanted t0 sae.. [[ ii l0ve euu ]] *--

~ { 1:24 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Friday, December 09, 2005

*. ..: c0usinn c0usinn :.. .*
wahahahaas.... t0daee supp0se t0 wake up at 10am but i w0ke up at 11.. ahhas.. supp0se t0 meet my c0usins at 11.45 but i w0ke up s0 s0 latee... 0hmyg0d... hehes... thenn g0 ps meet them... watch m0viee...dun0 wadd kill ppl de larr...hahas... thenn walk t0 far east t0 see cl0ths... afterr tat.... g0 farrer park play b0wlingg.. ii nv playy laa... d0n feel likee... see them play..slackk... eat.. waakakas.... afterr tat went t0 their h0usee.. ta ba0 there eat... als0 nid t0 buy f0rr my b0ss [ big c0usin ] l0ls... she is a b0ss... w0ah w0ah... g0 there eat...watch 7pm 8 pm 9 pm sh0w till 10pm... is time t0 g0!!wakakakas,..0n the way.. me and my br0 actually wann t0 talk mrt t0 ps thenn take taxi h0me but.. 0hmyg0ddies... whenn we reached theree... there are s0 so s0 mani ppl theree.. shittiess... haha...then we walk all the way fr0m theree t0 taka ... sia0 sia0 lia0..s0 h0tties... i think i slim d0wn lia0..hahahaz.... finally... we f0und a buss st0p and t0ok the bus h0mee...arr...finally at h0mee... takee a sh0werr.. s0 shi0k...thenn i thinkk g0nna rest real s0on... maybe 1am? l0ls... takkire all... ((x

*. ..:
every nite ii pray... pray tat ii've euu here s0medae :.. .*

~ { 11:55 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, December 08, 2005

[[ - game dae 2 -]]
hahas... ii think ii am addictedd t0 gamee... 0mg againn... shitties... O.o ytd c0usin slp in my hse... s0 t0daee we g0 play game again..wakakakas.. afterr tt eat.. thenn g0 0rchardd c0s he is g0ing t0 t0a pay0h andd me and br0 are g0ingg backkies h0mee.. thenn we g0 far east takee taxi backkiess... urm...tmrr g0ingg t0 watch m0viee andd b0wlingg withh my c0usinns... w0ah w0ah.. i am addicted t0 my c0usinns le... thanks t0 s0meonee 0ut theree... i thinkk tmrr de p0sts will be nicerr huhs? ii g0 watchh the dancedance sh0ww lia0..tatas...!!! ((x

* -- ii may n0t n0e wat lOve is . iimay not show it t0 euu but ii felt that euu knew - ]]

~ { 9:28 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

*-- game daee ]]
urm... t0daee is a... s0 called b0ring / fun dae? hahas... 12.30 wake up... bec0z my c0usinn called me!! wake me up...shit euu... hahas!! he sae he wan t0 c0me my h0usee.. c0mee l0rr... thenn he c0me... we g0 club play.... game!! we t0ok 5 hrs t0 play and then g0 eat.. is 9pm.. s0 we watchh the dance dance sh0w... is time t0 g0 h0mee... 0n the way h0mee... we went t0 ess0... btw.. is my dad wh0 drivee us...wakakakas... reached h0mee... 11.3o... bathh... 11.44pm.. n0w n0w...writing thiss preci0us bl0ggiess... l0ls... thinkk tmrr will be a b0redd daee... ppl wh0 aree b0redd... plz... please!! findd me... hehe...

*-- ii w0nt livee for euu, but i will livee with euu . - ]]

~ { 11:39 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

*-- b0red-dati0n ___
wadd a title... hahas... i am b0redd s0 i g0nna use a red red ink t0 writee... urm... t0daee actually cann slp till veri latee... but !! my m0m wakes me up andd call me t0 eat... 12.3opm... wad the.. afterr eat... guess wad.. i went backk t0 slp... 0pPs... =x hahas... fr0m 2 t0 5.3opm.. 0hmyg0shh... wake upp watchh the xia0 zhu's sh0w... i g0t a seri0us headache.. help me!! arrhh.... pain pain pain... any0ne g0t s0luti0ns? maybe ii am thinking t0o muchh... g0shh... bishh* fainted* o.O g0Od..watchh teevee bahh... tmrr is a new daee..h0pe ii cann get the thingy f0r euu... hahas.. takkiree... =]

0hmyg0dd...i saw starrs fr0m my h0use's balc0ny...wakakas... s0 nicee... m0re than 10 i guess... hehes... just saw tt... urm... enj0yingg... =]

[[ - now let the dae just slipp away s0 the darkk nitee may watchh 0ver euu -- *

~ { 8:59 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, December 05, 2005

[[ - bla bla daee ___
urm... t0daee wake up at 1.3opm...thenn wake up eat... while eatingg thenn see jay's c0ncert vcd... veri nicee... watchingg him sing.... dancee... s0 c0ol.. ii h0pee ii am tat popular... hahas... thenn sms r0t l0r... 4 smthh went 0ut... meet herr..talk talk talkk... thenn is timee t0 g0 h0me...0hmyg0d... i am a useless guy...

finallii... i havee givee her the thingy which i preparee l0ngl0ngl0ng timee ag0..hahas... s0 gladd... urm..h0pe euu like it... finally... pheww....

[[ - tell me euu l0vee me... if euu realli d0... i am... iireallid0... switDreams... ____

~ { 9:11 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, December 04, 2005

* -- 21th bdae ___
urm...t0daee is my c0usinn 21th bdaee.. a bigg bdae...hahas... meetingg my c0usinn afterrr i went t0 0rchardd t0 supp0rt 0ur sch c0ncert bandd.. urm... meet my br0 at 0rchardd..thenn g0 d0ver meet my c0usinn... thenn g0 whitesandd meet my c0usin..hahas.. s0 mani c0usin...thenn g0 d0wnt0wn east meet my 21th bdae de c0usin..hhax...happi bdae!! buffet timee...ahhahas... t0daee g0t starr awardd... we were sh0uting here and theree.... guessingg wh0 will gett wad award.. hehes...

0h no...by the timee... my c0usinn's friend de hp l0see.. 0hmyg0d..watt a suay daee she has.. haiiy0... ='( s0on laterr... is 11 smthh... g0 backk h0me... h0mee....swit....h0me... hahas... thenn n0w sittingg heree typingg this bl0ggiess... hehees...

actually wheri disapp0inted l0rr....euu cant make it... haii... s0 ... t0o badd!! maybe ii d0n havee the fatee? urm.... l0ls... thenn... nvm bahh!!euu happi ii happi... =)

[[ - kn0wingg euu is thee m0st beautiful tat happen in my life... ((x ____

~ { 11:55 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Saturday, December 03, 2005

..: such a b0ring dae indeed :..
haii...is realli a b0red dae f0r me... zZzzz... 12 pm went 0ut 0f h0usee... went t0 0rchardd..watchh the bannd perf0rm...thenn after tat talk t0 raimi...then lydia..talk talk talk...awhile laterr then went 0ff.. g0 t0 lucky plaza... buy Mc andd eat al0nee...l0ls.. thenn g0 clake quay walk walk....is veri de h0t...cant tahann...g0 l0ok see l0ok see...thenn afterr tat g0 toa pay0h findd my c0usins... thenn at the sh0p talk talk talk... thenn went h0mee.... 0n the way..i saww "sn0w " at tanglin mall..is s0ap lai de.but nice la.. hahas... thenn g0 h0me eat steam b0at l0rr... n0w talking t0 eunicee andd red l0bsterr...hahas... tmrr g0ing t0 chalet...w0w... hehe... is just a c0usin's 21th birthdae.... hehee... c0usins gathering la... tatas...

* h0ld me tight... i'm g0ing t0 fall... ___

~ { 10:04 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Friday, December 02, 2005

69 b0red!!!! 69
b0redd t0 death... please help me!!!! zzz

~ { 9:47 PM }
reflections of you and me;

[[ - wh0le week at k0rea -]]
dun0 why my bl0g s0rt s0rt de... cant write the date... s0 i write here bahh.

sun 27-11-o5

m0rining wake up ...s0 nicee t0 slp...hehee... then 0f c0ursee wash up andd thenn g0 makan breakfast... we r g0ing t0 Everlandd!! reached thereee... veri c0ld leii...wakakaas....wheri sm0ky.. l0ls... veri cl0udy bec0z we at the t0p of the m0untain..i want t0 c0mplain l0rr... we g0t n0 timee t0 play 0ur 0wn l0rr...f0ko m0mo... 0pPs. =x they bring us g0 0nly 4 games... 2pid de...they g0 backk t0 bus..mani ppl c0mplain...hahahs... afterr tat all the bitter facee went t0 " d0ng da men " thee sh0pping centree at the east 0f k0rea..! then sh0p sho0p sh0p .. nth t0 sh0p 0nee.. eekk ..... all winter wear...nth t0 d0 s0 we went t0 ginseng hse t0 eat ginseng chickenn...wakakaka... tmrr we g0ing t0 l0tte w0rld!! wakakaa... tatas..

m0n 28-11-05

typical m0rning... g0 t0 the place where presiden livee... actually insidee nth t0 see... waste my timee...Zzz.. afterr tt we went ginseng hse... t0 see..n0t t0 eat.. l0ls..my m0m b0ught al0t ...euu kn0w y? bec0z she wan us t0 n0se bleed!! w0ah... jk jk... we r g0ing t0 fashi0n street... yeah...but h0rr.. there all winter wear..but i b0ught a pant ma0 mao de... time g0es... we all went t0 l0tte w0rld...wakakakas~ inside quite big but als0 c0nsider small la... s0 little thing t0 place...but s0 big..1st.. i g0 play the tall tall z0om d0wn 0ne..g0t waterr...thenn g0 the illusi0n placee... l0usy... my head g0ng g0ng lia0...thenn g0 a ridee inside a galaxy..w0ah..nice..sit twice..wkakakaas.. [ me br0 mathais tabithaa ] t0ok them all!the f4 again...0Pps... afterr tat g0 haunted hse...n0t scary de... lan peii... sit 0n the chair...heard the headph0ne...listenn they talk d0n kn0w wad..cant understandd... l0ls..afterr the l0usy p0rk things... we went t0 the pirate shipp.. is n0t the n0rmal de.. is 75 degree de...scary...waakaks... s0 high.. i was cryingg... 0nly 4 hrs at l0tte w0rld..but quite nice la...play till 10pm... didnt manage t0 buy things f0r 0ther ppl... ps h0rr... 0nly s0me l0ng l0ng pencil...tmrr is the last daee andd isfree and easy dae.. tat mean we can g0 sh0pping..hehe... but my fans is g0ing h0me..hahas..s0bbing... but still can meet in sg wadd... duhh..2 m0re daes and i will be backks... lalalala.... takkiree!!

tues 29-11-o5

w0ah w0ah w0ah....!!! 17 ppl 0f the t0ur left.. 0nly 24 stayy... t0dae is thee free and easy dae... 10 am wake up... can slp laterr...l0ls.. 11am mmeet the family 0f 11...big ya? then we eat mc d0nald... k0rea's mc is cheaper thann sg...l0ls..thenn we went t0 "nan da men" last 2 dae we went "d0ng" de..this time g0 ' nan' b0ught a jacket tt is nicee.. f0r winterr de but i still buy...haha... wh0 cares.. at 5pm we take taxi t0 " Itaew0n " a veri veri l0ngg streeets tt sell al0t 0f thingy... we walk walk walk eat eat eat....eat KFC yummy yummy... l0ls.b0ught a sh0ee... veri nicee!waaakakas... b0ught ch0colate... talk g0 sm0ke 0ne..c0ld h0rr? at 8pm we t00ok taxi backk t0 h0tel..n0w! i am sticking sticker 0n my hp...hehee.. while eatingg maggie me... andd writinng this... s0rry h0rr..i am a multi tasker...hehe... tmrr last daee...11pm must g0 airp0rt le... fr0m 1st dec t0 dun0 when i am b0oked.. s0 plz b0ooked me be4 hand... l0ls.. meeting my peeps real s0on... enj0y...keke..

[[ - i've left my heart with YOUand i'll wait until the daywhen YOU turn back. - ]]

[[ - cause i really lurve YOU. i really do.and if YOU missed ME -tell ME - ]]

~ { 9:02 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, December 01, 2005

]]- 2nd dae " xue ye shan " - ]]
m0rning wake up , pack my bag and thenn g0 d0wn t0 makan breakfast... guess where we are g0ing t0daee!? " xue ye shann" !! ice m0untain ii guess...hahas... but t0o badd, there iss n0 sn0w... haii y0... !! after we reached, we need t0 takee cable carr up the m0untain... cann euu imaginee we t0ok a cable carr up a m0untain!! wakakaa.. and the place is damn damn wheri nicee...i will p0st the ph0to once rdy.. w0ah...is wheri high and nicee... thenn 0f c0urse must take calbe car d0wn la... then we g0t d0wn...went t0 a temple... s0 ulu... s0 quiet...EEK!! ~` nth t0 do,pick s0me maple leavee...red red de.. kawaii... after tat t0ok bus t0 0ur h0tel... by the timee we reached is abt 3.55pm le... i realised smth... g0t a pri 2 girll and a pri 5 b0y keep wanting t0 sit with me in the bus... thee gurl s0 cutee... called " tabitha" s0 uniquee...haha... theyy keep calling w0ody g0r g0r... s0 shi0k...haha... =x when we reached...i quickly put d0wn and settled my stuff andd run d0wn tgt with the 2 kids t0 the ski-ing placee.. thee ice is artificial de la.. zzz... l0usy p0rk...hahax... thenn i make a huge sn0w man...wakakaka... make make make and is alm0st dinner time... guess wadd we ate? STEAMB0AT again...ZZzz!! f0r 2 daes.. eek.. nice la...but quite siann 0f it...

backk t0 h0tel..g0 supermart .. b0th the 2 kids f0llow us leii...l0ls... am i an id0l 0r am idi0t t0 them?hahas... then g0 play arcade... f0r a l0ng timee till we g0 backk and sh0wer and 0rh 0rh l0rr...n0w is 11.3opm.. tmrr we g0ing t0 ski...w0ah.. gtg lia0...takkire t0 all... ((x

]]- things tt r y0urs r always y0urs -- ]]

~ { 12:23 AM }
reflections of you and me;