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Tuesday, January 31, 2006

-- all t0 my h0usee ]]
hoh0hoh0o...t0daee is 0ur h0use turnn...all plz c0mee... m0rnin wake up...thenn all my c0usiins c0mee lia0.. is li0n dancee tiime!! every0nee wwent d0wnn andd watchh...wah..s0 nicee... andd is my c0usiin's de li0n dancee grp..he is 0ne 0f themm t0o..but t0daee nv play..startiin with drag0n...they play play play ...andd is s0 so0 nicee.. thenn f0lo by the li0n... eight imm0rtals cr0ss 0ver the sea style..hahas... thenn they play play play fr0m 2pl t0 4.3o pm..wah..they n0t tiredd ii als0 tired ar..thenn b0th li0n went t0 my h0use perf0rm...hehe...afterr tat ii leavee h0mee andd went straight t0 munzii h0usee...

reachhed her h0usee...just nicee ii saw them..thenn walk insidee ... insidee.. saw eunicee slpiin.. lays watchiin tv...thenn gary me hadii andd ivan play cardd till 6 whenn we all g0 t0 lays h0use by taxi... lalalalaa

reachh huh...happii new yr t0 theirr parents 1st...thenn s0 fast..can eat lia0.. den we ate steamb0at ... hAha... l0ts of luffin n crappin ~ ... peskii gary was like mAD...... VERii ... *details l0st* den went tuh lays r0om and started gambling ... hahax... thenn ii start t0 play with the sw0rd 0n the table..hehe...l0st abit 0nlii la.. fun jiu ha0...hehe...thenn is abt 10pm and we all g0 h0mee lia0...takee taxi h0mee..tmr g0t sch...0h 0h... Hhaas... wait t0 sat! lets r0ckk...g0!

-- everytimee ii see euu... ii will feel the 0ld same way -- o6*

~ { 11:04 PM }
reflections of you and me;

'||[ 2nd daee ]||"
2ndd daee...is c0usiin visit daee.. me andd my br0 wake up at 10am...gettiin rdy andd g0 0ut..m0m and dad d0n feel like g0iin 0ut s0 we 2 g0 0urr self...reachh my 2 sis c0usiins h0usee at 11.3o.. theree is the 1st st0pp.. eat bee h0on... thenn watchh jay ch0uu's dvd.. [ hu0 yuan jia ]sl0wly sl0wly alm0st all my c0usiins c0mee.. they eat and talkk... thenn all the childreenn talkk andd watchh teevee... is abt 5 smthh ..thenn we g0 my 3rd ah gu h0usee.. g0 theree eat talkk play...thenn 6 lia0...is abt timee we g0 westmall watchh ii n0t 2pid ... wah...8 ppl g0 watchh...2 taxiis...then we n0 taxii l0rr! 2pidd...thenn 6.3o pm thenn g0t 0nee..reachhed there...s0 manii ppl !! wahh...siiann...f0ko..thenn watchh the 9.45pm de...buy lia0 ,g0 eat mC... afterr eat...we talk abt gh0sts...Hahas... thenn went t0 westmall de arcadee... see my c0usiin play para para..wah... feel likee dancii and try.. ii trried.... Hahs.. is s0 difficult.. feel likee tryiin next timee..thenn is timee t0 g0 in... let g0!
we 8 pers0nn sit the 1st r0w...0mgg... the neck s0 stress..Hahas..is s0 lamee andd t0uchiin.. m0st ppl cryy... ii makee a v0w... ii nv had a tearr dr0pped* afterr watchhin is abt 11.3o lia0...wah..s0 latee...all g0 h0mee lia0 andd tmee they aree c0miing t0 my h0usee!! g0t li0n dancee..Hahs... me and br0 take mrt and bus h0mee..walkedd t0 dark alley andd reachhed h0mee ..12.3o..h0hoh0o0..tmrr is a fun fun fun daee...hehes...

hey dudee..my m0m is a gurl wh0 d0n listeenn 1st andd start t0 sc0ld ppl tat typee...ii rec0mmandd every parent... YA...EVERY PARENT t0 g0 watchh ii n0t 2pid .. just saee ii will be g0iin 0ut tmrr aftrerr my h0usee settled.. andd shee started t0 talk rubbishh.. andd ii rmb telling herr 2 daes in advancee... and she saee " GOT MEH!!?? " f0ko mom0... she g0t smth wr00ng ii guess... andd shee wanna findd fault withh me... ya ritee.. ii am wr0ngg...bishh**

_.::[" iif ii havee a chancee t0 g0 backk t0 thee past , ii will c0nsiderr... reallii "]::._

~ { 12:51 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, January 30, 2006

[[ - 1st dae 0f CNY ]] -
arhh...just finiish my sk 2 mask..hehe... ii d0 mask g0t reas0nn de.. c0zz ii was l0okiin int0 the mirr0rr when ii sae my face g0t blackheadd..thenn ii squeezeeee it.. thenn my facee verii paiin...thenn just nicee ii saw the sk 2 mask thenn ii ask my m0m whetherr can usee...thenn ii usee... n0w is likee puddiin... h0hoh0ho0..
11.3o wake up...by my dad and mum.. thenn ii went t0 bath... thenn suddenlyy ii heard g0t ppl in the hse... 0mg!! is my aunt andd uncles.. zz... s0 early c0mee liia0.. 2pid... afterr ii bath ii quickly run t0 my r0om... waiit my haiir t0 dry...style lia0 thenn g0 0ut...hahass...takke ang pa0 ...hahas... thenn sae happi new yr t0 m0m dad and ah ma als0.. thenn ang ba0 in handd... afterr tat we went 0ut... went t0 pray..
after pray..went t0 my ah ma h0usee...takee al0t 0f ang ba0o... w0ahH! takke t0 my c0usiins..afterr tat we b0red lia0..we went t0 t0a pay0h central t0 walk... g0 arcade... thenn mCd0nald eat icecream... hhoh0ho0...thenn g0 backk t0 ah ma h0usee..
ah ya..my fatherr called... time t0 g0 h0me.. is abt 6 plus l0rr... ass.. s0 early.. n0t funn 0nee... zzz...realli went h0mee!! shit... waitt f0rr the diinerr c0oked by my fatherr.. h0hoh0o...t0daee realli end s0 early andd fast..
tmrr g0iin t0 c0usiins h0use visit..g0 5 h0uses ..hoh0hoh0... tmrr is g0nna be a fun fun fun daee...hehee... happi CNY..

-- [[
maybe if ii let g0 n0w , ii will get m0ree thann wadd ii wan.. maybee ]] --

~ { 12:16 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, January 29, 2006

..:: chi new year eve ~!! ::.
w0ah...s0 tired ytd...luckily t0daee is sat..can slp lateee...12.30pm wake up... ii was like a pig...dun wan t0 wake up...hoh0hoh0..thenn eat fried ricee...thenn l0g int0 msn..thenn bef0ree ii g0 bathh.. ii g0t a sensee that s0me0ne will 0nlinee bef0ree ii g0...just nicee bef0ree ii g0 bath... j0ey l0g in.. thenn ii talk lia0..nv bath.. =x.. ps h0rr... thenn chat chat chat...is reuni0n dinner timee!!
eat steamb0at cum bbq...w0ah! s0 full.. ii actuallii help my family t0 bbq...g0od ritee.. and the steam b0at, ii keep eatiing..then my fatherr take wiine 0ut.. we cheers and drink.. bef0ree ii leavee the dinning table, ii finish up my glass andd guess wad!! my face is red.. zzz .. hahaass..
afterr red-iin... ii g0t backk t0 the teevee andd watchh l0rr...thenn talk in the msn till n0w...watch the c0unt d0wnn 0n chann 8... s0 funnii andd nicee..hahas... watch till 1am... half watch half msn half sms...
tmrr can get ang ba0 lia0! yay!!let guess this yr ii will get h0w muxh...hahas..can wear new shirt tmrr lia0! yay!!!! be c0ol be nicee.. be.... jay chou!! Hahahss...d0n feel like slpingg..c0z is chinese new yearr... ii guess al0t 0f ppl als0 bahh.. Happi Chinese New Yearr!! takkiree....angba0...heree ii c0mee!!!

..:: whenn 2 s0uls beieve , their l0ve is f0reverr.. the daee whenn we l0vee each 0ther marks the begiinin 0f a j0urney thr0ugh timee.. a j0urney b0rn 0f 2 hearts ::..

~ { 1:32 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Friday, January 27, 2006

new yr eve's eve
h0hho0h0... less0n till 11.15am.. happy new yr t0 han weii arr.. haiir kana cut by mr k0h.. l0lls.. let n0t talk abt him..11.15am every0nee gatherr insidee the hall f0rr thee celebrati0nn f0r new yearr..g0t li0nn dancee.. malay indiann dancee.. thenn al0t al0t..till 12.. thenn mrs b0riin [ principal ] c0mes... ask us t0 d0 wad reflectii0n. till 1 pm l0rr... shiit..

afterr tat... candii hadii des chang fang xin irni me went t0 t0wnn..but me and candii and hadii g0 0rchard while the rest g0 bugiss...we reachh far east.. thenn kandii g0 cut haiir ..me hadii g0 driink smthh.. thenn afterr she cut finish, she c0mplained... Hahas... sae n0t nicee.. is the fr0nt t0 sh0rt le.. n0t n0t nicee...thenn afterr tat we g0 nana thaii eat... thenn eat eat eat... after tat g0 bugiss...

reachedd * 1st place iss t0 g0 t0 the t0ilet... thennn saw the machinee at the arcadee... ii play 1 timee..t0 win the ph0nee..but din managee t0 get 0f c0ursee..hahas.. me and hadii wanna g0 next sat... l0lls.. g0 chii0ng the machinee.. hehe..thenn g0 buy my ph0nee..yay... ii b0ught a ph0nee... VS2 ... f0rr nicee 0nlli ba..Hahas... all went h0mee...then ii realiseed tat my b0x inside d0n havee the cable f0rr pc... thenn ii head by t0 bugis fr0mm my hse agaiin..andd it is 7.3opm... haii..0f c0ursee 0nee pers0nn n0rr..thenn reached there..2pid l0rr..the pers0nn sae new packagee d0n hav include the cablee... ass.. waste my timee g0 there and backk... s0mem0ree siiann... nvmnvm..

s0metimes realli hate tat...if d0n wan t0 sae thenn d0n sae..n0 nid t0 givv excuses... s0rri if ii sae it wr0nggly... just saee euu cant sae... d0n make a wh0le l0t 0f st0ry just t0 c0verr the truth... ii am sick 0f it..

s0metiimes realli wish ii cann sae s0rri t0 every pers0nn ii kn0w... dun0 whyy... wishh t0..s0 if euu happenn t0 peep at my bll0ggies... just wanna saee [[ ii am s0rri ]]

..:: s0methingg will last f0reverr... andd tats euu andd miie ::...
..:: if ii had the chancee t0 ch0ose agaiin.. ii will try t0 l0vee euu agaiin...::..

~ { 11:02 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, January 26, 2006

..:: b0rinn ::..
b0rrin b0rriin b0riin... this m0rnnii singg wad new yr s0nggs ...preparee f0rr tmrr de celebrati0nn...b0ringg!! afterr schh... me hadii went just 0utsidee 0ur class the table there t0 d0 0ur eng w0rk...hand in by t0daee.. andd w0n andd candii j0in us... f0lo by nirza andd mus... and we talk talk play play laugh laughh... thenn g0t 2pid ppl wan t0 fight...thenn we see the sc andd tchers help here and there...bla bla bla..all the n0nsensee.... thennn me hadi and candii g0 kenny buy tibits.. ii buy al0t..tmee can eat!h0oh0ho0... hadi als0 buy.... hahs..thenn g0 jp de m0s burger...suddenly they change theirr mindd and we g0 KFC... afterr we g0 iin.. n00ne wan t0 eat l0rr...zzz...thenn 10mins laterr we went 0ut andd g0 m0s burger t0 takeaway..n0nsensee ritee... thenn cahndii inr0 me a burgerr... quite nice la.. thenn all went h0mee...say0nara guys...thenn 0ne pers0n take mrt andd buss h0mee...l0nely ..Hahas... xin guan lia0 larr... reach h0mee..pack my stuff...new yr c0mingg... ang pa0 c0mingg.. bank's m0ney g0es up... smiling face everywhere... bla bla bla...

...::: s0metimees ii reallii wishh ii c0uld saee s0rrii t0 every0nee... s0rrii - ]]

~ { 11:18 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

[[ - any0nee can helpp - ]]
t0daee is a 2pid fcuky assies daee.... sch till 3.4o.. thenn 4 t0 5pm g0t chem practical...thenn 5pm helpp my class dec0... dun0 wad ii d0iin als0..g0t bluee tackk...then thr0w heree andd theree l0rr.. thenn... went h0mme with al0t 0f ppl... mrt... thenn ...aiyA.. dun00 la... 2pid dae... dun0 why ii feel s0 difficult t0 breath t0daee...even n0w...dun0 la.. tmrr g0t badmint0nn c0mpetiti0nnn... h0pee t0 get 5-0 bahh.. h0pee s0...g0 peeps!!

[[ - the cl0serr euu aree t0 me... thee m0ree paiin euu will get... thiss is n0t a gamee..but a t0rturee placee... it seems bright 0utsidee but actuallii insidee is c0ld andd darrk ...- ]]

You forgive me for liking you too much,And I'll forgive you for not liking me enough.
You forgive me for missing you so,And I'll forgive you for being so cold.
You forgive me for the loud racing of my heart,And I'll forgive you for not hearing it.
You forgive me for playing your games,And I'll forgive you for toying with my emotions.
You forgive me for finding you so attractive,And I'll forgive you for not noticing.
You forgive me for raising you up so high,And I'll forgive you for bringing me down so low.
You forgive me for wanting to be with you,And I'll forgive you for avoiding me.
You forgive me for being so pathetic,And I'll forgive you for taking advantage of it.
You forgive me for not being able to let go,And I'll forgive you for never having latched on.
You forgive me for having hopes and dreams,And I'll forgive you for crushing them.
Forgiveness brings inner peace.Do we have a deal?

~ { 10:31 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, January 23, 2006

tw03-0ne-20osiix // cum // 2tw0-0nee-20osixx

hehee... let me writee the bl0ggies f0rr sundaee... me,chang,eunicee,k0hweii,munzii,lays went 0ut... t0 t0a pay0h de k b0xies... b4 tt , we went to mac n eat... we are 4ever crappin ... hAhax... den reach k b0x... had great time luffin , singin , takin ph0t0s... hAhax... crappies ... den sing until 7 ... den went tuh far east... den took ne0s... haahx..is s0 s0 h0t inside andd t0daee my ph0t0 realli sux like hell... ii thinkk ii nid a smiling c0ursee...euniceee tann... my c0ursee start fr0m tmrr h0rr...Hahs... fun fun fun... l0ng timee nv g0 0ut lia0...it is like the 1st timee sincee ag0... h0hoh0... m0re t0 c0me.. ii am suree...

- 23-0ne-20osiix

t0daee is a b0ring b0ring daee...2pid PE... run run run... make me sweat lia0 hell... l0usy... thenn chemm...thenn recess.. wah mann..recess 0nlli g0t 20min l0rr..thenn tcher tallk talk talk release late thenn left 15min... Q-up thenn where g0t timee eat... ass sch..1 m0re yr!! g0 w0odii andd all!! kampateii!! bleaa... emaths...me and kim keep d0ingg the qns... like we pr0 like tat..Hahas... phy...cant even hear himm... fail lia0 larr!! me and kim keep saeingg.... and this time ii thinkk 0ur phy is a d0om... eng.. ii slp... nth t0 d0... tmrr is a b0ringg daee t0o!!! g0od lucky t0 thee B divisi0n gurll! g0 lays..Hahas... g0g0g0!! winn.. andd kampateii t0 me 0n wed...h0hoh0...

..:: s0rri.. didn't kn0w tat my exsistence make euu upset... s0rrix ::..
..:: maybee 0nee dae with0ut me... euu will be d0iin finee.. s0rrix ::..

~ { 10:31 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

[[ # stickers ::..
urm..t0dae the things at sch is just the same... afterr sch...me eunice qian andd hadi went t0 jp t0 buy s0me stuffs... pens... bla bla bla.. andd we b0ught......stickers!! wakakas... tmrr can put 0n the handb0ok lia0... hehes...after tat g0 back sch t0 find lays...thenn g0 h0me tgt... the b0ard up the bus 1st.. c0z is full ...andd ii waited and waited and waited and finallii the 3rd bus c0mes andd ii b0ard l0rr.. ii'm late.... 0Pps... 0n the bus we talk... hadi n0ella larry and me... hahas.. we t0king n0nsensee... andd meet eunicee and lays at the bus st0p there andd g0 h0me! 0n the way... je..theyy alight... ii went d0ver...went h0mee...tuti0n.. msn... teebee... n0nsense-iin... nth t0 d0... 11pm.. is timee t0 slp..tmrr g0t pe! yay!!

cant wait till sat... cutting my new hairr style... h0pee the hairstylist d0n sae ii n0t suitable c0z ii am cutting n0 matter wad... d0n p0ur c0ld blanket 0n me.. is c0ld... w0hoh0h0o0....

# - nth iis m0ree thann a trust... n0thingg... *

~ { 10:49 PM }
reflections of you and me;

[[ - haii - ]]
wad the hell... ii d0n understandd wads the meaningg 0f yr reacti0nn l0rr.. andd its verii hurtingg f0r me.. ii dun0 whetherr ii have mistakenn euu but the reactii0n euu gave is realli verii hurtin... bec0z 0f s0me0ne andd euu givee me this kiind 0f [[ present ]] ? thanks mann... ii realli d0n understandd.. and ii d0n wan t0 talk abt it anym0ree...haii... 4 yr is wastedd....

ahem... t0daee is the last dae 0f the dae campp andd is kinnda sad andd em0ti0nal bahh... after all. ii learnt al0t fr0m them... l0ve,trust,c0nfident,skill all th0see ... we b0ught al0t 0f snack g0 eat... like trix,h0ney starr blax blax blax.ice cream t0o..hahas.. and mc d0nald andd pizza ... l0lls..t0o full...and we went backk f0r the cl0sing cerem0ny... c0ol ...
andd everytimee mr ernest w0ng sae abt father 0r family... tears is c0miin 0ut fr0m my eye... but ii h0ld it backk.. ii felt that ii always neglect them... wad he sae is true..sh0uld havee called my parents t0 c0me t0daee andd ii can hug them just n0w... siann... t0daee is a verii verii verii em0ti0nall daee... l0ngg timee nv cry lia0... hahas... t0daee.. cl0sing cerem0ny... is was abt his fatherr.. he hate his fatherr... his father died... he tell us t0 takkire 0f themm whenn they r still alivee... treasuree them... l0vee themm... d0te themm... till the last breath 0f them... ii agreed... t0tally... n0 matter where we r... we aree still under the same sky... ii cried... whenn ii saw ppl huggingg their parents just n0w.. ii alm0st criedd... ii turnn t0 ivan and tell him ii will cry if ii see themm hugging.. ii tried.. ii turn and l0ok..with0ut a sec... ii criedd... dun0 why... s0 ii keep facing the b0oks in the h0usee... d0n dare t0 l0ok at 0thers.. wad euu sae is right... treasuree whenn they r still alive... l0ve themm... till the last dae c0mes... and nv regret ...

..:: wad euu d0 realli hurts me... al0t... ::...

~ { 12:02 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, January 16, 2006

[[ - ernest instruct0rr makes ppl cry # ]]
haii...fr0m 9am t0 9pm keep listeningg t0 the instruct0rs talkingg... ernest w0ng..0ne 0f the iinstruct0rr..make ppl cry t0daee... n0t 0ne.. is m0re thann tenn..is g0od 0r badd?? ii feel is badd... c0z s0me 0f themm is em0ti0nall s0 if he ask smth sentitivee thenn... is n0t verii g0od.. " wh0se parent die alrdy " " wh0 hates their family " .. is this a pr0per qn t0 ask?? al0t cry... he sharee abt the givinn birth pr0cess 0f his wifee... issit veri badd t0 make ppl cry?? 0r is bec0z his w0rds is t0o p0werful ? ar...d0n wan t0 talkk abt this... lets see wad happen tmrr... he wan us t0 write an essay 0f 2pages andd 2o v0cab..s0rt de...

t0dae dinnerr eat p0tat0 chiip0...me andd hadii buy al0t..thenn all sharee andd eat..tmrr we g0ing t0 eat all the cereals...like h0neystarr and trix...wakakas... and andd.. g0t ice cream!! and and ...miss sim is g0ingg t0 buy pizza... wakakaks...yay!! takkire w0rr...

[[ - wadd we d0 is wad we thinkk 0r wad we thinkk is wad we d0 ?? # --

~ { 12:31 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, January 15, 2006

[[ - dae camp0 - ]]
phew.. luckily t0dae hadii call me at 7.45am... c0z ii g0t a dae camp at sch at 8.3oam... left least thenn 1hr...cann ii make it? 0f c0ursee!! ii make it andd reach sch at 8.3o.. but wait f0r hadii t0 c0me...but all nv late at last..
went in...saw the c0ordinat0r... w0w..it was s0 lamee andd funnii...andd we spent 12 hr insidee the mrl.. but g0t break 0f c0ursee.. tmrr is als0 a l0ng daee but we all preparee lia0..bringing snacks andd sweets and ch0c0 t0 sch!! wakakas... tmrr thenn talk... hahas... fun but yet tired dae...takkire..

..:: is n0t the matter 0f waiting but is the matter 0f an ans ::...

~ { 12:07 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, January 12, 2006

[[ # siann --
arh...s0lved.. case cl0sed... l0lls... t0dae is a b0ringg yet funni dae.. me and kim keep laughing..dun0 why... like sia0 ppl like thaat... laugh better thann angry..s0 laugh bah..wakakas... tmrr g0ing t0 play d0ta..wakaks.. yay!! l0ng timee nv play le...g0go0! tmrr is a b0ring dae... 2 peri0ds 0f ss... must well die... g0 and diee..

...:: tiredd tiredd tiredd ::...

~ { 10:50 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

..:: tiredd ::..
tired !! schh tmee!! w0ahh!

~ { 10:43 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, January 09, 2006

...:: sickk daee ::...
arhh.. t0daee iis a sickk daee l0rr... all my friends all sickk..include 0utside de... afterr sch .. meet rebecca.. g0 see d0c.. sickk agaiin.. 2pidd.. all ppl sickk.. suay mann... tmrr n0 schh w0rr.. s0 g0od... if everydaee like tat thenn fun lia0...s0b s0b s0b.. suddenly feeliin d0wn agaiin... shagg..dun0 why.. arr..tmrr g0 0ut... g0 squezee pimplee lia0...zzz ... buaibuaii

~`·!¦[[ neverr expect everythingg t0 happen s0 fast... ]]¦!·`~

~ { 10:42 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, January 08, 2006

..:: raiinin daee ::...
arghh..shagg.. supp0see t0 meet s0me0ne but!! nv g0..why neii... bec0z 0f the raiin... 2pid.. raiin f0r 2 daes lia0 andd n0w finally st0pped... pigg... n0 fate n0 fate ..cant blame mann... l0lls.. s0 s0rri abt that... psps...

5pm g0 0ut with family... raiinin alth0ugh...but g0t car mah... g0 chinaa t0wn eat.. g0 check my eyes... 75 degrees 0nlii!! wakaks.. thenn b0ught a piink sunglass... c0oll... h0h0hoh0o... afterr tat g0 eat.. eat lia0 g0 a cafee drinkk... relax mahh.. s0 rush f0rr wad..l0lls..

went h0mee... thenn g0 gym exercisee... 1 2 3 ... l0lls.. nice nicee.. eek...tmrr sch.. sux man... nvm nvm... afterr schh g0t pr0gramme...wakkaaks.. tatas!!

..:: if euu miss a g0od chancee , d0n regret it , euu can 0nly blame yrself f0rr beiing sl0w.. ::..

~ { 11:04 PM }
reflections of you and me;

..:: gaming daee ::..
wAhh... t0daee g0 gek p0h play gamee till 7.. g0t hadi ivan des me haziq h0uyu gerald xi0ng jiee.. s0 funn!! thenn afterr tat play till 7..g0 eat... till 8pm..thenn guess wadd...ii went t0 des hse t0 play agaiin!! l0lls.. addictedd lia0.. shiit lia0..thenn 1opm thenn g0 h0mee... shit.. s0 latee!! 0mgg..luckily mummy nv sc0ldd ...pheww..tmrr nth t0 d0...any0nee free?? t0k t0 mee!! wakakas...tatas

ii will nv f0rget the daee we spent t0daee..

~ { 12:18 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, January 05, 2006

# typicall daee !!
bishh* agaiin... same 0ld dae... s0mething 0nly happenn afterr sch..thiss 0ne is m0ree interestiin.. wakaks.. afterr sch.. actually is 3.4o release de..but we 2.3o g0 lia0..c0z n0 tcherr... thenn me bens0n w0n and hadii went t0 kfc f0r 0urr family feast!! w0oh00o0!! 0f c0ursee eat till shi0k shi0k but we realise it is raiinin 0utsidee.. 0mg..h0w t0 g0 bacckk t0 schh? raiinin mann... thenn 3 chi0ngg backk t0 sch... with0ut hesitati0n... but ii left themm al0ne..c0z ii d0n wann t0 get wet! is veri heavy l0rr..thenn ii al0nee wait f0r 30 min..thenn see the rainn is getting smaller thenn g0...wakakas.. but g0t rain larr... s0 2pid.. thenn went backk class... t0 helpp with the class b0ard.. thenn nth t0 d0.. ii play gamee with cy.. and eunicee.. everytimee ii win.. wh0 tell me is thee game kingg? 0Pps =x... is truee... king 0f game...wakakas.. see wh0 dare t0 play withh me tmrr! lalala... see tmrr g0t wadd nice nice thing t0 p0st.. g0 slp lia0.. tatas..

[[ - n0 trust is alm0st equal t0 n0thingg -]]

~ { 10:52 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

..:: l0usy dae at schh ::..
arr... l0usy feelingg at sch esp whenn ii am with the tchers ar0und thee hall.. n0nsensee ... the dm is g0ingg t0 cut andd catch hair againn... my hairr is sh0rt enuff 0kiee.. euu ass.. enuff is enuff... andd all the hw is c0mingg likee dun0 wadd... s0rt de... 2nd dae s0 much hw lia0.. crazyy...wh0 tell us sec 4... cant blamee.. n0nsensee ass ... l0usyy..tmrr g0ingg againnn... againn andd agaiin till 0ct!! bear with it man... g0gog0!!

g0 ... euu can make it thru..d0n sad lia0... ii n0e is sad f0r euu t0 kn0w the fact.. but.. 0ur class will always be 0nee tat is always behindd euu n0 matterr raiin 0r shinee! jia y0u! h0pee t0 see euu backk... takkiree...

...:: nv expect wadd euu expectedd ::...

~ { 10:31 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

[[ 1st daee in schh ''
h0hoh0h0o...1st step int0 the schh... feelingg the stress againn...1st pers0nn ii met is afrizal andd nirza.... cann see all the n0obiees facee th0se... sec 1 !! wakaks.. all cute cutee pigpiig 0nee... wakakass... hairr checkk... miss sim andd mr ne0 sae my hairr is d0ing veri well!! but mr chiam andd miss lim saee my hair iss l0ngg? sia0 de.. thiss is the sh0rtest in my sching life l0rr... d0n apperciate my hair cut.. den d0n see l0rr.. n0nsensee.. andd just a little bit 0f hairr c0ver the br0wns andd principal sae my hairr is l0ngg... ii cann just cut it at the sp0t de l0rr.. n0nsensee..ii thinkk tat theree is nth wr0ngg abt my hairr... wad euu all thinkk is wadd euu all think 0f me last timee... ass ass ass... bleax... as uasual... my class is the same as last timee..0nly abit 0f different ppl mixingg withh each 0thers... kinnda weirdd.... l0lls... s0rt de.. tmrr start ssch lia0.. 0mg0mg.. s0 fastt ... nv expect thatt t0 happenn... nvm... bear witth just 1 m0ree yr andd ii cann g0 lia0... bleax!! n0obiess... andd st0pp p0stingg my taggies euu ass... wh0 prank... ass h0lee... n0nsensee ppl d0 n0nsensee thingy... sh0o sho0!!

[[ - nv expect euu t0 start it 1st t0daee... is kindda sh0ckedd... - ]]

~ { 11:06 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, January 01, 2006

h0oh0oh0s ...slp till 12pm..thenn wake up eat lunch... thenn afterr eating... g0 backk andd slp againn... till..... 4 smth?hahas.... is rainingg 0utsidee... 0mgg..s0 c0ld... thenn nv g0 0ut t0dae c0z ii cant g0 0ut...wtf wtf wtf wtf... ass... siann....s0medaee s0meh0ww ii am g0ingg t0 c0mplain... ii'm suree f0r tat ... tmrr thinkk must d0 hw lia0... zz ... h0pee sch will nv re0pen...hahas... n0nsense... s0 tired... zzz.. g0 0rh 0rh lia00... takkiree...

...:: 1st dae 0f new year... slping at h0me r0tting at h0mee ::...

~ { 11:08 PM }
reflections of you and me;

...:: wadd a daee!! ::...
..:: 31/12/20o5 ::..

w0ahh!! ivann just went h0mee...t0daee we nv slp... ii mean last nitee... lets start fr0m ytd bahh...

urmm... t0daee meet fangiess andd ah ya at 0rchardd... g0 walk walk 1st... walk walk walk... thenn 8 smth lia0... meet des all andd ivann andd hadi... we went t0 k p0ol t0 playy... thanks t0 kenji...we all went in...wakas... play quite al0t...thenn afterr tat went t0 parag0n meet my family andd andd br0 friendds... thenn c0unt d0wnn!![ des ivan fangies candy irni br0 eric cecilia xinyi ] we r t0tally madd... we spray runn chase ppl and spray..wakaks... s0 funn!!s0 l0ngg till 1.30AM... we g0 cine sit d0wnn c0z nth t0 d0.. hahas...thenn all went h0mee at 2 plus l0rr..
ivann went backk with me...

w0ahh...afterr reachh h0mee...we 2 play gamee... nv slp... likee g0ddies likee thiss.. thenn hungry... we c0ok maggie mee... wakakas... thenn drink eat talkk... afterr tat c0ntinuee 0ur gamee till t0daee 8am...wakaks.. nv slp la... 1st timee nv slp...wkakas.. thenn send him till the bus st0pp andd he went 0ff....

here ii need t0 thank euu all...w/o euu all there will n0t be a fun daee.. wakaks... likee la0da andd irnii th0see... l0lls... n0nsensee ppl ar0undd will havee n0nsensee j0kes ar0undd.. wee!! h0pee next yr de new yr will be better thann thiss!! lurveeya guys!! 0Pps =x
n0w ii g0 slp lia0...laterr wake up thenn see h0w...wakakas... takkiree andd happii new yr!!

[[ - is 0verr - ]]

~ { 8:28 AM }
reflections of you and me;