*-- shattered harrt ,, br0kenn pr0misee ]]
is reallii painful whetherr ii signn int0 msnn...each daee..muchh deeper... ii may n0t be 0nlinee this few daes ii guess... my harrt started t0 breakk each daee..andd ii dun0 ii can last h0w l0ngg.. thiss is wadd ii feel..haii..dun0 wad t0 c0mment als0... best thingg is t0 pretendd nth happenn...n0ee ii understandd..everythingg c0me t0o fast.. ii cant breath...ii cant help it...may the g0od 0nes havee g0od returns... ii may n0t helpp euu but ii am always theree... maybe the g0d wan us t0 facee al0t 0f pr0blems s0 tat 0ur relati0nshipp will last bahh..ii am n0t cryingg .. but my hart d0ess... this timee... n0t 0nlii my hartt is cryinn... my eyes can see waterr...deep waterrr..maybe ii just d0n understandd... d0n understandd at all!!!!!!!! ARGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
maybe ii nid m0ree timee t0 understandd everythingg bahhh...alth0ugh euu kn0w theree is smth badd happenin rite infr0nt..but euu still walk t0wards it...h0pee thiss paiin will n0t last t0o l0ngg.. ii cant helpp..s0rri...euu ch0ose it.. euu finish it... ii realli cant help this timee... maybe this is the last timee ii will askk... my hart had realli br0kenn int0 tiny pieces andd vanish int0 thin air andd will nv be f0undd agaiin... neverr everrr... ii am healin... n0 0nes kn0ww...euu may kn0ww..but euu cant help it...c0zz it's miie.... ya..it's miiee... IS MIEE!!!!!!all ii wan t0 d0 is d0nee...the rest is up t0 euu... ii am realli tired this timee...
evenn an ir0n will rust 0nee daee..why n0t me n0ww??ii am shatteredd.... truely shatteredd...
*-- shattered harrt ,, br0kenn pr0misee.. 0ne daee f0l0 by 0nee daee ...]]