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Tuesday, February 28, 2006

28-o2-06~ change my bl0g skin le..w0w...hehes.. let me write wad happen t0dae bahh..
rev-up.. run run... startin see eunice n0t feelin well le.. thenn c0ugh c0ugh c0ugh..running timee... see her like this h0rr...ask her t0 st0p bud she d0n wan ..cute l0rr....thenn nvm.. run run run..alm0st finish le..thenn suddenly eunicee dr0pp... ppig l0rr.. see see.. t0ld euu le..make ppl w0rri 0nlii..hahas..*bla bla bla* afterr finish runnin.. she went t0 sickbay.. is 1st 3 free peri0ds.. s0 ii went d0wn with hadi and kim t0 change shirt andd pass by the sick bay.. saw her... in difficulties..argh.cant help muxh acutallii... just a "takkire" and ii left..and was qn by miss f0ngg and miss sim..cute l0rr.. she is g0ing h0mee.. less0n as usual bahh... phy test... quite easy bud ii think ii will fail.. hahas..afterr sch..g0t phy practical...d0 d0 d0...and is abt 4.45pm..meet eunice tgt with lays.. send her back by taxi... take taxi t0 a place near her hse.. sit andd eat...hahas... ii and lays eat la...after eat..thenn went t0 eunice's h0use t0 d0 mny bl0g...this pretty pretty bl0g...stay there f0r a while..andd ii went h0mee.. went h0mee... tuti0n...finalli understandd everything abt phy..hahas..

s0metimee , ii realli hate t0 see smth tat is n0t supp0se t0 be theree... everything remind me abt the past... kinnda sad huhs..hahas.. 0r am ii 0ver-reacting.. ii dun0..h0pee everything is just as finee...

-- euu make me fall deeper andd deeper each daee [ iil0veeuu ] ]]

~ { 11:15 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, February 27, 2006

wah...s0 late thenn slp bec0z 0f the chem c0mm0n test andd it turn 0ut like this.. s0 difficult l0rr..fail lia0 l0rr... h0hohhhoh0oo...after c0mm0n test, is mt...as usual.. ivan kim teck lee and me weree t0kin t0kin and t0kin..hahas... pe.. high jump... eunice pr0misee me t0 piggi bag me if ii jump 0ver 1.25m.. andd ii did it..hahas... lalala..euu thinkk ii am seri0us?l0lls.. ii wun de la.. phy less0n...hahas...ii slp f0r 2 peri0ds..is damn tirin tat timee.. c0z recess nv eat..ii think ii d0n wan t0 skip recess lia0 ..sad sad...afterr sch...went t0 jp with mun lays and eunicee t0 eat... thenn eat "abit" hahas...[[ eh eunicee , ii kn0w euu like t0 eat papaya..but d0n eat t0o much w0rrs... and ban mun fr0m eatin it !! hahas... ]] afterr eatin..they b0th went h0mee andd left me andd eunicee... t0ok mrt.. it was a quiet m0ment.. ii stared at herr f0rr mins...fr0m b0onlay t0 je.. kindda weird huhh..dun0 why... suddenly strike my mind wheneverr they saee smth abt " smth" ... =Xx nvmnvm...0n the way.. ii g0t back the m0od andd started t0 talk..ahas... cute huhhs... suddenly... sit at the bl0ck bel0w..talk talk talk...and she is just a pest...keep pestering me abt wad ii am g0in t0 ask chien... ii didnt ask in the end ritee..hahas..is 7pm..time t0 g0 le w0rr..b0th 0f us went t0 mrt... c0z she is returnin her ez link t0 her mummy andd ii am abt t0 g0 h0mee..reached theree... peski... ii send her backk t0 her h0me again.. ii think ii nth t0 d0 arrh...piggy bag her.. ii think ii nid t0 be str0nger huhs?hahas...thenn 0n the way..it rains ... thenn she reached h0mee..and ii g0... 0n the way..she rings miee.. askin me whetherr ii nid an umbrella an0t.. 0mg...wads this?l0lls..andd she wanted t0 c0me find me... 0mg..0mg..ii cant understandd..hahas... X) after a while..saw her... 0mg!! she was drenched... 0mg0mg..she is g0ing t0 sickk!! hahas.. 1st thing tat strikes me..thx t0 her... the umbrella..the kindness.. the l0vee.. hahas.. reached mrt stati0nn... with0ut been drenched...haligat0... ii went h0mee.. andd shee went t0 l0ok f0rr her m0mmy... by this timee. ii understandd wads t0uched... ii was t0uched.. verii t0uched... by her acti0n.. despite the rain..she still c0mes... haii... ii bet she will hav headache..and ta da!! she g0t slight feverr... c0ol huh... my prediti0n is c0ol.. but m0st imp0rtant was ii understand m0ree.. andd being t0uched... c0z n0 0ne had d0ne this t0 miee bef0ree.. realli...thanks eunicee f0r thee umbrella..hahas..thanks...0wn euu a th0usand thanks..wad a c0ol daee.. c0ol~

[[ bec0z 0f this..ii fall deeper andd deeperr.. mummy[s] ... shhhh!!!! ]]

~ { 10:36 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, February 26, 2006

24-o2-06 ~ went t0 p0ly clinic withh eunicee... it wass damnn sl0w...we crap theree d0 nthh.. slp ..bla bla bla...hahas...thenn is abt 12 smthh... went t0 make eunicee ez link.. afterr tat ii went t0 ajuniedd t0 cut hairr while eunicee went t0 find munzii... went there al0nee..cann slp peacefully... reached...cut... meet them at 0rchardd...met themm andd went t0 farr east... they sh0p..ii see... was kinda s0b by s0me0ne's w0rds tat timee.. s0 d0n intend t0 talk much.. thenn meet chein and head straight t0 bugis andd meet chang kim and mus..all meet lia0...went t0 bugis p0int andd walk walk..buy presents andd went t0 parc0 t0 take ne0s...thanks t0 all arr... peski ne0s..den went 0ff t0 pasir ris.. eunicee g0t gastric painn.. help herr till half way...des c0mee help.. urm urm...reached theree andd she eat abit.. thenn the bbq started... h0td0g was my 1st f0od tat timee... play wadd h0td0g gamee??s0 peskkii... shh.... !! supp0sed t0 g0 eat icecream withh mun and eunice.. but din..was kindda c0nfused tat timee...but instead.. ii went t0 play game with 0ther guys.. went backk...saw ppl slpin talk talk..all gatherr le... play blind mice.. ii din play.. see themm play...afterr tat play catchinn... it was kind 0f fun but g0t ppl c0mplain...hahas..s0 we st0p..afterr a sh0rt timee..we went t0 mc andd eat...thenn take away backk t0 chalet..left 2 pers0n.. this 2 pers0n are me andd eunicee. .went f0r a veri veri l0ng walkk.. and settled d0wn c0z 0ur legs aree verii tiredd.. talk talk talkk..till each 0ther aree tiredd.. slp ** h0pe this dae nv endd.. but ...hahas... is m0rnin...

25-o2-06~went backk t0 chalet...thenn every0ne are slpin...s0me went 0ut..just nice they went backk..ii went t0 slp ... f0rr 2 s0lid h0urrs.. after tat miee,eunicee,mun,chein,kim went t0 eat...kim went t0 find 0thers after eatin andd left us wh0 went backk t0 crappin...sat d0wn andd play..true 0r daree... kind 0f ps?? l0lls.. n0 c0mments.. thenn went t0 kfc t0 meet k0h andd lays with eunice and mun..xinya fang all c0me le..all f0k0s exp the guys went t0 the back 0f chalet t0 play f0rtune telling gamee.. ii d0n believee wad had happen... this is all fake!!h0pee 0thers d0n believee t0o.. DON!! is was kinnda sh0ck t0 see the results..l0ls.. is time t0 g0 h0mee...l0verrs mie and chienn take mrt h0mee..reached je... send eunice back.. nearly kn0ck d0wn by m0t0r...hahas.. bec0z 0f miee... 0Pps.. s0rri arr... wwalk walkwalk... suddenly saw er mummy..hahas... suay arr... went h0mee.. ii went h0mee...

26-o2-06~wen t0 watch m0vie withh br0 and mummy..l0st my preci0us ring in the 2pid taxi ... went t0 find and it's g0nee... 2pid miee..the ring t0 me is veri imp0rtant andd ii l0st it...siann... s0b sad shag siann... guess wad.. ii watch NC16 sh0ww...final destinati0n 3 !! yes!! ii am 0ld enuff ... t0 bluff themm...next timee ii can watch le w0rs... after tat..ii al0ne went t0 heeren t0 find my ringg..they sae n0 m0re st0ck andd it will nv c0me again..went ii hear this ii verii shag lia0..went h0mee saddingg.. buy a ice cream t0 happi myself.. but it cannt..haii...thanks t0 euu...ii am happier thenn bef0ree.. phew.. ii will find it 0nedaee!! ii pr0miss.. ass.. l0lls.. slackin slackin timee...suay daee... haii...it will be fine afterr t0daee!!

[[ with0ut euu , the w0rld is c0l0urless... thanks f0rr everythingg..caree is everythingg.. alth0ugh 2 weeks is sh0rt but it's enuff t0 understandd euu deeply... iil0veuu ]]

~ { 8:44 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, February 23, 2006

less0n is damn b0ringg everydaee indeed...hahas...is kinda tiredd duringg chemm.. thenn during phy..ii g0t nth t0 d0..s0 ii just staree at the tcherr andd sing s0ngs... 0mg...tat wads lamee...eng less0n...s0 manii hw..sia0 de... h0w we all cann finish... s0rt de..thenn stay back t0 d0 c0mpre...sia0 de... like we veri pr0 like tat..sia0 de l0rr..cann0t tahann..haii... tmrr g0t chalet...andd ii can taunt!! w0ahh!! lalalaa... will enj0y will enj0y... lets enj0y peeps!! let g0!!

~ everythingg starts with weak t0 str0ngg... s0 d0es 0ur l0vee . ]]

~ { 11:03 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

tiring daee..t0daee is a verii verii triedd daee...less0n still the samee..after schh went t0 my badmint0nn... 0nlli at that timee ii can f0rget everrythingg andd keep hitting the shuttle n0n-st0pp...saw my 2 new c0ach...andd play withh the 0ther c0ach... ii sae ii can win means ii can winn.. ii pr0ved it.. yayz!! afterr tat... went t0 meet s0me f0k0s... thenn wait f0rr munn...andd g0 h0mee.. ii was tiredd..s0 ii didnt talk muxh tat timee...

s0metimees...even a cl0wnn will be tiredd... but with euu.. the cl0wnn will be able t0 stand 0n his feet agaiin..just like bef0ree... with0ut euu..my little w0rld is like a cl0wn with0ut entertainment...

we had c0me s0 farr..but is just the begiinin... alth0ugh theree are al0t al0t 0f pr0blemm aheadd... ii believee we cann make it thru just likee 0ncee bef0ree... alth0ughh ii might be 0ver reactingg..but all ii nid is just yr f0rgivin... s0rrii ...

[[ s0metiimes ,even a cl0wnn will be veri tiredd andd will n0t entertainn anym0ree unless,he saw thee 0nee he l0ves andd tats euu ]]

~ { 10:48 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

tiring dae t0daee... slp in physics less0nn c0z is damn b0ringg... zzz..afterr schh g0t chem practical...thenn miss sim sc0ld sc0ld sc0ld... thenn d0 d0 d0...finish lia0 ...g0 jp with lays and eunicee...c0z we aree g0ing t0 eatt...eat eat eat... 0nllii kn0w h0w t0 eat...

is truth tat whenn ii use c0m.. ii am verii verii d0wn... verii.. maybe is wad ii see 0r maybe is wadd ii thinkk.. ii keep thinkin 0f the bad sidee..everytimee... maybe is just thinkin... it wun happen de bahh.. maybe ii am t0o pr0tective bahh...aiya...everything seems n0t tat ritee... just abit n0t tat ritee...

*-- ii fall deeperr andd deeper tis timee... everythingg seems just n0t tat ritee ]]

~ { 10:47 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, February 19, 2006

t0daee feel like slpin..d0n feel like waking up..but havee t0 meet mun andd eunicee..w0ahh.. wake up andd thenn g0 d0verr t0 meet themm...ii am late f0rr 10minn..s0rri guys..hahas.. thenn whenn t0 ps...eat secret recipe...thenn eat al0tt.. but eunice nv eat al0t..dun0 why..diet huhhs!! thenn saw my " ex stead " he was s0 sexy like last timeee..hahas.. thenn g0 walk walk...is timee t0 g0 in..watchh pink pantherr.. funni sh0ww.. a 0ld man cann actualli h0p andd dancee andd j0ke ar0undd... [ h0pee his back b0ne d0n break afterr filmingg ] hahas.. eunicee slp w0rrs... mun was like s0 madd...luff luff luff..likee her 0wn cinema... sia0 de.. thenn g0 cine takee ne0s..likee crazy ppl...take props... like n0 b0dy business..hahas..play play play...funfairr arr... thenn g0 walk walkk..went t0 far east... eat nana thaii..l0lls.. every0nee was eatingg likee dead ppl ... like being f0rce like tat...hahas.. thenn crapping crapping lame-ing lame-iing ar0undd like 0ur 0wn sh0pp..hahas..den walk walk walkk...every0nee went h0mee... include miie afterr themm.. 0Pps?? =x hahas...t0daee ii was highh... 0mg..with mun..me speak al0t 0f languagee... g0od arr... ii will learnn m0ree andd VS euuu!! bla... slp bahh!!

* -- s0methingg will last f0reverr... andd tats euu andd miie... ]]

~ { 11:17 PM }
reflections of you and me;

-- slp *
arghh...t0daee slp till 1pm..thenn wake up g0 msn awhilee..thenn eat... 2pm slp againn...hahas.. thenn till 6 whenn is time t0 wake up... n0w thenn ii kn0w slpin is a verii nicee andd healthy thing t0 d0!!! is timee t0 send my daddy g0 airp0rt c0z he is g0ing t0 italy...wah...happi l0rr he... g0 s0 farr..went t0 eat..thenn went h0mee at 8pm... slp again.. till 9pm..send him g0 airp0rt..tgt with my uncle..c0z he is g0ing t0 drivee us back with my daddy car...hoho0h0ho...g0 theree...send him lia0... thenn we g0 swensens eat...hahas...fr0m 11 smth...we talk talk talk till 2am...is a pleasure t0 talk t0 adult...they t0ld me al0tt al0tt 0f thinggs that aree expected t0 happenn s0oner 0r laterr... ii shall get s0me rest andd andd... ii am g0ing 0ut tmrr..d0n disturbb me!!!

everythingg is finalli finish n0w... afterr a rainn..theree will always be a sunshinee...this sunshinee hadd c0mee..th0se 2pid things tat c0mes had g0nee..g0od thinggs will c0me... pheww.. t0daee ii am highh... ii expect g0od things t0 happen andd reallii !! g0od things c0mee..

0urr j0urney had just startedd..alth0ugh is just startedd, ii willl make it l0ng andd swit... ii pr0misee... big thanks t0 my granddaughterr , jenn . munzii lays
f0rr yr supp0rt..hahas..takkiree guys...

*--let us h0ld 0ur hands t0getherr , andd walk t0wards thee endd * n0 matterr wadd ]]

~ { 2:37 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Saturday, February 18, 2006

*-- shattered harrt ,, br0kenn pr0misee ]]

is reallii painful whetherr ii signn int0 msnn...each daee..muchh deeper... ii may n0t be 0nlinee this few daes ii guess... my harrt started t0 breakk each daee..andd ii dun0 ii can last h0w l0ngg.. thiss is wadd ii feel..haii..dun0 wad t0 c0mment als0... best thingg is t0 pretendd nth happenn...n0ee ii understandd..everythingg c0me t0o fast.. ii cant breath...ii cant help it...may the g0od 0nes havee g0od returns... ii may n0t helpp euu but ii am always theree... maybe the g0d wan us t0 facee al0t 0f pr0blems s0 tat 0ur relati0nshipp will last bahh..ii am n0t cryingg .. but my hart d0ess... this timee... n0t 0nlii my hartt is cryinn... my eyes can see waterr...deep waterrr..maybe ii just d0n understandd... d0n understandd at all!!!!!!!! ARGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

maybe ii nid m0ree timee t0 understandd everythingg bahhh...alth0ugh euu kn0w theree is smth badd happenin rite infr0nt..but euu still walk t0wards it...h0pee thiss paiin will n0t last t0o l0ngg.. ii cant helpp..s0rri...euu ch0ose it.. euu finish it... ii realli cant help this timee... maybe this is the last timee ii will askk... my hart had realli br0kenn int0 tiny pieces andd vanish int0 thin air andd will nv be f0undd agaiin... neverr everrr... ii am healin... n0 0nes kn0ww...euu may kn0ww..but euu cant help it...c0zz it's miie.... ya..it's miiee... IS MIEE!!!!!!all ii wan t0 d0 is d0nee...the rest is up t0 euu... ii am realli tired this timee...

evenn an ir0n will rust 0nee daee..why n0t me n0ww??ii am shatteredd.... truely shatteredd...

*-- shattered harrt ,, br0kenn pr0misee.. 0ne daee f0l0 by 0nee daee ...]]

~ { 12:46 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, February 16, 2006

-- useless freak - ]]
happi birthdaee t0 lays... 16th yrs 0ld le...jia y0uu bahh...

ii feell verii useless n0wadaes if ii l0g in this 2pid c0m n0 matterr rain 0r shinee..if euu d0n wan t0 tell me wad hadd happenn... ii wun be able t0 helpp euu.. standiin theree dae dreamin..watchin euu fall andd fall , but cant helpp... this kind 0f feelinn is likee a hart thatt has br0kenn .. my hhart started t0 break each daee..andd ii dun0 ii can last h0w l0ngg.. maybe we nid m0ree understandd andd trust bahh... euu aree happi in a pers0nn..but n0t in a hart... beingg s0 l0ng last timeee.. ii can feel it.. ii am n0t cryingg .. but my hart d0ess... it hurtz... s0rri cann0t cure a pers0nn's br0kenn hart...d0n saee s0rrii...it will make me feel w0rst... everytimee has just startedd... it just a beginningg.. kn0w wadd euu kn0w the best.. c0z ii cant be euu ...if ii can .. ii will... my hart had shattered int0 pieces... it's difficult t0 put back n0ww... ii am healinn..n0 0ne kn0ws..

* -- my haart is shattered.. ii am n0t crying...but my hart d0...

~ { 9:42 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

-- all bec0z 0f euu - ]]
afterr schh , ivan me hadii chang des mus candii went t0 bugiss t0 walk walk..ii still cant find my 2pid littlee nicee bagg..haii... thenn b0x a mickey p0uch , a bag.. andd a key necklaceee... s0 nicee..c0zz it has a meanin 0n it... n0 0ne kn0ws... meet eunicee k0h munn at bugis at 5pm..thenn walk walk walk..chang mus des went back...rest 0f us eat pasta mania... thenn went sh0pping... we are accused 0f steallingg... tats funni...1st time in my lifee.. hoh0hoh0...all are piss 0ff..

if ii n0e earlierr...thing wun happenn...whenn euu turnn away andd walk 0ff with0ut tellingg..every bits 0f hart is br0kenn... c0zz ii caree...

andd kindly plz sh0o 0ff if euu wan t0 mess with US... alth0ugh she is weak d0esnt meann euu cann take advantagee... n0 materr wad... there is me 0nee daee ,euu will nv get in btw US.. bewaree ... ii will tell euu straight in yr eyes bel0w yr n0see 0ne daee if ii am realli unhappi... ii v0w ii swear... ii will .. 0ne daee... [[ d0n try me ]]

-- euu still dun0 ii'm w0rring abt euu... c0zz ii careee .. ii realli caree... - - l0vee.. - ]]

~ { 11:16 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, February 13, 2006

-- tiredd
arghh..t0daee s0 tiringg..s0 manni thing happen t0daee..hoh0hoh0oo..tiring dae bahh..eunicee l0st her wallet? 0h n0... takkkiree takkiree..d0n thinkk t0o mmuchh... takkiree..hehes.. after schh ivan me chang andd hadii went t0 bugis t0 buy 0ur last min gift..hahas.. kindda bad la..thenn all kan chi0ngg.. cann0t findd...ii thinkk ii m0st kan chi0ng de l0rr..s0 manii ppl t0 buyy andd there still l0ok at their cl0ths..zzz..hahas..s0 shaggiess..2pidd...thenn rush h0me f0rr tuti0nn..argh...s0 fan...shit...d0n wanna write lia0... blea..!!

[[ - yr cry make me feel tat ii didnt d0 muchh .. --

~ { 11:21 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, February 12, 2006

-- b0re-dati0n ]]
w0ahhw0ahh...t0daee ii wake up f0rr siix timess.. 7am,8am,9am,10am,11am,andd 12pm. andd is just nicee de l0rr..hahas..andd finalli ii 12pm wake up...thenn slack slack slackk... till my mummy friend c0me..with a cute little baby..Hahas..s0 cutee..thenn ii started d0ing my hw cum playin with baby cum msn with munzzi andd eunicee.. hahas.. the baby slp 0n my bed..1mths 6 daes 0nli w0rr...thenn my mummy andd the mummy g0 livin r0om drinkk c0ffee...hoh0oh0h..left me andd andd andd the babii!! hahas... he slp g0t s0und de... 0rh 0rh 0rh... hehes...acutalli wan t0 d0 hw de...thenn inside msn talktalktalk..n0 timee t0 d0...

arghh..t0daee eat tang yuann..tgt with the daddy and mummy andd thee babbii!!hahas..enddedd*pigg huhh..hahas...

my rite hand is handdicapped... cannt m0vee whenn ii grabb smth tightly...haii...shagg...

-- w0 zhi da0 w0 y0uu zuii , jiang de zuii ,w0 taii zi yii weii ]][[ - c0w andd chicken??n0 !! is c0w and pigg ... euu pigg .. ]]

~ { 10:02 PM }
reflections of you and me;

w0ah w0ah!!
hehes...t0daee whenn k b0x with munzii eunicee lays chang des ivan... g0 t0a pay0h singg..thenn all reached le... sing until half way a cake suddenly c0me in..wakaka.. g0od plan by the gurls...l0lls..f0rr ivan de bahh..thenn we singg happi birthdaee t0 him..bet he will like it..hhahas..thenn sing sing sing till 7.3o...went t0 0rchard t0 eat..eat eat crapping.. n0nsensee - ingg... thenn walkwallk whilee...thenn take ne0s...Hahas... the gurls takee taxii andd we b0ii take mrt l0rr.. meet my mummy at t0a pay0h agaiin...hahas.. thenn g0 pray...after tat g0 drinkk starbuck..my br0 eat swensen... l0lls... ya... haligat0...

[ - everytimeee will be finee afterr t0daee... w0ah w0ah... haligat0o --

~ { 3:28 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Saturday, February 11, 2006

[[ happiii brustdae t0 ivann li xia0 haNn ]]
peskii b0ii finalli 16 yrs 0ld le...but t0o badd... euu cant read my bl0gg...c0z ii am g0ingg t0 sing euu a s0ngg.. [[ happi birthdaee t0 euu , happi birthdaee t0 euu ,happi birthdaee t0 xia0 hann... happi birthdaee t0 euu !!! ]] 0mg... Hahs..

w0ahh..t0daee is the realisee 0f the 0'lvl result..0hmyg0diess... my br0...Hahas..s0 anxi0us...after schh g0 eat 0utsidee.. with ivan candii and gracee...s0 called celebrati0nn f0r the hans.. hahas...small de..hehes..thenn afterr tat is timee t0 see the sec 4 taking theirr results.. 0Pps.. is pervi0us sec 4s..the principal talk talk talk talk.. [ wh0 name is westw0od!? ] b0 lia0...yrself larr!! b0o!!is timee t0 take result...hahas.. ii went d0wn t0 eat my 1st pizza..thenn ii g0t six sense that my br0 is takingg the result...ii rushed up ...saw him sitting at the chairr..hahas.. br0 is real br0therr... wah...he quite g0odd leii...5th in schh... =Xxg0od arr..n0t badd..ii am g0ing be the next 0nee..hahas.. h0pee s0!! every0ne als0 can de ... this yr de result n0t tat g0od 0verall... h0hoh0h0o..afterr tat we g0 play gamee.. gary ivan me hadii haziq.. play play play...thenn g0 h0mee... 0mg!! ii am latee..g0ing t0 g0odw0od park h0tell t0 havee dinner..hehes..thenn with0ut bathingg.. we went andd eat !! g0!!eat lia0...g0 mc sit d0wn high tea..Hahas...went backk..thenn msn agaiin..same r0utin..

h0w am ii g0ing t0 survivee everydae like thiss... h0pee we aree like last timee...

-- whenn 2 s0uls believee, their l0vee is f0reverr...andd thats euu and miee... __

~ { 12:40 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, February 09, 2006

-- d0nee with it?? ||
argh...ii am verii tiredd andd c0nfused..verii.. bec0z 0f ?? ii dun0 kn0w wadd exactly happenn...ii 0nlii kn0w wad t0 d0 next ... thankss t0 my siix yr friend... ii understandd t0tally n0w...andd n0w.. ii g0inn t0 w0rkk f0rwardd ...t0 till endd..f0rgivee me if ii am t0o harsh...but ii realli d0 tryin n0w... f0rgivee me f0r any mistakenn last time.. this timee is real... ii try... ii try... n0w is just [ 1 c1 ] h0pe this realli w0rk this timee..maybe there aree t0o manii t0o manii pr0blems btw us t0 be s0lvee.. h0pee everythingg will be finee..

indeed a hard breath-takingg f0rr me t0daee... ii am siting just beside the wind0w but ii still feel diffcult in breathinn.. maybe this is wad she call stress bahh... finalli ii understandd...all ii nid is timee andd trust..

w0ahh...valentinee dae is just ar0undd the c0rnerr... w0nderinn h0w am ii g0ing t0 spendd this timee? KNS?? kimlee?? hahas... wad a j0kee... b0o..!!

-- wad can be d0nee will be d0nee... all ii nid is yr co0perati0nn , tats all ii needd - ]]

-- jian jian dan dan de ai jiu ha0 le.. ming zhi da0 , he bi dang cu - # ]]

~ { 11:35 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

3 minus 1 = 2 0r 0
finalli ii n0ee wadd is wad..n0w thenn ii understandd wadd realli realli realli happenn.. ii d0n likee dee li dere li.. n0w thenn ii understandd h0w ppl feel whenn ii d0 tat..hahas..

ii am damn silly.. damn 2pid andd damn damn damn...3 t0 2 ?? i ratherr take n0n... realli..everytihingg seems happi at the beginning but sad in the endd... every part 0f a st0ry is a sad 0nee.. euu aree wr0ngg if euu thinkk theree will be a happi endiin...everythingg is just imaginati0n... nth is reall... n0w..nth is real.. why sh0uldnt ii just take the 0ne infr0nt 0f me?? smth tat ii n0 nid t0 pursude 0n..just infr0ntz!! but ii ch0se t0 g0 furtherr...andd with0ut turnning back.. is t0o latee..everythingg changee.. t0o fast. .. likee a sh0otingg starr tat nv st0pp g0inn...

d0n sae s0rri c0z it cant curee..but ii ratherr ii sae it ... s0rrii
...ii am c0nfused ...

[[ # nth is w0rth tryin n0w..all ii hab t0 d0 is t0 g0 straight... nth else... n0 turnin..n0 regret.. --

[[ ev0l ]]

~ { 10:53 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

- quiet - shhh # ]]
everytiing turnns 0ut t0o c0ldd... ii d0n evenn kn0w whetherr ii am the 0ne wh0 causee it..startiin fr0mm the m0rnin.. havee a haiirr cut..by mr bulld0g...ya thx h0rr..everythingg was farr t0o finee duriin thee daee...till it endedd.. t0o fast..

nv t0t that thinggs realli happenn just a blinkk... s0metimess s0me w0rds hurt al0t... simple w0rds...just like [
a b c ] cry? regret? yuppiess.. it helpped ppl wh0 is sad but is just f0rr a few m0ment..n0wadaes afterr listennin andd thiinkinn.. ii still feel tat ii am t0talli c0nfused... 0nee 0ut 0f 3.. aree euu kiddinn??is just likee cuttin yr 0wn flesh andd ch0ose backk 0nlli 0nee 0f them..

realli feel like saeiin s0rri t0 every0nee ii kn0w... realli.. andd thiss w0rldd is full 0f c0nfusee..euu will nv get thee thingg euu wann...andd euu neglect th0see tat is just infr0nt 0f euu..thiis is wadd ii g0t in the endd...ii amm real tiredd..tiredd*

munzii arr...ii tell euu bahh...in lifee theree aree always up andd d0wnn..b0thh 0f us r d0wnn t0daee d0esnt meann everydaee is t0daee..h0ppe euu r finee..h0pee wadd euu t0ld me is truee andd th0see euu ak miee nv happenn... =]

-- eve
rythiing seems c0ld fr0m the start ...whenn issit g0iin t0 endd c0nfusedd

~ { 9:58 PM }
reflections of you and me;

sad casee... g0nedd
haii...t00daee badmint0nn..l0see.. ii swear ii will winn 0n wed... 0r n0t... arghh.. dun0 als0 la..
thenn g0 h0mee... munzii arr...l0lls... munnzii arr... Hahas.. h0w cann euu.........g0od f0rr euu la... g0od g0od g0od... ii am c0nfused... reallii....n0 m0od t0 write als0... c0nfusedd**

[[#- sh0uldd ii takee the things tat is just in fr0nt 0f miee 0r t0 takee the things tat is bel0ngg t0 me? c0nfusedd* - ]]

~ { 12:05 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, February 05, 2006

[ f0ur-2-20osiix ] cum[ o5-tw0-20osiix ]


t0daee my h0usee is 0n the h0usee.. l0lls..wad ii t0kiin..ivan hadii kimlee c0mee 1st.. thenn we g0 play p0ol.. afterr a l0ng l0ng timee like abt 10 yrs ? the gurls camee.. k0hweii munzii lays ..chang als0 ... hehe... thenn they all nth t0 d0 ..g0 buy ice-cream eat...afterr we play finishh thenn all g0 up my h0usee..all chi0ng inside my r0om...but is timee t0 eat..hahas.. all went 0ut t0 eat... andd we rmb t0 leavee s0mee duck meat f0rr the peskii eunicee wh0 always wan t0 eat sincee the chinesee new yr...thenn afterr eatiing all g0 my r0om play game andd cards... wah..me and ivann win quite al0t huhs?hoh0hoh0...k0h weii l0see the m0st ii guess.. hohh0ho0...s0 fast l0rr..can eat dinner lia0..hahas.. g0t buffet.. eatiin timee!! all take their stuff andd we sit at the t0p 0f the stairr.. eh.. g0t vip sit andd the l0usy sit.. 0f c0ursee ii sit the highest de la.. hahas... me and kimlee keep eatiin ..1st r0und 2nd r0und 3 r0und 4 r0und.. hhahas... n0n st0p eatiin c0mpetiti0nn..finishh*chi0ng backk t0 my r0om.. alamak..is damnn messy.. 1st timee 1st timee.. b0o! thenn gary called...call us t0 bring $ g0 d0wn f0rr himm..thenn n0 0ne wan t0 g0..hahas.. we drag alm0st 30min andd finallii me and ivann went d0wn.. then we talk talk play play ...10 smth ...kim and hadi went backk..thenn we g0 0rchardd t0 meet eunicee ..we aree watchiin m0viee!! fun withh dick andd janee.. bef0ree we watchh, we guys all play gamee..thenn the gurls dun0 d0 wad... kindda ps themm... =x thenn went in..
2pid... k0h andd lays slp.. ii thinkk they t0o tired le bahh..quite nice andd funii bahh..0n the way backk we aree crappin andd talking n0nsensee...hohoh0h0o...reachh h0mee...all hungry..hahas..thenn we and gary c0ok f0rr them...when all finish..me and gary c0oked smth special f0r 0urself 0nlii 0kiee!! thenn afterr all we still haven t0 clean up the placee..s0bbingg..then the gurls g0 slp...b0iis g0 play cardd at the balc0ny...till 6am..thenn we all g0 in t0 the r0om..gary talk s0 l0ud...ass..hahas..thenn s0me play gamee s0 talk..thenn ivan went h0me at 6..chang and gary cann0t tahan then g0 slp..left me al0nee.. thenn ii nth t0 d0 until m0rning 8 am when munzi wake up...c0ntinuee**


t0daee n0t every0nee can wake up..c0z all veri tiredd andd ii guess they din slp well...hahas.. all like gh0st...afterr tat we all went bugiss andd meet munzii de c0usiinn... thenn den it was still earlii s0 we went tuh the arcade... n0rt fer girls ...the guys 0nlii..thenn we went tuh take ne0printz tgt ... hahax... fUn ... esp tuh ... lays ... hahax... den went tuh watch the m0vie . we were late .hahax... i n0t 2pid 2... agaiin...* hahas..ii fell asleep ..0mg...haii..siann.. mummy call me..sae wad wad wad wad wad wad wad wad wad wad wad wad wad wad wad wad...dun0 la..thenn afterr tat g0 bugis walkwalk awhile 0nlii..thenn ii went h0mee 1st..wait f0r the bus s0 l0ngg.. zzz...thenn went h0mee...my m0m inside the r0om..d0n care her...thenn she went 0ut...

thanks f0r c0min!! hahas..this 2 daes 1 nite camp is s0 much much much fun thenn 0ther thing... l0lls..but to0 bad everytiing will c0me t0 an end..ho0oh00o..m0ree t0 c0mee!! haligat0 !!

[[ whenn 2 s0uls believee, theirr l0vee is f0rreverr... thankss f0rr liviin in my lifee.. ]]

~ { 6:05 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, February 02, 2006

-- tiriin daee ||
arghh.. t0daee s0 s0 s0 tiredd...dun0 why..is like a l0ng l0ng daee..afterr schh...went h0mee withh munzii..then 0n the bus saw shimin,mary,dia dia..thenn all g0 k0pitam eat..hehes... ii 0nlli eat dessert la.. s0 full le..thenn all went h0mee.. saw christinaa..0mg...her steadd..0mg 0mg... d0n care la..take mrt with munzii...she g0 ... ii g0...reach d0ver..take bus le..s0 tiredd..slp all the way.. thenn reach h0mee.. bath andd slp nap...then 6.30 g0t tuti0n...thenn 8.30 g0t pian0 less0n..yay! ii learnn a new s0ngg... hai se ma0 yi!! jay ch0u de w0rr... n0w is 3/4 d0nee.hehe.. nice s0ng nice s0ngg... tmrr g0t badmint0nn..h0pee can win la...4-1 agaiin..likee t0daee..every0nee clapp..hahas... s0 happi...w0ahh!g0od lucky guys.. ii w0nderr h0ws the girll d0iin...kampateii!!

-- ii am c0nfused andd tired alrdyy..giiv me a break plz... - ]]

~ { 10:52 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

[[ 4 -1 ]]
haii...dun0 wadd happen t0 miee.. b0riinn...2pid clement.. if euu sae anythingg 0ut ii will kill euu arr... sighh* realli dun0 wadd happen..realli...

1.3opm set 0ff t0 h0ngkahh t0 play badmint0nn... t0dae vs pi0neer sec... thenn actuallii g0t c0nfidentt.. we all t0ok abt 3 hr t0 finish thee gamee.. we w0n.. 4-1 .. ii realli l0usy lia0..haii... g0t 15-9 andd 15-4 .. realli l0usyy.. haii..nv traiin ar..tats why... haii...disapp0intedd..thenn all set 0ff t0 play gamee at gek p0h..hadi,ivan,gary,me,clement,le0nard,kenneth,larry all play...is n0t fun at all...haii..thenn when g0iin h0mee,kenneth l0st his wallet...2pid...Hahas.. thenn take mrt with clement..andd he is n0nsense-iin abt...and thenn went backk h0mee.. msn..d0 hw..argh..whenn ii take the ge0 w0rkb0ok fr0m the b0x, ii accidentally cut my handd..lucky is n0t tat deep , is abt 8cm? ii measuredd.. argh..suay la..d0n kn0w wad happenn.... ii am c0nfuseed... realli...realli c0nfusedd...

[[ - ii am c0nfused by wad euu had d0nee... issit w0rth d0iin? ii w0nderr... - ]]

~ { 10:34 PM }
reflections of you and me;