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Monday, April 30, 2007

29-04-o7~ hais , t0daee , ii kana "put plane " by 0thers again luhs .zzz went l0oking f0rr h0uses t0daee with my mum and c0usin wh0 is a agent ^^ thenn walk walk walk see see see . bleax bleax . afterr that , c0usinn send mie t0 viv0 , thanks arh . thenn b0ught a adidass shirt >< yay ~

g0t a j0b at flesh imp at wisma . shi0k arh , but dun0 g0od a n0t , less time t0 see darr andd d0n hav free time lia0 =[ saddies*

tmrr g0ing t0 buy the adidas pant and having less0n tmrr nite . miss darr .. b0o~ nites every0ne ..

~ { 12:45 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Friday, April 27, 2007

26-o4-o7~ everythingg is n0t g0ing t0 be the same again . everythingg had been RUINED . y0u w0uldnt listen t0 miee againn andd trusties is g0nee , s0 h0w man ~ ass feeling n0w****

*It takes a minute to have a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.*

~ { 12:26 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, April 26, 2007

25-o4-o7~ t0daee was al0nee all aftern0on . went t0 thee 2pid m0deling agency . and listen listen listen , but nv decide t0 j0in >< afterr tat went t0 n0kia care t0 take darr de hp , afterr tat take buss 7 t0 [ NTUC trade uni0n h0use ] went 0sch0ol andd check it 0ut . decided t0 joinn them fr0mm tmrr 0nwards. saw their practise andd wass m0tivatedd ^^ g0t a call fr0mm darr andd went t0 NP t0 l0ok fr0m them , play b0ard game -.- thenn afterr tat send darr bacck h0mee andd ii buy HAPPI MEAL and eat in the bus while gastric-ingg . handds still painn luhs, while typing p0st als0 painn , zzz . put y0k0 y0k0 bahss ><

it is my passi0nn f0rr tat , ii h0pee . will supp0rt miee all the way andd trust mie i will d0 well and s0arr , trust miee . l0vee y0uu*

~ { 12:23 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

24-o4-o7~eat eat eat ^^ t0daee mie and darr c0ok , simple , but nice 0kiee !! bleaxx~

~ { 2:17 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, April 22, 2007

22-o4-o7~ t0daee 10 plus take cabb d0wnn t0 adidas just t0 buy 4 superstars. wakakas. br0 and ii line up l0rr , after trying sizes , straight away take 4 pairs . hahas . buy le thenn eat mac . thenn he went h0mee andd ii mrt-ed t0 harb0ur fr0nt . shit at the t0ilet there andd s0on laterr darr andd darr's mum came. sh0p sh0p sh0p theree l0rr . eat [ the best chicken rice ] saw the family fr0m my italy trip de , s0 c0incident l0rr !! ahahs . afterr sh0p sh0p sh0p . thenn headed back t0 0rchard at abt 6 plus , then sh0p sh0p sh0p till dr0p luhs . ii b0 $$ lia0 . l0ls.. manage t0 get myself 1 zara vest and t0p-man T . w0ah~ thiss is f0rr s0me special 0ccasi0nn de luhs . n0w still phyc0-ing my m0m t0 buy me the t0p-man's skinny jeans . hahas . yeah , tmrr dun0 d0 wad als0 . h0hoh0o~! h0pee t0 get my j0bb andd sch , fasterr c0me !! ahahs ... takkrie all ><

~ { 12:14 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Saturday, April 21, 2007

~ { 1:19 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, April 19, 2007

18-o4-o7~ w0ah , just finish dying my hairr , br0wn c0lour !! like nth diff als0 , n0w my hairr smell like 2pid . l0ls~

t0daee meet darr and mun and Np f0rr lunchh . afterr tat went t0 the atrium f0r CCA fiesta .. they dun00 wad t0 j0in luhs , l0ls. thenn saw magnum force de perf0rmance . thr0w the girls up and d0wn , l0ls .. the guys damn str0ng luhs !ahahs.. thenn sendd darr back t0 the class andd here ii am , al0ne . hahas . went t0 buy each a cupp thenn t0ok bus t0 SIM. went theree t0 ask bec0z ii am c0ncern >< thenn ii realisee tat is realli tat near fr0mm SIM t0 NP luhs . hahas , walk backk~ 2pidd ... thenn slack slack slack . meet changg and went t0 library and slack . thenn afterr dar finished her prac , she c0me find mie . thenn meet al0t 0f ppl , talk talk talk andd ii send her h0me . watchh the 13STR0KES at her h0usee andd ii went backk .. hehes . decided t0 grab a CHEESE BURGER wwhile g0ing h0me ^^ reached h0mee andd g0t a veri g0od news bec0z tmrr , ii am g0ing t0 change ph0nee !! hehes ... wakakakaS~ yay ! dye hairr .. new hair , new style , new lifee ^^ tatas~

p/s: g0ing t0 buy adidas limited AD sh0es this *** .. hahas~ shh... $149 but is nicee , c0ol ... =]

~ { 1:49 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, April 16, 2007

16-o4-o7~ t0daee , ii d0n feel bl0gging anythingg .

ii cann sae , time realli can lie , time can kill , ii d0n like time , bec0z it c0z painful mem0ries , I HATE TIME !! fuk 0ff timee . get 0ff my sight andd my ear , ii d0n wan t0 heard anym0ree . back 0ff ass .... ii hatee timeee . >< hais~

~ { 12:11 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, April 15, 2007

15-o4-o7~ send darr t0 w0rkk and thenn waited f0r changg andd here we g0 ,sh0ppingg !! walk walk walk , nth t0 buy , but suddenly , 0nce we stepp in the STUSSY sh0pp , we grab 0nee shirt , try leii thenn BUY . wakakas , nice =] thenn walk walk walk , g0t al0t 0f shirt nice but verii EX l0rr . zzz after everythinggg , he went backk bec0z tmrr EVERYONE is g0ing t0 study . ^^ send dar h0mee andd went backk . tiredd~ h0hoh0o~

~ { 1:04 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Friday, April 13, 2007

never saee y0uu are g0ing t0.. if y0uu d0n plan t0 start.
never l0ok int0 MY eyes if all y0uu d0 is liee .

~ { 11:22 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

11-o4-o7~ happi 1yr 2mths t0 darr =] wahs, ii saw thee fairywheel lia0 l0rr , l0lls. am ii t0o sl0w , bec0z is built l0ng ag0 . zzz went t0 eat yuki yaki , ehs , nice luhs... thenn went t0 city hall t0 walk walk . went t0 Mrs.f t0 eat , l0ls >< then walk walk walk , went h0me quite earlii bec0z she sick >< 0kiee bahss , buaibuai~

~ { 11:11 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

1o-o4-o7~ t0daee is healthy daee .. l0ls.. bec0z t0daee dar c0me my h0usee , andd we are g0ing t0 gym all th0se . ^^ afterr she came, it rain zzz . s0 we decided t0 watchh VCD 1st . xia0 zhuu de sh0w must supp0rt luhs , damn nicee . afterr the rain , chi0ng d0wnn andd swimm ! afterr swimming , went t0 suana t0 BBQ 0urselves . thenn went back t0 h0use and change 0ur 2nd c0stume bec0z we aree headingg t0 GYM !! whee~ ii am buildingg myself , wakakaas~ s0 d0n be surprise if y0uu see a bigg sizee w0ods~ l0lls. after tat went back t0 eat andd slack till she t0ok cab backk h0me at 1o.45pm =[ tmrr is a spcSH0W daee , hehes ><

afterr s0 l0ngg, ii decided t0 learnn xia0 zhu's dancee stepp , hahas >< learningg in pr0cess s0 d0n be surprise if ii can dancee dancee dancee . ahahs .
p/s: if y0uu guys kn0w any sch0ols tat teachh dancee , taggies miee luhs !! ii am damn interested in dancingg [ sh0w's dance ] n0w . whee~ nites all !! ><

~ { 2:00 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, April 08, 2007


~ { 1:23 AM }
reflections of you and me;

o7-o4-o7~ let miee tell y0uu ! AJITEII is nicee , my bl0gg has turnn int0 a g0urmet bl0gg >< hahas .. try it !

~ { 12:49 AM }
reflections of you and me;

ii tell y0u arhh , FISH & C0 is damn nice luhss ~ >< try it !!

~ { 12:43 AM }
reflections of you and me;

[[ g0t ppl LIDDAT slpp in mrt de mehs ? stand and slpp ? wahh lamee luhss ]]

~ { 12:40 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

4-o3-o7~ w0ah~ just c0mee back fr0m a Mr.bean 's j0urney . hahas .[ m0vie ] this m0rning abt 11 smth take cab with m0m . after she alight , ii t0ok the cab t0 queensway bec0z is raining !! afterr tat went t0 b0on lay and here ii g0 , t0 GARY LIM h0use . ii am in pain bec0z ii am gastric , reached him h0use ! ask him c0ok maggie , he d0n wan . i cann0t tahan lia0 . zzz thenn after dragging s0 l0ng , fr0m 11 smth t0 1 plus , we FINALLI step 0ut 0f him h0use and g0 makan . [ can y0u believe ii saw his br0ther !? ] >< went t0 eat ,talk talk talk . and went back t0 his h0use . ii watch s0me R21 sh0ws like [ texas chainsaw ] etc~ my head my g0ing t0 b0omb!! ii g0t a seri0us headache and ii am g0ing t0 sick . wakakas~ after tat , we decided t0 g0 f0r a m0viee . went t0 jp and eat . eat lia0 thenn went in and watch [ Mr.bean h0lidae ] after watch , ii chi0ng backk t0 mrt bec0z ii scare my last train and bus is g0ned !! tmrr dun0 wad t0 d0 >< h0hoh0o~ lets slack ... wee~~

~ { 11:48 PM }
reflections of you and me;

~ { 1:18 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, April 02, 2007

o2-o4-o7~ hais , stay at h0me damn siann luhs . just bec0z dar went t0 camp , i feel tat ii am single n0w. like n0 0ne t0 sms liddat . zzz thenn ask s0 mani ppl g0 0ut , 0ne by 0ne cann0t . lame luhs . dun0 wad t0 d0 als0 . siann. like t0dae slp till 4 pm . thenn slack . SIAN LUHS . ask wh0 wh0 als0 n0t free . zzz

~ { 11:15 PM }
reflections of you and me;