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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

29-05-o7~ 3 m0re daee t0 criuse !! 0mg !! every0nee plz give miee a five ! hahahs~

t0daee w0rkk f0rr 11h0urs -.-" t0daee lunch is nasi lemak at 7-11 plus s0ybean =[ dun0 why we aree laughing at jerry"s 0ld sch b0ttle everydaee l0rr -.- 0mg !! he d0n all0w mie t0 take the b0ttle . l0ls. ii am g0ing t0 take secretly 0n thurs !! =x hahas ~

t0daee the b0ss 0f M0S came in !! andd miss my chance t0 ask him s0me qn~ hahas! nvm , ii bet he will c0me in again , ii will ask ! hehes~

afterr w0rk, went h0mee ! n0wadaes feel s0 .. h0w sh0uld ii sae~ urm .. shi0k luhs , my april77 skinny jeans plus t0pman tee ~ w0ah~ like my style n0w.. ahahs~ plus my PROJECTSHOP's p0uchh~ pr0 lia0 ..inside g0t ip0d , wallet , key , hp ONLI!! hehes~

tmrr my new pair 0f havainas is c0mingg~ g0ing t0 meet MR.hadii at w0odlands bec0z he als0 buy 0ne . zzz ..

n0w , still waiting f0rr cheap m0ndaee blue skinny =[ queens saee 2 weeks later 0r will nv c0me 0ut again =[saddies luhs !! still waiting f0rr 2 daes m0re , pay-daee pluss criuse !! wth!! s0 fast bahs ~ hahas ..

my mirc0ph0nee necklace is sp0il !!! hais ~ siann...nvm bahss~ takkire all!

~ { 12:56 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

t0dae watch pirates at 7.30pm.. bef0re tat went t0 play p0ol with darr , rachel , j0an , brenda .. t0o badd , ii w0n all~ lazy t0 bl0g t0daee . zzz ..
. ytd whenn ii read s0me letters , ii feel pain in my hart , ii dun0 why , maybe...


nice lyrics here .. urm~

徐婕儿 : 我可以忍受



can u tell me why

~ { 1:48 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, May 28, 2007

28-o5-o7~ finalli g0t the chance t0 bl0g bec0z ii t0daee n0t lazy. hahas~ t0daee is aftern0on shift , went t0 buy 0ld chang kee t0 eat 1st bec0z my break is 5.30pm =[ jerry's waterr b0ttle is damn 0LD SCH l0rr , cant st0p laughing . hahas~ raym0nd and ii keep laughingg , till dr0p , LOLS~ ii cant imaginee he this kind 0f playerr will bring thiss kind 0f 0ld sch b0ttle~ hahas~ went f0rr break afterr tat . eat chick ricee andd went back . =[ w0rk till 9.30pm andd went burger king t0 eat with ray andd jick, jas0n came .. afterr tat went h0me lia0~ lalala~ii just hatee ppl being sacast andd snatchh,siann~ ii w0nderrr wadd if next time...b0o! ~tmrr 0ff !! g0ing t0 watch piratees ... wkakakaks!!!

btw , ytd just b0ught a skinny jeans [ april 77 ] f0rr $179~ w0ah~ ii realli like it ! tmrr g0ing t0 buy a p0uch at pr0ject br0therrs tmrr =] wee~ g0ing t0 take my pay 4 daes laterr and g0ing cruise 4 daes laterr!! yes~ but every0ne is getting c0mmisi0n but n0t mie =[ siann~ * is getting h0t in here !!* ii am n0t g0ing t0 buy anything anym0ree andd g0ing t0 save $ .. hahas~ n0 m0re labels !! takkire all~

~ { 12:31 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Friday, May 25, 2007

24-o5-o7~ 0mg 0mg !! 1 m0re week t0 my PAY andd STAR CRUISE !! 0mg 0mg !! ii cant wait luhs . shit man. l0lss!

t0daee w0rk m0rning shift .. actualli als0 nv t0 d0 bec0z n0 cust , eat my h0td0g bun andd tea , l0ok like ah pek -.-" afterr w0rk w0rk w0rk , break , meet jicks0nn . eat at cinee thenn afterr tat went back . y0u all sh0uld kn0w the aunt tat sell tissues inbetween the r0ad 0f heeren and cine bahs ? t0daee ii went back t0 sh0p andd act like her ! hahas =x every0ne sae seeing her sm0kingg ! 0mg , n0 $ lia0 still sm0ke , act p0or issit ? zzz afterr tat w0rk w0rk w0rk . suddenly ! new st0ck came , andd ii reserve 2 shirt , quite nicee !! hehes~ ii als0 b0ught a SURRENDER shirt fr0mm JERRY at $50 , ii like it man~ hahas~

7.30pm reached andd i waited f0rr ray andd jicks0nn . went t0 SURRENDER sh0p t0 see see , afterr tat went t0 cinee at makan~ thenn went h0mee!!

ii am still making my r0om ~ shh.. secret , next time c0me my h0use and see bahs ! hahas. nites all !! tues 0ff , g0ing t0 meet darr =]]

~ { 12:30 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

22-05-o7~ finallii is my 0ff daee !! yes ! w0ke up at 11 plus , must g0 d0 passp0rt lia0 !! afterr bath everything , rdy t0 g0 but realisee is rainingg -.-" nvm ! just nice dad is g0ing t0 fetch m0m, s0 ii can just take a ride >< but ii ask my dad t0 dr0p mie at a busst0p will d0. ii t0ok bus t0 dh0by ghaut , thenn take mrt t0 lavanderr . went t0 SIR buildingg . lucky veri fast , last thenn 1 h0urr and everythingg is d0ne . last time my p0or br0 t0ok alm0st 5h0ur t0 d0 it , hahas !!! suay luhs he~ afterr tat t0ok mrt back t0 clementi and t0ok bus t0 NP bec0z laterr mertingg my darr~

sincee still earli and hungry , ii buy chicken rice andd eat , readd newspaper and mag , andd let the 2pid timee pass~ 5pm !! finalli saw her !! hahas . t0ok the wr0ng bus -.-" s0 hav t0 walk a distancce t0 take bus 7 t0 bugis~

reached bugiss and we walked t0 HAJI LANE !! last time g0 , all cl0se , n0w g0 sure 0pen le bahs? hahas. decided t0 g0 arab st t0 buy diam0nd 1st , BUT !!!! cl0se luhs ! WTF ><" siann luhs~ thenn hav t0 g0 haji lane . all the shirts s0 ex luhs. range is $60-$350 . zzz ! ii rather buy stussy t0pman~ hahas =x walk back t0 bugis village afterr tat and went t0 t0pman , b0ught a shirt , quite nice luhs =x

hungry lia0 luhs ! went t0 bugis cafee t0 eat , ii eat beef pasta while darr eat shepard pie.. thenn afterr tat t0ok mrt back her h0me . use the time in her h0use t0 talk t0 her , till 11.30pm andd ii cabbed h0me . miss her bec0z tmrr g0ing t0 w0rk lia0 . zzz

* w0ods l0vee MRS.HEIN( darr ) !!!!!
*MR.HEIN is in l0ve with MRS.HEIN !!
takkiree peeps =]

~ { 1:02 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

21-o5-o7~ finalli afterr 1 week , ii am g0ing t0 0ff tmrr again !!! yes!! g0ing t0 haji lanee tmrr again with darr . but ii hav t0 g0 t0 SIR building t0 d0 my passp0rt 1st !

tat pic ab0ve is wadd ii d0 andd drink everydaee ** t0daee at 7.30 sharp , ii change my shirt andd ch0ing 0ut 0f fleshimp!! ahahs . went t0 lucky plaza t0 take my passp0rt ph0t0. 0PPs, ii t0ok alm0st 10 pic but n0n was nice , s0 ii ch0ose the best r0tten pic as my 0ne, hahas. afterr tat t0ok bus h0me . t0dae reach h0me s0 earli!! hahas, thenn slack ,watch teevee all tat. l0oking f0rwards tmrr , 0nce a week , finally reached. l0ls !! yay ! ii 0ff .. ii 0ff tmrr !! yes yes yes !! ~~ tatas~! ><

~ { 12:28 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, May 21, 2007

20-05-o7~ afterr a tired nite [5am], ii am back t0 w0rk . ii was alm0st late t0daee , reach 0n the d0t , b0ugh a tuna bread andd went up. tats my breakfast and lunch 0kiee~ thenn w0rk w0rk w0rk w0rk w0rk w0rk w0rk , till ii went t0 my break at 5pm ! cann0t tahann , eat a duck rice , thenn eat the ta0 suan , thennn bring backk a cup 0f teh-Si~ thenn c0ntinue t0 w0rk l0rr . suddenly saw a familiarr face at the entrance , guess wh0 ! is my grand ! hahas . she c0me and find mie , 0mg , suddenly feel like ii am back t0 wwss~ din talk much and she went . haf t0 w0rk till 9.30pm. afterr w0rk , ray and mie went t0 cine and buy drinks . afterr drink , t0ok bus h0me.

fucker cb bus driver . knn cb driver . ii g0t the same pr0blem last time when ii meet him . my ez link n0 $ , thenn ii pay $1 . he kip asking me where ii am g0ing , ii saee my h0use there luhs. cb ask ask ask . thenn bef0re my bus st0p de bus st0p ,he st0p the bus and c0me t0wards mie , he sae my $1 is till here 0nli . CB KIA . thenn he sae ii must pay $1.10 . ii walk there and put $0.10 , he saee nid $0.20, PCB KNN .. i sae ii 0nline g0t $0.10 luhs , ii damn PC . when reachin my st0p , ii walkk t0wards him and sae " next time y0u better use a pr0per way t0 talk t0 yr passagers " ii tell him 0ff , d0n let mie see him again , 0r n0t ii will put $2 andd ask him t0 fuck his m0uth up , cb kia . make my nite s0 fed up . d0n let miee see him . ass~ argh !

~ { 1:13 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Saturday, May 19, 2007

~ { 1:26 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Friday, May 18, 2007

17-o5-o7~ this few daes nv bl0g bec0z sick. my temp g0es up t0 [ 39.1 ] ... till n0w ii think still g0t feverr l0rr . zzz . dun0 why ii will 0nlii feel sick every m0rning and afterr w0rk . zzz . NOW , while ii am bl0gging , ii am wearing a 2pid jacket andd my n0se is stickin with tissue . l0ls.. hais~ dun0 when will 0kiee , my medicine als0 g0ing t0 finish . bringing a sick t0 w0rk everydaee is a veri diff thing l0rr , wtf man~ b0ringg .. t0daee just finished 4.5litres 0f water at w0rk . wakakas~ but thr0at just wun st0p s0re . b0o!! t0daee was the m0st b0ring dae in flesh imp EVER !!!! ii d0n kn0w why , every0ne is s0 m0ody . yeah ~ including miee. hehes~ afterr w0rk , ii am like a her0 , but afterr reached h0me , ii was like a w0rm again , my head is getting h0tter , 0mg ! ii better rush 0ff 1st , takkire all! d0n get sick ~ >,<

~ { 12:16 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, May 14, 2007


Posted by Picasa

~ { 12:16 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, May 13, 2007


Posted by Picasa

~ { 1:26 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Saturday, May 12, 2007

11-o5-o7~ happii 1yr 3mths t0 darr =]

~ { 2:03 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

o9-o5-o7~ ytd ii just t0ld my mum ii wann all the flav0ur 0f the mai ya tang and just , she g0t mie 10 all flav0urs . l0ls, happi m0therr dae in advance =]

t0dae w0rk at wisma , everything was alrite , laugh , leg pain , b0red , angry , everythin bahs . actualli , whenever ii am al0ne , ii tend t0 think and bec0mee veri quiet , things kip sh0oting in t0 my head . als0 dun0 why . hais~ wad the hell is my life n0w ?? ii am veri c0nfusee , s0metimes feel likee crying 0ut hard , damn hard . maybe ii neglect al0t 0f ppl ar0und mie , 0r nv take any initiative .. ii am c0nfused . hais~ ii cann take 1000 ph0t0s but in my hart , als0 n0t happi de . f0r wad ?? just t0 bluff every0ne ii am veri happi ? wad shit als0 ... maybe is all shit , just like a empty hart . bye dudes~

~ { 11:37 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

o8-o5-o7~ thanks t0 miss rex , jerry , raym0nd and ii were laughing like shit! ii laugh till ii cry . see the pic and y0u will kn0w , actualii g0t m0re but ii d0n wan t0 sp0il his image >< l0ls~ was w0rkingg and time realli fly. t0daee wh0le 0nlii eat the h0td0g bun , during break , ii g0 buy wax thenn c0me back and w0rk lia0 , n0 m0od t0 eat =[ g0t t0 heard tat rex is g0ing d0wn t0 his friend's pub t0 see see . he ask mie t0 tagg al0nee. but in the end nv g0 . went h0me by bus , ii am hungry n0w !! =[ hais~ tmrr w0rking at wisma . 我想要做一個玩家 !! ii must ~

things is g0ing m0re and m0re c0nfused . am ii realli tat bad ? cant ii be trusted ? urm .. ii dun0 ~ maybe my acti0n sh0ws but ii g0t n0 intenti0n t0 d0 anything tat is bad . ii h0pe s0medae , ii g0t the trust fr0m every0nee~

[ ii l0ve y0uu , s0 ii ch0ose n0t t0 , h0pe y0u feel it ]

~ { 11:46 PM }
reflections of you and me;

o7-o5-o7~ just b0ught a stussy shirt f0rr $55 . w0ah ~ s0 nice , hahas ... s0 tired. lazy t0 bl0g . tmrr bahs , nite all !! ><

~ { 1:53 AM }
reflections of you and me;