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Saturday, June 30, 2007

30-o6-o7~ 2nd daee !! t0daee , 0f c0ursee , since the girl sae g0t new arrival , 0f c0ursee ii will de luhs!!
we went to stage . this time we t0ok a lil bit shorter time than ytd to find tt shop
wooohh. a huge crowd sto0d in front 0f stage .
wat really was sh0ckin was tt u gotta take number tags in order to get the new arrival stuffs ~
someone overheard our conversation knowin tt we are singaporean , gave us their nos ! ! is like half of the queue. no 47 ! LOL. we were sooo grateful to him ~ thou we still waited fer 1 hr , but while waiting , we went apery!!!

0ur TURN !! hahas~ ii b0ught 2 caps 4 tees andd darr b0ught 1 cap 1 tee! hehes~nice man the sh0pp~ w0ah w0ah..

afterr tat went to tamago ya fer lunch ~ it's all bout egg ! it was delicious ! we continued walkin xi men ding and 0f c0ursee ii b0ught al0t. hehes~
darr went t0 cut hair!! 0mg , s0 daring luhs , cut hair at TW.. l0ls~ g0t a free perm fr0m the lady , s0 nice h0rr!!

hungryy !! and we went shi lin nite market ! =) it was really crowded !
we ate jumbo hotdog ~ LOL. kinda nice bud oily .
walked around ~s0 mani things la.. t0daee cant finish walking and 0f c0ursee ! we aree g0ing back t0 shilinn tmrr , hehes.. and and we catched the last train back ~! Zo0m!!!

~ { 1:59 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Friday, June 29, 2007

29-o6-o7~ wah~ g0ing taiwann t0daee. w0rked up s0 earlii l0rr . whenn darr c0mes , we leavee at ar0undd 6.30am~ t0ok taxi with m0m , br0 andd darr t0 airp0rt~ bidd g0od bye le thenn went in !

reachhed !!! abt 1.15pm . wait the driverr t0 fetchh us backk t0 h0tell , s0 l0ng la !reachedd h0tel , settlee le andd here we g0 , CHIONGG To XINMENDING lia0 luhs!

The train is sooo convenient ! n it is just like spore's mrt
esp the easy card . it is their ' ezlink' card . =)
reached xi men ding !
it was raining lahs ! h0w unlucky ! den we went to look fer STAGE !!!!!

kepp askingg th0se " PRO " sh0pp likee NIKe and ADIDAS f0r directi0nn . hahas =x walk walk walk andd ... 0mg . ii smell STAGE. hahas~ b0ught a NT 4800 BLING swarovskii tee ! w0ah w0ah~ nicee luhs..the salesgirl told us tt new arrival will cum tml .
we went and walked xi men ding ! =) shopping time ! ~ ii b0ught al0t al0t al0t andd darr madee her nails man~went t0 a c0ca cola f0rest t0 eat , lame things man~ n0t nicee de~ eek!

we found this plush toyy shop . the teddy bears were like CHEAP !
bii bought a veryyy BIG monkey which is super cute fer like only $33 .
n we gonna bring this really big MONKEY back t0 SG!!

afterr a l0ng l0ngg daee, we headed backk t0 h0tel backk train!
we went to 7-11. bought drinks , cup noodles n eggs ! =)
supper time ~ fat fat lia0!

~ { 1:51 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, June 28, 2007

TAIWAN~ z0om~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~ { 2:14 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

26-o6-o7~ t0daee is a tuesdae s0 is a [ HADI DAY ] l0ls~ s0 ii went h0me with him~ meet him at p0pularr andd headed t0 far east t0 eat l0ng j0hn~ thenn sh0pp sh0pp sh0pp , he went cut hairr andd ended the same fate as mie ! l0ls~ the hairr which we realli d0n like man~ suay luhs ~!!! zzz

walk till 9pm and we headed h0me !!

taiwann~ here ii c0me luhs !! 0mg!!!!!

~ { 1:34 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, June 25, 2007

25-o6-o7~ ii am s0 furi0us abt my hair t0dae!! wtf ?

went t0 SHUJI t0 cut my hair~ waste my 2pidd $32 andd cut this 2pid hair~ hais~! wtf luhs !! ii alrdy t0ld her n0t t0 cut sh0rt but t0 cut thinner BUT !! she g0 cut sh0rt . my backk , my side , my t0p ! WTF LA the girl . siannsati0nnnnn . 2pidd , ii swear ii am n0t g0ing theree anym0re , ii mean will g0 but will n0t findd her t0 cut anym0re... h0oh0ho0~ siann!!

~ { 1:17 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Saturday, June 23, 2007

23-o6-o7~ went 0ut withh darr , watch [ nancy DREW ] !
andd was lamee andd ii sae " darr , nancy drew Miee " l0lss ! isnt it lame? hehes~
it was a budget dae =[ **aww**

but 0verall was kindda fun behs. saw s0mee NDP rehersal , 2pid matching ppl , n0t nice 0ne =x hehes.

meet my mum at bugiss andd headed t0 CLUB to eat . eat BBQ thingy CUM ala carte =]

play the small arcade theree with my br0 andd we went h0mee and play PS2 =]

slping time =] tatas ><"

~ { 12:20 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Friday, June 22, 2007

22-o6-o7~ it was a SUSHI DAY f0rr [ kimlee ] [ hadii ] [ w0ody ] hehes~
ii miss my SUSHII l0ads man~ =[

~ { 12:15 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, June 21, 2007

21-o6-o7~ [ w0ods.0n.Stage ]

w .
0 .
0 .
d .
s .
. .
0 .
n .
. .
S .
t .
a .
g .
e .

every letterr has it meaningg , d0 y0uu kn0w tat??

歌手:[ 罗志祥 ]
歌曲:[ 力量 ]


~ { 2:01 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

2o-o6-o7~ went 0ut withh darr t0daee !! let me just pin-p0int everything 0ut bec0z my eyes is cl0sing ! haahs

viv0 - white d0g cafe
viv0 - sh0pping but n0 bags =x
viv0 - shrek 3 !!

0rchard - LV
0rchard - Guccii
0rchard - kin0
0rchard - saw s0me disgusted ppl [ EEK PUKE ]

c0ffee sh0pp - fried rice
c0ffee sh0pp - p0piah

sendd darr h0mee andd bus-ed HOME !!! hehes , stylee huh? nice stylee t0 bl0gg , c0pyright TM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sh0w 0n stagee DEC~

~ { 2:05 AM }
reflections of you and me;

P/S: last timee de ph0t0s !! happii viewingg !!

~ { 1:48 AM }
reflections of you and me;

p/s: ii am trying t0 find s0me0nee wh0 cann cut [ lu0 zhi xiang ] de hairr !! any0nee cann intr0 miee !!! hahas~ yeah , ii am s0 int0 S T A G E n0ww !!!! h0hoh0ho~

~ { 1:47 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

19-o6-o7~ sh0ppingg spreeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
went 0ut with MR hadii t0daee~ whee~ b0ught a 0range JUNK TEE andd ii 2ppid berm. l0ls! we aree c0nfused abt all the shirts we saw~ 0mg ~ all s0 nicee, fred perry , all th0se , 0mg~ if g0t enuff $ , i will buy all man!! t0ok ph0t0s while we are trying inside t0pman~ hahas~ tat was my idea !! hehes...went backkies quite earli at 9.30pm bec0z mr HADI g0t study tmrr . hahas~ yeah.. t0ok mrt t0 d0verr whenn ii alight theree.. listenn ip0ddies while bus-ed h0mee~

stagee , ii am c0ming f0rr y0uu ~

~ { 12:38 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, June 17, 2007

17-o6-o7~ HAPPY FATHER DAY !!!! have a great time in the thai restuarant~ takkire every0ne !

~ { 1:15 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Saturday, June 16, 2007

16-o6-o7~ t0daee is my last dae at FLMP! aww~ s0 sad.. l0ls. this m0rning meet MR IVAN LEE at my h0use bus st0p at 7.15am. 0mg! l0ls.. he wan mie t0 acc0mpany him g0 makan breakfast -.-" went cine and after meeting him team , we went t0 centre p0int de mac.but we 2 eat r0ti plus mil0~ hahas..afterr tat went t0 cinee t0 registerr him gamee andd ii went t0 w0rk lia0~

we did al0t 0f candid cam ar0und plus vide0 luhs. hahas~ veri veri funn ! dun0 h0w t0 express luhs. alth0ugh is my last dae like n0 big deal but they did put in eff0rt t0 play here and there~hahas.. thanks man~

afterr 7.30pm , went walking with ray ar0und 0rchard. p0st here and there~ hahas. is nice t0 p0st alth0ugh g0t nth t0 d0 -.-

afterr w0rk~ mie , jicks0n , ray and mr jerry headed t0 ................ [ secret ]

p/s: thanks jerry ray and jas, realli happii t0 w0rk with y0uu all~ andd ii enj0y t0daee nite de pr0gram with uncle jick! hahas... dun0 wad t0 sae le lahs..

ii am still living fine in this w0rld~ m0ree trust andd l0ve and everything will be fine~ thanks FLMP.. lets spread s0 butterr everywhere !! nites =]

~ { 12:27 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Friday, June 15, 2007

15-o6-o7~ 2nd last dae at FLMP... t0daee was latee bec0z 0f the heavy rainn! call cabb andd ray called and ask mie t0 fetch him at s0merset MRT . 0mg? there raining t0o~ ii t0ok cabb d0wn theree andd afterr he g0t in , headed t0 heerenn f0r 0ur w0rk . reach there abt 11am andd quickly went up~ phew..

12.30pm , jas andd jerry came .. talk talk talk again ~ dun0 why everydae als0 g0t s0 mani things t0 talk -.-" went f0rr break at 3.30pm,ate the MEE GORENG , and is damn awful ... wtf? s0re thr0at still eat ? hahas =x

went backk and talk talk talk talk talk ... every0nee was high andd n0 0nee was l0nely~ cann ii sae tat? yeah~

al0t 0f ppl sae my hair veri red ... 0mg~ bec0z t0dae verii h0t , when ii went f0rr break , my hair was damn red underr the h0t sun , eek~ ii dun like , quickly walk backkies t0 sh0p lia0... KC came in n0t l0ng laterrr t0o =]

t0ok ph0t0s with themm as a mem0ries bahss~ al0t 0f things happenn in FLMP , ii cant finish talkingg here~ urm .. just wan t0 thank them bahs!

afterr w0rkk , went t0pman with ray , t0ok my "pay" at wisma FLMP andd headed t0 far east , walk walk walk but din get anythng -.-" thenn walk backkies t0 heerenn t0 pass th0see pay t0 them.

9.30pm: went t0 makan with jerry , jerry'gf and ray . went t0 f0od c0urt makan , the chicken ch0p damn cheap and nice luhs , 0mg! afterr eaten , jerry and GF went 0ff and left ray and ii.

waited f0rr glenn andd brad0nn , l0ls~ afterr tat c0me , we drinkk andd afterr tat ......

ii simply like nite life~ the atm0spheree is diff~ veri diff fr0mm aftern0on.. al0t 0f ppl gather andd talkk.. ii d0n wan t0 sae t0o much ~

ii regret quitting my j0b bec0z everything turns upside d0wn~ 0nlii w0rk will make miee feel tat ii am realli tat cheerful , n0 stress , n0 fr0wn , n0 anger , n0 f0ul m0od unless dealing with th0se 2pid cust0mers~tmrr is the last dae , but ii d0n feel tat , and ii am n0t sad bec0z ii still feel warm there .. last dae? nahs~ ii am waiting f0r the appr0val 0f part-time 0ver there , s0 f0rr th0se wh0 think ii am d0ing bad there and sh0uld quit , s0rrii man , ii stil g0t a chance~ t0o bad !!

ii kn0w wad ii am d0ingg andd kn0w my limits. thanks t0 老人's w0rds , ii get t0 kn0w h0w t0 deal with things ...w0rking with s0me0nee 0lder can be bad 0r g0od , but f0rtunately , ii g0t g0od ppl 0ver there~ till n0w , ii learn al0t al0t al0t esp fr0m 老人 . he th0t mie al0t al0t al0t . and ray~ f0r yr 2pid w0rds such as [ chenga nathan ] & [ chaiga nathan ] -.-" ii will rmb this w0rd f0r life man~ hais.. g0ing 0utt tmrr with them as my last "date" as a FLMP crew with them , ii will make it a g0od 0ne ! yes ii will!!

t0o bad , n0 0ne cann make mie angry bec0z 老人说 。。。

~ { 1:55 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, June 14, 2007

14-o6-o7~ this m0rning bring this " v0dka " which c0ntainn medicinee bec0z 0f my s0re thr0at , ii kn0w is lame but ii g0t n0 m0re b0ttle !! hahas~

bubble tea with 3 straws? 0mg ~ 2 straws can luhs , but 3 straws , ii cant sux it up luhs ! wtf~ l0ls..

bec0z 0f buddy system , ii waited f0r MR jerry till 9.30pm , hehes~ went t0 XIN WANG t0 eat , SEE LUHS! we 0rder s0 manii ~ wtf! nice mahs, [ $26 ] quite cheap actualli~ hahas!

hais~ 2 m0re daes and ii will be leaving the place ii r0oted f0r the past 1 mth . hais~ wad ii am g0ing t0 d0 ?? sian!! h0w man , will ii still get t0 g0 0ut with them afterr 9.30pm ?? am ii still able t0 haf the t0pic t0 talk t0 them when ii g0 backkies? wad am ii g0ing t0 d0 . ii quit bec0z 0f 1 reas0nn . is simple ... why ii quit??? but ii cant w0rk there f0reverr bahs , s0.. ii h0pe we understand each 0therr andd BUDDY yeah!!

t0 jerry: if y0u see this , ii wan t0 thank y0uu f0rr telling me al0t al0t 0f things =]

t0 ray : thanks f0r being theree when ii wan t0 p0st at cinee , h0pe we can still p0st next time =]

t0 jas: g0od luckk in yr next j0b ! d0n f0rget t0 treat mie =]

takkire all! l0vee**

~ { 1:59 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

12-o6-o7~ h0hoh0~ t0dae wake up lia0 nv style hairr , went d0wn t0 sh0p straight away . ii was the 0ne wh0 0pen the sh0p ! hahas~ -.-" 0ne by 0ne , all c0me lia0 . ray and ii decided t0 buy 10 CUPS OF TEA~ LOLS~ ii kn0w why , s0 d0es he =x suddenly saw MISS k0h weii walking t0wards mie.. andd ii saw the SAMEE THINGS . zzz [ next time plz change 0r n0t ii will tell every0ne 0kiee !] l0ls~ went t0 break at 5pm . went t0 cinee t0 eat mix ricee , wahs ~ damn nice , maybe ii am hungry bahs~
went backkiess andd w0rk , t0daee .. jerry and rayy is damn high l0rr BUT ! they are havingg st0machache . 0mg ~ heeren virus is c0ming again~ zzz , ii haf s0re thr0at als0~ 0mg 0mg 0mg !!! =x

ding d0ng !! 7.30pm , afterr my w0rk , went 0verr t0 Queen's c0uture t0 see see~ saw the CHEAP MONDAY NEW ARRIVAL~ wah, nice~ ii try [ size 28 ] yes ! is size 28!!!! hahas~ andd ii b0ught it at $107~ 0pps !! but ii b0ught bec0z ii haf caculated my bank de $ ~ hahas~ still alrite luhs~ afterr buy le , went t0 far east t0 buy my dye hair de , andd c0llect ray's shirt~ afterr tat went backkies t0 heeren t0 find them! hahas~ talk talk talk and finalli , d0 cl0sing~ hehes~ we blast the s0ng andd all s0 high l0rr~ sia0 de ~ nv see 3 ppl d0 cl0sing bef0re! damn HIGH! l0ls~

cl0se d0or lia0 went d0wn andd jerry went 0ff t0 meet her GF while me and ray went t0 xinwang t0 makan~ hehes~ he eat 0nli luhs , ii drink barley bec0z s0re thr0at~ thenn saww glenn and his GF , and they sit just beside us , -.-" thenn m0 and his GF als0 c0me~! LoLS~ why s0 c0incident leii ? =Xx afterr eat , we went 0ff 1st andd went in fr0nt 0f cheers t0 slack . talk talk talk till 11.45pm andd we b0thh went h0mee , he cabbed andd ii " busted " l0ls =x

4 m0re daes and ii will leavee FLESH IMP lia0 , siann~ kindda miss the atm0sphere leii~ sigh** dun0 ehs , feel s0 weird , urm , ii h0pe the fun will still be there when ii g0 backies bahs ! hahas~ takkiree guys , anti-sick [ heeren ] hehes ><"

~ { 1:45 AM }
reflections of you and me;

10-o6-07~ ii wasnt fine at all . thanks t0 ray buddy** .. takkire all~

~ { 12:54 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, June 11, 2007

11-o6-o7~ happi 1 yr 4mths t0 darr ! =] t0daee went t0 darr h0usee bec0z darr is c0oking f0rr miee . afterr ii am rdy , ii cabbed d0wnn . eat le thenn slack awhile.watch teevee andd SUDDENLY ! we saw the "uncle ring0" de fun fair at BISHAN ! hahas~ s0 idea went in 0ur mind , lets g0 t0 bishan !! went theree andd playy . ii t0ld myself ii am n0t g0ing t0 leavee the placee with0ut a t0y! hahas , s0 we kip playingg and finally , ii g0t a t0y !! andd the sh0pp keeper give us 0ne s0 tgt , we g0t 2 !! hahas~ each 0nee! yay~ after tat , went t0 KFC t0 eat ! wah man~ ii s0re thr0at lia0 luhs , zzz .....

bec0z 0f s0re thr0at , went t0 7-11 t0 buy waterr , went mrt and send darr h0me~ afterr tat ii bused h0mee~ s0 tiredd t0daee!! but g0t 0urselves happi , tats the m0st impt fact0rrrrr... 0kiee !!! l0ve ya! ><"

~ { 1:35 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, June 10, 2007

o8-o6-o7~ the cup 0f tea is wad ii nid every m0rning !! and the gatsby is wadd ii nidd t0 style my hair every m0rning !! l0ls~! t0daee afterrn0on , MR IVAN LEE sms miee asking where ii am -.-" ii am w0rking dude~ s0 ii meet him and gracee f0rr lunchh at cinee~ and MR hadi din n0t turn up ! ...

just bef0ree ii am releasing fr0m w0rk , MR HADI sms miee saeingg he wan t0 meet miee ! l0ls~ thenn meet him at heeren , thenn saw MR IVAN and MRS LEE ... s0 we 4 tgt g0 walk walk!! thanks MR HADI f0r skippingg his class , yet acc0m us t0 walk walk. l0ls..

MR IVAN suddenly c0me 0ut with an idea asking me t0 stay 0verr his h0usee~! 0mg!! andd 0f c0ursee afterr hesitati0nn , ii agree luhs~ s0 pest man.. theyy als0 quite g0od luhs , f0lo mie t0 my h0usee , wait f0r mie t0 bath all tat , and t0ok my lappies and cabbed t0 MR IVAN h0use~ hadi went bacckkies h0me.. s0 we 3 started t0 play majo0ngg , play play till 3am andd MRS LEE went h0me !!! left me and IVAN ..cant get thru HADI and GARY , s0 we hack caree them! maybe they are tiredd bahs . s0 we 2 started playingg dOTA till 7am whenn suddenlyy MR IVAN saee " ehs , wan t0 g0 eat MAc a n0t ? " wtf !?

l0ls , but in the end we 2 als0 went luhs~ thenn ii went h0mee by MRT cum BUs. s0 ps luhs , ii accidentally slp 0nt0 a OLD STUPID w0man's sh0ulderr andd she make a kind 0f s0und , afterr ii alight at d0verr , ii stareee at HER !! fuk man~ give attitudee , is herr luck that ii ACCIDENTALLY slp 0n her sh0ulder LOR !! eek~

reach h0me abt 8 , thenn rest awhilee , bathh andd headed to *WORK *
0mg , cann y0u imaginee ii din slp at all and went straight t0 w0rk ? l0ls~ zzz s0 tiredd luhs.. but ii l0ng time nv like tat lia0 s0 is w0rth it luhs ><" hehes~ 1 m0re week andd ii am free lia0~ MY TIME-TABLE is n0t full yet .. any0ne? l0ls~ takkire all!! buaibuai!!!!!!!!

darr is 0ff t0 MALACCA~ miss her l0ads ~ takkire darr andd all~ ><"

~ { 2:17 AM }
reflections of you and me;