15-o6-o7~ 2nd last dae at FLMP... t0daee was latee bec0z 0f the heavy rainn! call cabb andd ray called and ask mie t0 fetch him at s0merset MRT . 0mg? there raining t0o~ ii t0ok cabb d0wn theree andd afterr he g0t in , headed t0 heerenn f0r 0ur w0rk . reach there abt 11am andd quickly went up~ phew..
12.30pm , jas andd jerry came .. talk talk talk again ~ dun0 why everydae als0 g0t s0 mani things t0 talk -.-" went f0rr break at 3.30pm,ate the MEE GORENG , and is damn awful ... wtf? s0re thr0at still eat ? hahas =x
went backk and talk talk talk talk talk ... every0nee was high andd n0 0nee was l0nely~ cann ii sae tat? yeah~
al0t 0f ppl sae my hair veri red ... 0mg~ bec0z t0dae verii h0t , when ii went f0rr break , my hair was damn red underr the h0t sun , eek~ ii dun like , quickly walk backkies t0 sh0p lia0... KC came in n0t l0ng laterrr t0o =]
t0ok ph0t0s with themm as a mem0ries bahss~ al0t 0f things happenn in FLMP , ii cant finish talkingg here~ urm .. just wan t0 thank them bahs!
afterr w0rkk , went t0pman with ray , t0ok my "pay" at wisma FLMP andd headed t0 far east , walk walk walk but din get anythng -.-" thenn walk backkies t0 heerenn t0 pass th0see pay t0 them.
9.30pm: went t0 makan with jerry , jerry'gf and ray . went t0 f0od c0urt makan , the chicken ch0p damn cheap and nice luhs , 0mg! afterr eaten , jerry and GF went 0ff and left ray and ii.
waited f0rr glenn andd brad0nn , l0ls~ afterr tat c0me , we drinkk andd afterr tat ......
ii simply like nite life~ the atm0spheree is diff~ veri diff fr0mm aftern0on.. al0t 0f ppl gather andd talkk.. ii d0n wan t0 sae t0o much ~
ii regret quitting my j0b bec0z everything turns upside d0wn~ 0nlii w0rk will make miee feel tat ii am realli tat cheerful , n0 stress , n0 fr0wn , n0 anger , n0 f0ul m0od unless dealing with th0se 2pid cust0mers~tmrr is the last dae , but ii d0n feel tat , and ii am n0t sad bec0z ii still feel warm there .. last dae? nahs~ ii am waiting f0r the appr0val 0f part-time 0ver there , s0 f0rr th0se wh0 think ii am d0ing bad there and sh0uld quit , s0rrii man , ii stil g0t a chance~ t0o bad !!
ii kn0w wad ii am d0ingg andd kn0w my limits. thanks t0 老人's w0rds , ii get t0 kn0w h0w t0 deal with things ...w0rking with s0me0nee 0lder can be bad 0r g0od , but f0rtunately , ii g0t g0od ppl 0ver there~ till n0w , ii learn al0t al0t al0t esp fr0m 老人 . he th0t mie al0t al0t al0t . and ray~ f0r yr 2pid w0rds such as [ chenga nathan ] & [ chaiga nathan ] -.-" ii will rmb this w0rd f0r life man~ hais.. g0ing 0utt tmrr with them as my last "date" as a FLMP crew with them , ii will make it a g0od 0ne ! yes ii will!!
t0o bad , n0 0ne cann make mie angry bec0z 老人说 。。。