a fingerr f0rr the spammer =]
0kiee~ ii agree tat SIM is f0rr ppl wh0 is l0usy. ppl wh0 cant g0 p0ly, they ch0se SIM. p0ly g0t s0 manii business Dipl0ma , why must they c0me t0 SIM ? bec0z they g0t n0 any BIG G0od gradee thenn 0thers . we aree just likee ppl with0ut h0use~ we aree just 0rphann tat had FINALLY f0und their h0me [ s0rri if ii type this ] l0usy schh f0rr l0usy ppl , ppl wh0 cant g0 t0 n0rmal p0ly~
S0 WAD ??we d0 haf p0sitivee p0tentiall ppl in SIM~ ii am n0t referingg myself but ii am tryingg t0. s0 wads the BIG DEAL !? wh0 saee SIM is a l0usy placee f0r l0usy ppl ? cann ii pr0vee t0 y0uu ?? HUHS !?
As f0rr the farkingg spammerr , ii d0n caree y0u aree half girl 0r half b0ii , ii betterr tell y0u n0w 1st , ii am expectingg 0ne spamm tmrr , s0 d0n hesitate t0 write d0wn . andd let miee tell y0u , if it is
YOU [ y0u sh0uld kn0w if y0u read this ] , y0u betterr st0p this , y0urr GRP 0f ppl has realli disgusted mie f0rr a verii l0ng timee. y0u think y0u guys realli g0t the m0ney t0 buy gucci 0r LV? plz thank yr parents~ [ ii thanked them ]
and st0p denying if is y0u guys [ if is n0t , ii ap0logize ] bec0z is realli making mie puke .. d0n wan t0 study , s0 free? why n0t g0 w0rk thenn~ ratherr thann spamming like a [ S.0.B ] heree . if y0u dun0 wads is S0B , let mie tell y0u~
[ Son 0f a Bitch ]ii d0n expect anything fr0m y0u , but in the 1st place , ii nv even 0ffend y0u , if yes , c0me find miee andd clarify y0uu l0wd0wnn 0strich , disgusted PUKE .. if n0t , st0p all this . i am f0rr suree ii kn0w y0u . if y0u realli wanna c0ntinue within us , d0n blame mie , ALL except y0u in EVERY 0ccasi0n . trust mie , ii will , 0therr thann this , y0u shall see back-breakerr . 0uch 0uch 0uchh ! =/
s0metimes , ii d0n nidd s0me0ne t0 pity me 0r sympathetize mie . d0n ever f0rcee wad 0thers d0n like , they may haf their 0wn reas0nn 0r plan. y0u wan , y0u g0 , d0n haf t0 plan f0r mie 0r wad . ii am always bz , if n0t ii will slack at h0me studyingg , wad f0rr b0therr f0r miee wad t0 d0 next 0r later ? enj0y yr plans , ii din st0pp y0u fr0m tat , is up t0 0thers t0 decided , if 0ne dae they wan , they will . simple~
ii d0n think ii will always be a l0ner , unless s0mething is st0pping mie , liddat ii am speechless .
but ii still haf t0 thank y0uu f0r the eff0rt y0u made , ii apreciated and ii am s0rri~ all ii haf t0 saee is [ ii saw the eff0rt , thanks ]
d0n haf t0 w0rries f0r miee . takkiree all ..