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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

31~o7-o7~ 0kiee~ t0daee ii just g0t my 小鬼 de b0ok !! [ 搞什么鬼?!] h0h0h00~
n0w ii am startingg t0 read lia0~ 0hs,s0 excitedd man~
suddenly als0 like 小鬼!! why why why!! 0mgg~
andd he is wearingg BH de shirtt andd s0me c0st 0verr $150~
wahh cann0t tahan.. but if g0t , ii will buy mans~

0hs 0hs~ annd ii am changingg my hairr style lia0~
0h 0h? [ 小川搞什么鬼!? ] wahhahas!! andd ii think quite nice als0!! =x
0mg0mg~ catch y0u guys again =)

~ { 1:14 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, July 30, 2007

生日快乐罗志祥 !

happii bdaee t0 y0uu
happii bdaee t0 y0uu
happii bdaee t0 阿祥
happii bdaee t0 y0uu !!!!!!

0kiee, ii kn0w he wun be able t0 see but ii still will writee luhs! -.-"




30-o7-o7~ w0ah c0ol , ii hatee ppl wh0 lie , ESPECIALLY herr .
0f c0ursee , she did it 0ncee m0ree~
but t0o badd , ii g0t the evidences bef0ree she evenn destr0y it.
ii am always tat fast , c0ol ?? ii think ii shld be a investigat0rr bahs?

why ii am always the 0ne wh0 always f0rgivee andd f0rget the lies y0u t0ld ?
why must 0ne d0 0r liee smth that ii d0n likee ??
ii aint saeingg tat ii am tat great 0r wadd but everytime 0ne lies , it
greatly affected mie andd ii haf enuff~ seriously...

lies afterr lies , f0rgivee afterr f0rgivee..
y0u hurt , but why this will happenn
WE g0tta reflect 0urselves~
we g0nna st0p if WE d0n haf trust
if we kip lying t0 each 0therr
this timee , y0u lied~


~ { 12:41 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Saturday, July 28, 2007



s0me0ne t0ld mie :
learnn t0 give and takee
d0n expect 0r ask f0rr t0o muchh~

thanks br0~ ii will rmb~

~ { 1:39 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Friday, July 27, 2007

27-o7-o7~ 0kieee , thiss 3 dudes =x kip slping in the class this few daes! andd ii am g0ing t0 c0mplain ~!! hahas =x

watchh the M18 sh0w called " blackk sheep " 0mg~ d0n watch it , is damn ass-ing LAMEE~ lame ch0p lame ch0pp , 2pidd sh0w , ch0pch0pch0p!!!! puke~

0kiee~ ii g0t a candid sh0t and is super duperr weird in this ph0t0~ dun0 why , andd ii l0ok fat in it.. see my FACE! 0mg 0mg... siann...nvm bahs~ =[

~ { 11:58 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, July 26, 2007

26-o7-o7~ understandable~
aww M0S !! ><"

~ { 1:57 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

25-o7-o7~ aww~ ii wanted t0 wake up at 10am t0 study de leii , but nv wake up.. wtf!?
siann~ dragg my feet t0 schh .... p0o~

went t0 buy drink andd sweets again bec0z is still earlii 0kie! andd 0f c0ursee ii d0n wan t0 be th0se earlii birds t0 g0 in.. sl0wly dragg my feet again t0 lec . ><"
d0 y0u all kn0w why!? bec0z t0daee is a SIANZATI0N subJ plus SIANZATI0N lecturer..

-.-" f0rr the seek 0f g0ing in , ii went in~ phew...here she g0es , starting her b0ingg stuff again~ t0daee , every0nee is c0mplainingg abt her lec .

1st: ii can cfm tat she dun0 wad she is teaching! [ 笨蛋]
2nd: ii can cfm tat she cant evenn ans 0ur QUESTI0N !!
3rd: ii can cfm half 0f the class is staring at the spacee ~

0mg0mg~ finalli is break time~ but she still ask us t0 use the time t0 think abt the grp w0rk she is given.. but 0f c0urse , every0nee CHI0NG d0wn lia0 luhs~ t0daee dun0 why s0 c0ldd , even th0se army guys SAE IS Cold !!! 0mg~ can y0u believe??
13 sm0kers in my class~ Zzz ..

n0 0ne wants t0 g0 up even th0u thee time is up~ l0ls~ but still haf t0 g0 up luhs~ b0ringg~

when she givee GRPS , she anyh0w p0int heree and theree~ sia0 0ne, ii als0 dun0 which grp ii am in -.-" thenn we f0rm the GRP no. 10 alth0u there is 0nli 9 .. hehes ><"

0nli 1st 3 r0ws is d0ing ,behind all slackingg , but ii g0t d0 ehs~ andd ii g0t the same ans as her~ 0mg... is abt t0pic sentence all tat , sec als0 learn lia0 , wads the big deal huh !? hehes ..

5pm! t0daee she teachh 0ver time l0rr , zzz but whenn 5pm , all th0se pen de n0ise all c0me , tat means every0ne is packing lia0 .. l0ls~

went h0me STRAIGHT away , bec0z ii wan t0 study ~ yes study!! P0A tmrr , shagg , die die , stuckk at his less0n~ siansiansiansiansiann~ nvm , tmrr kampateii behs!

[[ ii h0pee she will fufill herr dreams , andd will s0arr in wadeverr she d0 bahs, kampateii t0 herr t0o ~ ]

新光帮的[ 杨忠隈 ] verii l0usy luhs~ 新光帮 just f0rm thenn s0 manii 非闻 lia0~ LOLS! n0ob GRP~ 0r bi quackk !! “意斯利”betterr !! w00h0h0h00~



~ { 12:41 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

24-o7-o7~ aww~ afterr schh went t0 bukit timahh plaza bec0z the " charlie angels " wans t0 eat PIZZA HUT ... zzz

thenn me andd federickk went t0 mamb0 t0 play p0ol ..

afterr tat went t0 c0ld st0ragee t0 l0okn up f0rr th0see pr0j thingy..
the ice-cream is veri ex n0wadays ...

went h0mee ar0und 6 plus andd STUDY ec0ns ~ yes , study , but ii am stuck at s0me qn~ zzzzz .. nvm .. jia y0u t0 me!

~ { 6:19 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, July 23, 2007

23-o7-o7~ w0ke up at 12.45pm ! 0mg 0mg~ g0ing t0 latee~ faster bathh andd went 0ut lia0~ went t0 the bus st0p t0 wait f0r bus. suddenly feel smthh crawling 0n my leg! guess wad !! 0mg 0mg~ is a GREEN W0RM !!! [ l0ok at the pic , blur blur =x ]
thenn ii flickk it away with my finger! 0mg 0mg.. zzz

bused t0 SIM andd went t0 buy waterr~ bec0z ii wan 2pm sharp thenn g0 in! hahas~ =x
wahs , t0daee is ec0ns~ cann0t tahan~ damnn difficult~
thenn , 3 guys beside me all slping..LOLS!
thenn ii think " why everytime in sec0ndary sch , ii everytime slp , n0w nv slp de huh? " LOLS ! =x ii pr0 lia0!! wakakakas

afterr sch , meet j0ann andd rach andd we headed t0 darr h0use ~ she c0oked, ii c0oked , we c0oked ~ thenn eat .. hahas~ the rice abit hard huh? =x

after eatt , watch teevee thenn s0on , b0th j0an and rach went h0me , bec0z is t0o earli , s0 ii stay~ hahas~ stay till 9.30pm thenn went h0me~ h0hh0o0~ tmrr will be slacking dae bec0z 0f thee subj.. wkakakas ><"

~ { 12:24 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, July 22, 2007

22-o7-o7~ S.H.E Max Pavili0n 28th july ~!! here ii c0me~ wakakakas~ h0h0h0h0 ><"

~ { 11:37 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Friday, July 20, 2007


~ { 1:57 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, July 19, 2007


P/S~ ii g0t n0 negative impressi0n when it c0mes t0 ppl wh0 are HUGE but whenn it c0mes t0 s0me0ne wh0 is verii irritatingg andd thinkks tat they R THE " GREAT 0NE " , ii g0t 0ne w0rd f0r themm and tat is 0MG !! eek~

What makes a disgusting blogger?

" Disgusting bloggers, are, to me, either (1) pretending to be something they are not or (2) think way too highly of themselves (and not in a joking manner, either, like I do).

There are, of course, many other really ugly and gross people around blogging too, but as long as they know their place, I totally have no problems with them." =] just nice is wad ii wanna sae , h0hoh0o~

btw , ii d0n l0ok at 0thers bl0g , is just s0 happenn tat things c0me t0 my ears...
and is kidda disgusted mie.. pukee** ii wunn read , s0 d0n b0therr eitherr =]

maybe ii am n0t w0rking lia0 s0 ii am n0t in yr list bahs~ buddy??

~ { 11:31 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

a fingerr f0rr the spammer =]


0kiee~ ii agree tat SIM is f0rr ppl wh0 is l0usy. ppl wh0 cant g0 p0ly, they ch0se SIM. p0ly g0t s0 manii business Dipl0ma , why must they c0me t0 SIM ? bec0z they g0t n0 any BIG G0od gradee thenn 0thers . we aree just likee ppl with0ut h0use~ we aree just 0rphann tat had FINALLY f0und their h0me [ s0rri if ii type this ] l0usy schh f0rr l0usy ppl , ppl wh0 cant g0 t0 n0rmal p0ly~

S0 WAD ??

we d0 haf p0sitivee p0tentiall ppl in SIM~ ii am n0t referingg myself but ii am tryingg t0. s0 wads the BIG DEAL !? wh0 saee SIM is a l0usy placee f0r l0usy ppl ? cann ii pr0vee t0 y0uu ?? HUHS !?

As f0rr the farkingg spammerr , ii d0n caree y0u aree half girl 0r half b0ii , ii betterr tell y0u n0w 1st , ii am expectingg 0ne spamm tmrr , s0 d0n hesitate t0 write d0wn . andd let miee tell y0u , if it is YOU [ y0u sh0uld kn0w if y0u read this ] , y0u betterr st0p this , y0urr GRP 0f ppl has realli disgusted mie f0rr a verii l0ng timee. y0u think y0u guys realli g0t the m0ney t0 buy gucci 0r LV? plz thank yr parents~ [ ii thanked them ]
and st0p denying if is y0u guys [ if is n0t , ii ap0logize ] bec0z is realli making mie puke .. d0n wan t0 study , s0 free? why n0t g0 w0rk thenn~ ratherr thann spamming like a [ S.0.B ] heree . if y0u dun0 wads is S0B , let mie tell y0u~

[ Son 0f a Bitch ]

ii d0n expect anything fr0m y0u , but in the 1st place , ii nv even 0ffend y0u , if yes , c0me find miee andd clarify y0uu l0wd0wnn 0strich , disgusted PUKE .. if n0t , st0p all this . i am f0rr suree ii kn0w y0u . if y0u realli wanna c0ntinue within us , d0n blame mie , ALL except y0u in EVERY 0ccasi0n . trust mie , ii will , 0therr thann this , y0u shall see back-breakerr . 0uch 0uch 0uchh ! =/

s0metimes , ii d0n nidd s0me0ne t0 pity me 0r sympathetize mie . d0n ever f0rcee wad 0thers d0n like , they may haf their 0wn reas0nn 0r plan. y0u wan , y0u g0 , d0n haf t0 plan f0r mie 0r wad . ii am always bz , if n0t ii will slack at h0me studyingg , wad f0rr b0therr f0r miee wad t0 d0 next 0r later ? enj0y yr plans , ii din st0pp y0u fr0m tat , is up t0 0thers t0 decided , if 0ne dae they wan , they will . simple~
ii d0n think ii will always be a l0ner , unless s0mething is st0pping mie , liddat ii am speechless .

but ii still haf t0 thank y0uu f0r the eff0rt y0u made , ii apreciated and ii am s0rri~ all ii haf t0 saee is [ ii saw the eff0rt , thanks ]
d0n haf t0 w0rries f0r miee . takkiree all ..

~ { 11:56 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

17-o7-o7~ RAFFLES buffet , cant stand it , is damn nicee . g0t this v0ucherr fr0m mum, n0t t0 waste , me and darr ,went =]

is c0st t0tal 0f $84 , BUT ... we d0n haf t0 pay ><"


this is the 0nli w0rd ii can sae t0 represent 0ur st0machh.. hehes

ii still g0t 3 v0uchers , wakakakas! l0oking f0rward th0u.......

~ { 12:30 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, July 15, 2007

15-o7-o7~ arhh~ ytd slp at 4 plus and w0ke up @ 11 t0daee =[
went 0ut withh dad and m0m t0daee , s0 l0ng sincee... [ i dun0 ] =x
went t0 chinat0wnn t0 makaan 1st , the chicken ricee is awwwwwwwfulll~ 0mg
sp0ill my 2pidd appi~
afterr tat went ar0und with my dad carr andd finalli , we reachh " my place " shh~ cann0t sae luhs~ but the sh0p is cl0se~ hehes

went parag0n afterr tat t0 walk walk~ suddenly think 0f tiffany&Co .. hahas~
hais, my LV bagg ! g0need!
went t0 D.france t0 eat , eat my TUNA bread .. why is every0ne saeing it ask " till - na " huh? is TUNA~ TU-NA 0kiee! 0r n0t is veri awful bec0z in cant0nese , is a bad w0rd.. l0ls !!

went t0 market place t0 buy smth like air-fresher all th0se , be a uncle ! l0ls~ afterr tat headed h0mee!

they b0ughht chilii crab t0dae l0rr! 0mg 0mg~ everytime eat crab , c0nfirm my shirt will kana ,w/0 fail de leii~ b0o~

tmrr g0t sch!! STAGEE babii~ stagee! hahas~ y00yyo0~

~ { 11:55 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Saturday, July 14, 2007

14-o7-o7~ meet darr at d0ver , was s0 excited abt the Swiss h0tel BUFFET v0uncherr!!
when ii call the 2pid h0tel ,
they saee " excusee me sir , thee pr0m0ti0nn is 0nlii f0rr m0n-thurs "
l0ls? are they kidding ?~ shit luhs!
b0 biann~ went t0 central eat ~ ch0ose the place call waraku~ KUKU luhs =x
ii found a dead insect in my food when ii were about to finish LOL ><" andd the manager was so nice to change Mie the same meal fer free. LOL. so ii ate 2 pots ! fat huh? NICE LUHS !! hahas!
guess wh0 we saw , MRS PESKKI LIM XINYA !~ 0mg~ we were like 4 st0rey high when ii saw i figuree walking in bel0w , thenn darr sh0ut " xinya , is xinya!! " l0ls~ 0mg~

afterr eatting , walk ar0undd at central , thenn t0ok bus t0 taka !! hehes~ saw the f0od fairr there , 0mg! my st0mach is hungry againn =x

ever0ne sh0uld g0 theree if y0u all wan gr0w fat , bec0z we eat al0t al0t man~ se0ul de thingy was nice, hahas~ llalala~

~ { 2:29 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Friday, July 13, 2007

13-o7-o7~ everydaee wearr nicee nicee t0 sch , machiam likee fashi0nn sh0w liddat~ l0ls~ thenn afterr schh everytimee g0 swimming , shi0k ehs , starting t0 see s0me shape in my b0dy lia0 =x h0hoh0o !!

~ { 2:20 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, July 12, 2007


~ { 12:53 AM }
reflections of you and me;