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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

29-o8-o7~ seri0usly , ii d0nn feel like g0ing back t0 SG tat time..
bec0z... we miss HK .
ii am seri0us..

~ { 12:03 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

28-o8-o7~ 3rd dae !

~ { 12:01 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, August 27, 2007

27-o8-o7~ 2nd dae !!

~ { 11:59 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, August 26, 2007

26-o8-o7~ 1st daee at hk !

~ { 11:57 PM }
reflections of you and me;

26-o8-o7~ 0kiiee , n0w is 9.11am
andd ii am at airp0rt terminal 0ne !!
with this 2 2pid peskii guy~
we aree heading t0 HK !~
argh , 4 hrs flight ~
will be missing...
hahas , will bring al0t 0f stuff backk~
takkire all ... .____."

~ { 9:08 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Friday, August 24, 2007

24-o8-o7~ argh, spent $38.70 f0rr a 2pidd hair cut!!
argh .. ii saee ii wan 罗志祥 but ii g0t 小鬼 .____.""


bec0me liddat l0rr!!
wtf~ waste $$

g0ing t0 wear cap everydaee lia0~ w0hoh0o~

arhh.. tmrr is a g0od daee bec0z g0t dancingg dancingg~
ii g0nna sh0ww~ l0ls ><"

~ { 1:17 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, August 23, 2007

23-o8-o7~b0om !!
g0 g0 p0werr rangerrs !!! tada tada ~
wakakas~ t0daee went 0ut with p0werr rangers~ r0gerr there**
w0ree STAGEE CM t0 t0wn~ w0h0o0.. exciteddd excitedd~
andd finally , ii watched RUSH HOUR ||| !!
argh , waited s0 l0ngg andd finalli~ ii g0t t0 see !!

chris tuckies said : y0u nid t0 haf a certain height t0 be a black !!
0mg0mg~ thiss sh0w g0t s0me 2pidd cutee charc l0rr.. l0ls
even a taxi driverr talks al0t... -.-"

afterrr watchingg , went walkingg andd..
afterr 10 yrs , we g0t n0 where t0 walk~
cant y0u believee we g0t n0wheree t0 g0!?

afterr a verii verii l0ngg discussing~
headedd t0 Squaree 2 ~
l0ls~ went theree t0 eat andd afterr ,
t0o badd, chang , n0 arcadee f0rr y0u ,
we headed h0me.. argh~
siann ,
rain rain g0 away~ =/
s0 tiredd luhs.. tmrr g0ingg kb0xx !!
b0x y0u arh! b0x b0x b0x .__."

seri0usly , ii am br0kee !! g0ing t0 w0rk
s0 , w0rk is NO.1 !!
0therr than tat , plz d0n ask me 0ut 0r wad..
0nlii entertain $$ ... LOLS !! ><"

~ { 1:30 AM }
reflections of you and me;

~ { 12:33 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, August 20, 2007

2o-o8-o7 g0ing Hk next week !!!!!!!
ab0ve is sh0w de new MV called [ 必殺機 bet 0n it] fr0m high schh musical 2 .. l0ls ~
takkire all!
p/s: abit irritating bec0z 0f the jay s0ng.. s0rri guys !

~ { 12:58 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Friday, August 17, 2007

17-o8-o7~nv bet withh me bec0z ii just w0n myself 6 cans 0f WADEVER !!!
s0me saee g0t plain waterr insidee wadeverrr
ii sae d0n haff~
end up , ii w0n x)

thereef0ree , nv bet with mie =}

~ { 12:33 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, August 16, 2007

16-o8-o7~whenn BBQ with flesh impp Crew !~!!!!!!!!

~ { 12:26 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


~ { 12:30 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


~ { 12:25 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, August 13, 2007

13-o8-o7~ cann y0u guys see thee ph0t0 withh a title
[ welc0me t0 z0o , mach0 meng] ?
WE changee it and is [ welc0me t0 z0o , mach0 MING MING ] !!!
wakakakas !!!!!!!!!!!! =x

0kiee , maybe 0nlii we 3 kn0w thee j0kee .
0pps , f0rg0t t0 menti0n went 0ut withh MEL andd rick t0daee afterr a t0rture
0f EC0N !!! my brain is g0ing t0 brust afterr DEREK HUI less0nn !!!!!!!!!!!

0kiee , went t0 eat MAC at taka bec0z we think tat eatingg MAC at TAKA is veri grand.. hahas~ andd dear MR MEL use my ez-link t0 buy student meal .. nice bahss..


afterr tat went walkwalk ar0und the wh0le 0rchardd , we aree b0redd~

went t0 LV t0 see my stuff~ my p0cket 0rganizerr is $360 .. shit luhs!
andd m0nt blanc de card h0lder is $175...
argh , b0th als0 like , but LV de m0re class !! 0f c0ursee luhs !!
wahs siann~ the pr0blem is the m0ney .. l0ls!!!

nvmnvm~ is 0kiee..
went h0mee s0on ar0und 8pm liddat .. reached h0mee andd afterr awhile , parents came backk~
f0lo m0m d0wn t0 burnn th0se papers , bec0z t0daee is the 1st daee ,
shit , ii burn my fingerr luhs ! pain mans~ 0mg0mg~

0kiee , n0w insidee msn talking abt STAGE , is kinnda impt huh~
sh0uldnt sae it 0ut~ secreta =))

g0ingg t0 slp lia0 !! tmrr meetingg darr de ah ma !! hehes ... nites all!

~ { 1:16 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Saturday, August 11, 2007


~ { 1:25 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, August 09, 2007

o9-o8-o7~ NATIONAL DAE !!!!!!!!!!

~ { 1:21 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

[ s0me0ne send miee thiss 2pid FUNNI pic =x ]

o7-o8-o7~ argh~ w0ke up at 1pm t0dae againn~ siann...
ytd mel asked me t0 wear cap t0daee s0 , ii w0re luhs~
reachhed class andd ii was late~
ii realise tat the 4 0f us is wearing capp~
argh , s0 gay luhs ! wtff !! hahas =x
study study study ~
dun00 whether can pass my pr0j an0t , hais~

t0dae is sale andd marketingg s0 , 0ur break will be 30min !!
andd 0f c0ursee , the 4 0f us went t0 [ mega bite ] t0 eat luhs!
" unclee , 4 chicken ch0p plz!!! "
wakakas~ afterr tat , went backk ~

afterr sch~ went t0 student l0unge t0 d0 pr0j~
ii realise smth !!
here g0t p0ol table l0rr !!!!
0mg 0mg , g0ing t0 play it 0ne daee !!

ii drew thiss mindmap!!
is a draft 0ne , n0 need t0 draw s0 nice de luhs ! hahas~

afterr tat went h0mee...

tmrr g0ingg backk t0 WWSS lia0 luhs !! hehes!!

~ { 1:31 AM }
reflections of you and me;


~ { 1:21 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, August 06, 2007

o6-o8-o7~ this m0rning 5am thenn slp!! argh~
bec0z ii am watchingg [ THE HILL HAVE EYE 2 ] !!!
is a gr0ss andd 2pid sh0w , n0 w0nderr is R21
aww... is s0o0o0o scary -.-"" [ like real ]
just finish DL-ingg 王力宏 de s0ngs~
wah nice luhs~ s0mee luhs! 0mg 0mg..

w0ke up @ 1pm~ 0mg 0mg~ am ii g0ing t0 late f0r sch!?
nahs~ rdy at 1.30pm~ fast bahs?
din style hair , t0dae is " jap " de hairr bec0z ii din style!! h0h0h0
reach schh andd started studyy~
t0daee ii am damn seriouss in EC0n ! hahas~
cann ii sae tat? yeahyeah~ bec0zz ii am verii c0ncentrating in the class
in DERRICK HUII de class especially~

finished ar0und 4.45pm~
went t0 find MS peggy SU but reaalise tat we cant find herr~
she d0 n0t haf a PLACE IN THE STAFF RO0m ! zzzZzzzzzZ
put plane by her luhs~
if next time g0t pr0blem thenn h0w!? sian luhs!!

went h0mee straightt away with derrick~
he take bus fr0m my h0use de bus st0p while ii g0 h0me luhs!
reached h0mee..
t0daee ii watched [ b0rat ]
is a 2pid andd 2pid sh0w ~! WTF luhs !!

he is g0ing t0 canif0rnia t0 l0ve f0rr his l0vee
andd meet every0ne in each t0wnn
and he even f0ught with his friend naked but is CENSORED !!
hahas !!! d0n think 丫丫 arhh !!

l0aded [ vacancy ] but nv watched bec0z ii am lazy lia0~
tmrr thenn watched bahss~
n0w watachingg 娱乐百分百~
t0dae is 南拳妈妈~

h0hho0o~ tmrr is sale & marketingg ~
A f0rr my pr0j PLZ !!! b0o~~~

~ { 1:05 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Saturday, August 04, 2007

o4-o8-o7~ went t0 VILLA BALI , nicee enivornment f0rr drinkingg~ nicee andd chill 0ut placee f0rr kidd0s~ chill 0ut dudes !! CHEers ! -.-"

happi bdae wan qing~

~ { 1:50 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Friday, August 03, 2007

o3-o8-o7~ y0 all ! n0wadaes like t0 wear cap t0 sch bec0z lazy t0 style hair als0 =[ siann~ g0 t0 sch , stress lia0 still wan t0 style hair mehs!?
alrdy g0ing b0nkies , hitting and pulling my hair , at the end 0f the lec my hair will still g0 messy s0 wad f0rr style!?
hahas.. all my w0rds~ 0kiee0kiee~
t0daee ii wear the flesh imp de crew tee t0 sch~
andd my friend sae " ehs w0ody , y0u like t0 wear big big de w0rds t0 give ppl see huh??"
l0ls! every0ne als0 kn0w my style lia0 mehs!? 0mg 0mg~ 0kie luhs , n0t ii wan , is bec0z the shirt nice s0 ii ch0ose t0 hav them~ k k k k

just b0ught a stussy 3/4 shirt f0r just $20!! 0kiee!?
y0u guys must be w0ndering is fake 0r real~ ii can sae is real bec0z...
ii g0 flesh andd splash andd see, the sewing andd designn is them same.. h0h0o0~
c0ol bahs? hehes~ but t0o badd is br0wn de~ b0o!!

siann~ everydaee study lia0 sia0~ b0o!!! n0t like sia0 luhs , is th0se paper making me sia0~ nati0nal DAE is just ar0und the c0rner!!

WHO WAN TO G0 KRUNK 2 !? 0MG 0MG -.-"

~ { 1:42 AM }
reflections of you and me;

o2-o8-o7~ siann~ y0u all kn0w wad !?
ii flunk my 2pid business finance- P0A luhs !!!!!!!
sia0 lia0 luhs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
balancee sheet ii g0 writee trial balancee
trail balancee ii g0 writee balance sheet
lecturer c0me t0wards me andd l0ok at mie , ii l0ok at him , staree here and there
dun0 like wadd...
ii think he give up 0n me le luhs =[
he saee f0rr the past few 3 weeks , ii dun0 issit!?
siann luhs !!
andd is a 2pid easy qn but ii cant even d0..
0n tues , ii purp0sely stay at sch t0 finish my HW l0rr
andd ii was tat happii tat ii will kn0w everythingg
whenn lec teachh the 0therr de, ii think ii kn0w ~
but when it c0mes t0 w0rk , ii d0n even kn0w a single shit luhs!
is seri0us pin d0wn an impact 0n miee luhs~ hais..
ser0usly ii will stay at h0me 0n sun andd d0 d0 d0d0d0d0d00d0d0d00000!!!!
c0ntinuee till ii understand everything luhs!
siann siann siann ~
闷 闷 闷 闷 闷 闷 闷 ~
is a verii veri simple qn yet ii dun0 h0w t0 d0!!!
it realli pin an impact t0 mie l0r! hais~~

afterr sch~ ii din wan t0 talk t0 0thers...
din talk much t0 derrick andd ERICC~ 0ppS =x
0kiee luhs~ y0u all sh0uld kn0w tat ii am affected ritee!!!!
thanks luhs~
went t0 wisma de f0od republic t0 makan~ h0kkien mee!!
indeed the mee make my m0od g0es up~ w0ohh0o~
andd the 2pidd sauce [ chili + lime ]g0es int0 my eye when ii wanna eat the n0odle~
afterr eatingg , went t0 cinee t0 buy tixs
andd they were talking abt H0ng k0ng trip 0n this aug~
which certainly up up my m0od luhs!
hahas. interestingg t0pic , bape , cl0t 陈冠希 de sh0pp .. w0ahh~
y0u all g0 plan lia0 tell me luhs~
and th0se malaysia trip -.-" askk federrickk t0 drive ask thereee!! wee~

went t0 watchh [ al0nee ]
2pid sh0w~ ii was scare-ed luhs !
b0o~ arite sh0w~

afterr tat , sincee is earli , we went t0 far east .
guess wh0 ii saw? gary ringg miee andd ask miee t0 g0 . just nicee ii am g0ingg
s0 ii saw....... GARY LIM LG !!!!
went t0 BK t0 eat alth0u ii am abit full~
entertainn mahs~ hehes
he happen t0 ask me t0 g0 ESKIMO BARR 0n sat
andd ii agreed bec0z ... =x yeahyeahh~

afterr eat , they went h0mee andd we 3 went t0 s0mewheree interesting !
we went t0 0RCHARF TOWER t0 see thaii ah gua !! wakakakas
0kiee , seri0usly , ii am scaree 0kiee!!
reached! andd saw their faceeee , wah man~ cann0t tahann
ii think ii will g0 nitemaree luhs ! WTF !?
went in the buildingg andd walk walk , t0 2nd fl0or
they wan t0 g0 up t0 3rd l0rr , but ii rejexted bec0z ii SCARED luhs!!!!
=x next time bahs!! the " girl " there l0ok likee ... [ WTH ] !!
argh~ nvm~ afterr tat educati0nal t0urr [ named by me ] ,
we went h0me !!!
t0ok buss 7 h0mee whilee ii cam-wh0ringg ~wh00o0 h0o0

did experiencee SG de AH GUA lifee t0daeee , is disgustingg , 0mg !!
g0ing there agaiin t0 KAp0!!
takkiree all !!

~ { 1:16 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, August 02, 2007

ARGHH 0MG 0MG !!!! my new arrival had n0t c0mee yet andd still , ii am 0rderingg 1 new piece againn~ 0mg0mg.. thiss is a taiwann label called [ STAGE ] andd the 0wnerr is n0n 0therr thann MR. 罗志祥 [ sh0w Lu0 ] h0h0h00~

getting my new arrival in 2 weeks time~ cr0ss fingerr** fasterr c0me faster c0me! wakakakas! cannt wait y0u see~ 0mgg 0mgg~
afterr ii c0me backk fr0m taiwann tat time , ii din b0ught a single shirt in SG le ,bec0z n0w all ii am aimingg is this brandd called [ STAGE ] fr0mm taiwann~ wakakas~

suddenly cant slp again~ 0mg , wad am ii d0ingg.. zZzzZZzzZZzzZZZZzzzZ

~ { 2:07 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

01-o8-o7~ t0daee less0n is damn damn damn damn siann bec0z it is.......
E.N.G.L.I.S.H !!!! 0mg0mg0mg~ every0ne , plz l0ok at the tcherr facee !!!!
0kiee , tmrr m0rningg g0ingg t0 cutt hairr! new hair style .. c'm0nn manns!

0kiee , 小鬼 de b0ok is n0w selling @ kin0!!! 0mg0mg .. sian luhs , just g0t it ytd and t0daee the b0ok there lia0!
BUT !! ii can c0nsiderr the 1st few t0 grab this b0ok bec0z my friend de friend g0t it in TAIWAN andd bring it backk f0rr us !!
SIAN LUHS !!!! BISH*********

when ii staree at y0uu , ii kn0w smth is wr0ngg

~ { 1:48 AM }
reflections of you and me;