o2-o8-o7~ siann~ y0u all kn0w wad !?
ii flunk my 2pid business finance- P0A luhs !!!!!!!
sia0 lia0 luhs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
balancee sheet ii g0 writee trial balancee
trail balancee ii g0 writee balance sheet
lecturer c0me t0wards me andd l0ok at mie , ii l0ok at him , staree here and there
dun0 like wadd...
ii think he give up 0n me le luhs =[
he saee f0rr the past few 3 weeks , ii dun0 issit!?
siann luhs !!
andd is a 2pid easy qn but ii cant even d0..
0n tues , ii purp0sely stay at sch t0 finish my HW l0rr
andd ii was tat happii tat ii will kn0w everythingg
whenn lec teachh the 0therr de, ii think ii kn0w ~
but when it c0mes t0 w0rk , ii d0n even kn0w a single shit luhs!
is seri0us pin d0wn an impact 0n miee luhs~ hais..
ser0usly ii will stay at h0me 0n sun andd d0 d0 d0d0d0d0d00d0d0d00000!!!!
c0ntinuee till ii understand everything luhs!
siann siann siann ~
闷 闷 闷 闷 闷 闷 闷 ~
is a verii veri simple qn yet ii dun0 h0w t0 d0!!!
it realli pin an impact t0 mie l0r! hais~~
afterr sch~ ii din wan t0 talk t0 0thers...
din talk much t0 derrick andd ERICC~ 0ppS =x
0kiee luhs~ y0u all sh0uld kn0w tat ii am affected ritee!!!!
thanks luhs~
went t0 wisma de f0od republic t0 makan~ h0kkien mee!!
indeed the mee make my m0od g0es up~ w0ohh0o~
andd the 2pidd sauce [ chili + lime ]g0es int0 my eye when ii wanna eat the n0odle~
afterr eatingg , went t0 cinee t0 buy tixs
andd they were talking abt H0ng k0ng trip 0n this aug~
which certainly up up my m0od luhs!
hahas. interestingg t0pic , bape , cl0t 陈冠希 de sh0pp .. w0ahh~
y0u all g0 plan lia0 tell me luhs~
and th0se malaysia trip -.-" askk federrickk t0 drive ask thereee!! wee~
went t0 watchh [ al0nee ]
2pid sh0w~ ii was scare-ed luhs !
b0o~ arite sh0w~
afterr tat , sincee is earli , we went t0 far east .
guess wh0 ii saw? gary ringg miee andd ask miee t0 g0 . just nicee ii am g0ingg
s0 ii saw....... GARY LIM LG !!!!
went t0 BK t0 eat alth0u ii am abit full~
entertainn mahs~ hehes
he happen t0 ask me t0 g0 ESKIMO BARR 0n sat
andd ii agreed bec0z ... =x yeahyeahh~
afterr eat , they went h0mee andd we 3 went t0 s0mewheree interesting !
we went t0 0RCHARF TOWER t0 see thaii ah gua !! wakakakas
0kiee , seri0usly , ii am scaree 0kiee!!
reached! andd saw their faceeee , wah man~ cann0t tahann
ii think ii will g0 nitemaree luhs ! WTF !?
went in the buildingg andd walk walk , t0 2nd fl0or
they wan t0 g0 up t0 3rd l0rr , but ii rejexted bec0z ii SCARED luhs!!!!
=x next time bahs!! the " girl " there l0ok likee ... [ WTH ] !!
argh~ nvm~ afterr tat educati0nal t0urr [ named by me ] ,
we went h0me !!!
t0ok buss 7 h0mee whilee ii cam-wh0ringg ~wh00o0 h0o0
did experiencee SG de AH GUA lifee t0daeee , is disgustingg , 0mg !!
g0ing there agaiin t0 KAp0!!
takkiree all !!