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Sunday, September 30, 2007

s0me rand0m ph0t0s !!!!

~ { 1:08 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Saturday, September 29, 2007

s0mee rand0mm ph0t0s @ HAJI LANE !!

29-o9-o7~ wtf~ every0nee , ii tell y0u smth !!
MY HP IS SP0ILT !!! 坏坏坏坏坏坏坏坏坏坏坏坏坏坏!!!!!
Actuallii is n0t c0nsiderr sp0il luhs
is the mem0ry g0 sia0 sia0 againn~
s0, wadeverr y0u all send t0 me [ msg ] , ii cant readd !!
ii CANT readd !!!
s0 , plz call me straaightt away with0ut hesitati0n !!
b0ringg ph0nee ~ everytime liddatt..

and yes yes yes , ii wan t0 get myself tannedd !!!!!
ii wann g0 sent0sa ~ ii wan a healthy tannnnnnnnn ...
h0hoh0hoh0~ ii wan t0 get darkerrrrr luhs!!
why why why??
n0 why , just darker m0re !! l0ls!!

n0wadays keep g0ing 0ut with p0wer rangers X)
fun fun fun ~ hahas X)
m0n and tues g0t test !!
afterr tat , ii will be as free as a bird !
but , still haf t0 study f0r exam at n0v mahs!
s0 .. =x
g0 0ut g0 0ut !!


~ { 2:24 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

26-o9-o7~ 闷闷闷闷闷闷闷闷闷!!
everyday the same routine
1: wake up
2: g0 sch0ol
3: break time
4: finish sch0ol
5: g0 t0wn
6: g0 h0me
7: internet
8: watch teevee
9: sleepp


b0ringg ehs.. afterr schh , meet m0m and br0 at ph0t0 studi0 !
t0dae we aree g0ing t0 ch0ose ph0t0s...

afterr that dad c0me and fetch us
went t0 newt0n circus t0 makannnn...
s0 full~

afterr that went h0mee lia0 arhh..

anything t0 brighten me up !?
0r n0t everyday liddat , s0oner 0r laterr ii will die 0f b0redddddism !!
lucky 3 m0re weeks t0 study breakk..
phew pheww

1 m0ree mth t0 my 爆点!! X)

心理的苦中 , 希望你可以了解
明知道自己不行 , 但还是度过了

~ { 11:36 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

25-o9-o7~ happi bdae Mr.Derrickk Le0ng !!

farkk teammatee .. wastee timee andd w0rkk...
fail all y0u all want .. wtf!!

**ii wun even b0therrr if y0uu yrselff d0n wan t0 b0therrr..

~ { 1:31 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, September 24, 2007

~ { 1:51 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, September 23, 2007

givee miee a thumbs up if my hairr is like 小猪!!
ii am trying s0 hard t0 style =x

23-o9-o7~ PHEW~ t0daee is a verii verii tiredd day~
w0ke up at 9.30am .. d0 " smthh " andd went 0utt~
went t0 d0 my [ 爆点 ] hahas =x
y0u all will kn0ww s0on luh !!

5pm, cabbed h0mee andd bath~
get rdy f0rr 0ur family p0trait at riverr valley~
wh0le family with ah ma and aunty went d0wn theree~

aferr m0m had d0nee with her hair theree , we started 0ur ph0t0 taking !!
hahas X)

we spend alm0st 3h0urs insidee thee studi0 luhs !!
al0t al0t al0t 0f ph0t0s taking luhs~
t0ok alm0st m0re than 100 ph0t0s with 100 p0siti0ns? hahas!

ii am getting m0re and m0re pr0 in ph0t0-takingg ~ hahas X)

afterr tat l0ng l0ng peri0d,
we all went t0 a nearest sh0p t0 eat p0rridge arh~
w0ah~ 2 b0wls f0r me~ hungry hungry.. =(

t0daee ii realli realli realli enj0yedd , hahas !!!
fr0m m0rning till at nites , ii sured enj0yed luhs~! h0hoh0ho

P/S** friend ** takkire 0f yr gastric =)

~ { 1:51 AM }
reflections of you and me;

watchh this
ii am starting t0 l0ve dancing.. hahas!! =x

~ { 12:18 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Friday, September 21, 2007

..: Is japanesee the prettiest girl in the w0rld ?? :..
Is japanesee the prettiest girl in the w0rld ??
hahas X)

ppl say tat japanesee nid make-up t0 d0ll make themselves pretty. research pr0ved tat m0re than 50% 0f japanese use make-up t0 brightenn themselves. issit true !?
0r pretty de are always th0se artists .. truee??

k0reann is the " sugery c0untry " hahas..
m0st 0f the pretty 0ne aree th0se " plastic girl " .. n0 0ffence**
that means k0reann is OUT X !

S.africann 0r s0 called " blackk beauty " is guarentee 0ut ! but m0st 0f them always made it thru the " miss Universe " .. why !!!!! hahas=x maybe is th0se m0del wh0 is pretty , n0t th0see " street ppl" hahas!!

ang m0h !!! urm , m0st 0f them l0ok alike .. hahas =x
ii can sae tat theirr skin is veri verii veerii faiirr !!
this is cfm nicerr thann m0st 0f 0therr c0untry de ppl l0rr !
hahas X)

singap0rean?? 0mg~ ah liann 0r wadd
urm , ppl sae tat m0st 0f the singap0rean is " materialisticc"
issit true ?!!
n0t all luhs~ this ii can say X)
g0t pretty de but b0astful
g0t n0t tat pretty de but verii friendly
w0rld is veri UNFAIR !!
every0ne agrees !?

theref0re~ 0nli leftt japaneseee and ang m0hh~

a fair lady 0r a big eye lady ??
hahas X)

v0te in my tagg b0ard !!!!!
date cl0se : 23-09-07 [ sun ]
hahas .___."

~ { 11:05 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

~ { 1:20 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

~ { 12:44 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, September 17, 2007

~ { 1:43 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, September 16, 2007

16-o9-o7~ t0daee w0ke up at 1.45pm.. zzz
meeting april at 2.30pm !! late lia0 luhs~
why meet her!?
bec0z... t0dae.. thee FINALLY 2 MTHS stage had arrived [ FINALLY ]!
g0od g0od~
meet herr at s0merset MRT .. afterr tat le , went city hall~

meet my br0 0ver theree... he wan t0 buy blackk pant f0rr ph0t0 sh0ot arhh..
s00 ii intr0 him afew sh0p .. X)
b0ught a $89 pant at DOMACHI~ tmrr cann c0llect lia0..
and is me wh0 help him c0llect luhs!!

afterr tat , went t0 0rchardd t0 walk walk ..
meet dad and mummy theree..
they were l0oking at watchhes..
afterr tat , we finalli decided wad we will had f0r dinnerr !!
z0om ~~~

g0lden mile steamb0at !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wahs , damn nice luhs, bec0z haven eat lunch , s0 anything inside the st0mach als0 nice arh !!
h0t s0up , h0t f0od~ wah wahs .. X)

afterr tat , sincee g0t timee
we went t0 a m0nk de h0use..
g0 there slack luhs~
but at least the ppl theree is g0od
g0 d0wn buy ice mil0 f0r us.. hahas X)
the place is at gelang..
s0, we will walk pass s0 pr0******* =x
and their eyes veri scary , zzz
esp their eye c0ntact . EEK !!

afterr tat went h0me lia0 ..
siann , tmrr g0t sch~ sat sun s0 fast finished
buaibuai all !!!~~~~!!~!~!~!~!~!!~!~~!~! X)

~ { 12:37 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

12-o9-o7~ t0daee presentati0n sux t0tally~
wtf ~!arghh..
went t0 schh ar0und 12 plus t0 d0 0ur finalli cum last min rep0rt
wtf? yeah ! .__."
every0nee meet ar0und 1 plus luhs~
then d0 d0 d0 d0 ..
finalli , afterr break
is 0ur turn~
sux sux sux sux sux sux t0tally luhs
WTF !!!!!!!!!!!!
ii think ii fail le luhs , g0shh~
2pid thingy.. nvm nvm nvm nvm nvm ..

afterr tat , went t0 city Hall t0 meet MR.Derrick~
ii was late like abt 40min ? LOLS !
tats great 0kiee.. =x

went t0 suntec de f0od c0urt t0 makan~
ii am br0ke.. seri0usly !!!
afterr eating , headed t0 STAR BUCK ~
each grab a cupp andd sit d0wn andd started 0ur ...
yes yes , we aree studyingg P0A luhs~
tmrr g0t test..
the atm0sphere is tat g0od tat ... ii fell asleep
hehes X)
but manage t0 wake up and d0 d0 d0 ..
this pr0ve that c0ffee d0n make me awake~ LIE! hahas

and and .. we use alm0st 2 HR t0 d0 1 2pid QN
yes ! is 2 hr !! ...
i think is bec0z we ask each 0therr t0o much qn s0 end up c0nfusing 0ne and 0therr =x
is kindda 2pid luhs!

finalli finish ar0und 11pm.. X)
GO HOME LIAO !! we walk t0 esplanadee de taxi stand arhh..
ii take bus and he take taxi~ 0mg.. ii am br0ke =)
t0ok bus 75 .. last bus !
reach h0me ar0und 12.20pm~
bath , watch teevee... n0w slping lia0 larh !! hahas...
g0od nite every0ne ! X)

~ { 11:59 PM }
reflections of you and me;

just finish talking with MR.Derrick~
5.53 hr means... 11 plus till n0w? l0ls~
wtf !!! ii cant believe it , lucky is free
0r n0t my head will r0ll.. bishh**

~ { 3:01 AM }
reflections of you and me;

11-o9-o7~ 0kiee every0nee , my turn alrdyy~
the spammer has c0me t0 me again~
firstly, c0ngrat t0 me =)
hahas~ we will just ign0ree tat fell0w
ii kn0w is wh0 , ii d0n haf t0 say anything
bec0z ii d0n regard the pers0n as my friend
wh0 is the pers0n? s0 s0rri t0 saee ii d0n kn0w y0u =)

t0daee bringg a 2pid lappies t0 schh and in the end, nv use
why ?? bec0z 2 grp member are n0t heree~
simple.. tmrr m0rning thenn d0 bahs
lets cr0ss 0ur fingerr , pray hard we will pass .___."

afterr sch , ii feel s0 tired 0r ii can sae is lazy t0 d0 everything
even taking my lappies~ zz
went h0mee , slack all the way

suddenly ii recieve a call fr0mm ....
ii am s0 happi man~ X)
hahahahahahahahahahahas ~!!!!!!!!!!

afterr tat , ii slack again~
zzZzzzzz siann~
sian sian sian
s0 lifeless~ nvm
tmrr g0t t0 study test withh Mr.Derrickkkkkkkk
h0hoh0o~ h0pe ii pass my p0a bahs !!

played CRAZY TAXI!!
ii think ii was g0od.. hahas ..
s0 mani cust0merr , wh0 cann break my rec0rd !! h0hoh0o X)

hey g0rge0us is g0ing my schh this fri =x
hahas... yeahyeah~~
fi0na , ben .. wh0o0ho0o~ X)

urm~ b0ringgggggg.....................................

~ { 1:34 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

swiss h0tel ~

gala premire !!

~ { 8:58 PM }
reflections of you and me;

2nd day ~

meet sushi at swiss h0tel at 10am but ii reach 11am
lucky 阿祥 haven g0~ l0ls !!

finalli , he c0me 0ut !!!
watch my vide0 !! ii was tat damn cl0se again -.-
f0lo his car t0 PS ..

reached, he came d0wn the carr ,
watch the vide0 !!!

hahas.. rush t0 the aut0graph sessi0n andd Q~

is g0ing t0 be 0ur turn ,
april juvia thenn me~
we went up tgt..
阿祥 talk t0 us la.. wtf
f0r abt 1min ?LOLS !!
aiy0~ n0t g0nna say abt the t0pic~
w0ahh~ afterr the sessi0n,
all t0ok maxi cab t0 see him 0ff at airp0rt
p0or me~ ii went 0ff 1st bec0z ii g0t dance less0n laterr~

hahas , watch the vide0 bahs !!

~ { 6:03 PM }
reflections of you and me;


阿祥chase chase chase 开始了!!
if y0u had heard tat there are 6 maxi cab f0ll0wing 阿祥,
we aree 0ne 0f them =x
ii dun0 why will g0 chase als0 but is fun de luhs!
meet sushii afterr my lec at raffles h0tel~
阿祥 is having a press c0nference at theree~
waited and waited and finallii andd suddenly ,
saw i al0t 0f ppl theree~
阿祥 is theree !!!!!!!!
t0ok al0t al0t 0f ph0t0 luhs~
y0u cann see the ph0t0 arh !!
fr0m the ph0t0 , y0u cann see h0w near ii am t0 him bahs !!
ii am just less than 1 metre beside him
wanna tap his sh0ulder de la
but , scare luhs~ laterr kana beat by security.. =x

afterr tat f0lo his carr t0 great w0rld city , saw him again
andd , this time alth0u theree is a barrier , but ii am tat near t0o -.-
afterr tat waited him at the maxi cabb ..

阿祥is c0ming 0ut fr0m the GALA PREIMERE !!
we f0lo his maxi cabb t0 esplanade~
he is g0ing t0 [ n0 signature restuarant] t0 eat .. wah rich la..

while waiting , we went t0 MAKAN SUTRA t0 eat luhs
s0 hungry
afterr eatingg ,went back 0utside the place~
ii was sp0tted~ h0hoho
阿祥 p0inted 0ut andd ii was there la..
ii think bec0z ii wear STAGE bahs~
wakakas X)
afterr tat , all f0lo his carr back t0 his h0tel andd..
0f c0urse we went h0me l0rr

t0daee was the 1st time ii chasee id0l -.-
andd , the 1st time , ii am tat cl0se with 阿祥
0mg 0mg~ l0ls.. 180cm indeed tall .. hahas
ii wan 180cm !!!!!!!!! X)

~ { 5:45 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, September 10, 2007

10-o9-o7~ t0day g0t test~ ec0n test!
met derrick at 11am at schh
went t0 maga bite t0 makan~
afterr makan , went for last min study~
12.45pm , the test start..
afterr 1 hr , we came 0ut
ii am g0ing t0 fail this 2pid test
bec0z ii g0t al0t 0f careless mistake~
hais.. damnn sian, hais~

went t0 maga bite again bec0z ah beng want t0 eat
afterr tat , went f0rr ec0n lec~
we din realli study luhs
we g0t n0 m0od
seri0usly~ is n0t 0nli miee

we went 0ut t0 watch street s0ccer just bel0w 0ur building
watch until 4.30pm andd thenn went back f0r an0ther 30min
hais , n0 m0re luhs~ din learn anything t0dae
kindda regret ? yeahyeah~

after sch , went h0me straight away t0 d0 pr0j
reach h0me , slack slack slack
din even wan t0 study luhs~
d0n kn0w why.
afterr 7pm , ii finalli started
d0 abit , watch teevee
half half , half d0 half watch
din realli wan t0 d0 ~
dun0 why luhs~

pr0blem afterr pr0blem
s0 s0rri t0 say tat MELVIN PHUANG
y0u failed =)
y0u failed t0 pr0ve everything~
ii am havingg a g0od laugh n0w~
y0u failed t0 make me angry
y0u failed t0 make everything 0ut
y0u failed greatly~
0mg 0mg, please plan bef0ree y0u d0 everything =)
y0u FAILED y0u f0ol~

thanks GARY LIM luhs !!

bring it 0n n0obies~
y0u aree s0n.0f.a.b!tch =)

~ { 12:28 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Friday, September 07, 2007

~ { 1:17 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, September 06, 2007

s0rri hateyou , WE the p0wer rangers still went 0ut happily
s0 s0rri t0 say that.. X)

~ { 3:49 AM }
reflections of you and me;

everything ended at 3.41am .. h0pe y0u will n0t c0me again~
st0p everythinggg , pleasee ..
every0ne has a lifee
if y0u wan t0 insult , insult me
girl's pride is veri impt , if y0u are a girl , y0u sh0uld kn0w~

~ { 3:40 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

05-o9-o7~ things is getting w0rst and w0rst t0 a very end
either sidee , friends 0r relati0nshipp

ii am c0nfused n0w
ii cant MIA n0w if n0t ,ppl will sufferr

n0 matter wadd ii type, the funni spammer will still 0pp0se me de mahs
tats why ii say , delete the tagg
let us settle, andd thenn put up again
d0n wan .. see l0rr , n0w liddat

every0ne plz think luhs ..
if the spammer is heree , he 0r she wun agree with me even ii say smth wadd
think luhs every0ne ..
please think~
ii can type till my keypad sp0il andd the spammer still will say ii am lying
why n0t just delete the tagg b0ard~
think luhs y0u guys~
if y0u guy think tat saying the 3 w0rds will help , ii will sayy
if y0u guarantee the spammerr will g0~
if is s0 EASY , there will n0t be spammer anym0ree
think ppl
think !!!
use yr ass 0r wad...
pleasee ...

n0nsense ppl c0ming here and theree
kill ppl , wan t0 kill ppl , sucide , cut dun0 wad
any0ne wan t0 end their life just end , just g0~
s0 y0ung wan t0 die , f0r wad ?
[ n0t refering t0 eunice ]
P/S: spammer , cann y0u see wad ii type ab0vee ?
this is t0 prevent s0me misunderstandingg 0kiee!!

n0nsense spammer , y0u think my bl0g 0nlii writes abt her?
ii d0n haf friends t0 write arhh?
think luhs 2pid
y0u wan y0u c0me here and spamm yr ass heree with yr bl0ody..
n0nsense ppl~
ii rmb this~ thanks dude~

~ { 2:13 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

o4-o9-o7~ just wanna bl0g abt wadd happenn t0dae in schh~
afterr hearingg it ,
ii felt tat any relati0nship , ii d0n caree is friends 0r wad
is the b0nd tat matterrs , n0t the n0. 0f years .
y0u cann kn0w each 0therrr f0rr 100000yrs
but y0u d0n haf the b0ndd ..
s0 wadd ??
d0 y0u haf t0 d0 thiss ?
is kindda silly t0 end everythingg..
ii d0n like this way , y0u wann , y0uu c0mee
d0n want , just rest the matterr
ii am startingg t0 hatee y0uu , lucky y0u aree g0ing
0r n0tt ii cant st0p thinking ,
the 4 days is wasted , y0u silly brat ..

went h0mee afterr schh
d0 y0u guys think ii g0t the m0od t0 g0 0ut?
nahs ..
everything seems the 0pp0site as ii th0t
is a d0wn-luck f0r MR.木川
haha , s0 funni .___."

maybe is just a peri0d 0f time
it g0nna heal
ii didnt sae ii am hurt physically
0mg0mg , ii als0 dun0 wad i am talkingg

ate 3 d0nuts in a r0w ,
dinner is a cup n0odle
n0t that hungry

my 0nlinee sh0p is rdy
ii published
haf a l0ok bahs
will be updated again~

maybe this is fatee
is fated
everydae , the same
everynite , the same
every sec , ii think
even n0w...
ii h0pe ....
h0pe t0 f0rget everythingg..

~ { 1:23 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, September 03, 2007

o3-o9-o8~ finalli ii g0t my time t0 bl0gg..
t0daee is s0 call the 1st dae 0f sch0ol..
seri0usly ii g0t n0 m0odd ..
every nitee ii wait , wait till ii fell asleep..
every m0rning ii wait , till the day endd .
everyday , this is my EVERYDAY..
ii am just a f0ol ii guess...

thee 0therrr side , ii feel tat we aree just friends..
best friends..
the day seems cl0ser..
ii sensed..

the wh0le b0dy 0f mine is weak .. ii dun0 why
ii feel s0ul-less all day
t0daee ii fell asleep in class
it was the 1st timee
it was the 1st time ii feel s0 weak in sch0ol
afterr sch0ol
ii still talk and j0ke
but the m0od is n0t thereee..
maybe ii tink t0o much ?
yes ii am ..
thanks br0....

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day and make it ok
I miss you

~ { 11:14 PM }
reflections of you and me;