阿祥chase chase chase 开始了!!
if y0u had heard tat there are 6 maxi cab f0ll0wing 阿祥,
we aree 0ne 0f them =x
ii dun0 why will g0 chase als0 but is fun de luhs!
meet sushii afterr my lec at raffles h0tel~
阿祥 is having a press c0nference at theree~
waited and waited and finallii andd suddenly ,
saw i al0t 0f ppl theree~
阿祥 is theree !!!!!!!!
t0ok al0t al0t 0f ph0t0 luhs~
y0u cann see the ph0t0 arh !!
fr0m the ph0t0 , y0u cann see h0w near ii am t0 him bahs !!
ii am just less than 1 metre beside him
wanna tap his sh0ulder de la
but , scare luhs~ laterr kana beat by security.. =x
afterr tat f0lo his carr t0 great w0rld city , saw him again
andd , this time alth0u theree is a barrier , but ii am tat near t0o -.-
afterr tat waited him at the maxi cabb ..
阿祥is c0ming 0ut fr0m the GALA PREIMERE !!
we f0lo his maxi cabb t0 esplanade~
he is g0ing t0 [ n0 signature restuarant] t0 eat .. wah rich la..
while waiting , we went t0 MAKAN SUTRA t0 eat luhs
s0 hungry
afterr eatingg ,went back 0utside the place~
ii was sp0tted~ h0hoho
阿祥 p0inted 0ut andd ii was there la..
ii think bec0z ii wear STAGE bahs~
wakakas X)
afterr tat , all f0lo his carr back t0 his h0tel andd..
0f c0urse we went h0me l0rr
t0daee was the 1st time ii chasee id0l -.-
andd , the 1st time , ii am tat cl0se with 阿祥
0mg 0mg~ l0ls.. 180cm indeed tall .. hahas
ii wan 180cm !!!!!!!!! X)