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Friday, November 30, 2007

30-11-07~went 0ut with dar and br0 and mummy !!
g0t myself 2 Fred perry tee [ D0PE ] ~
g0t a gastric attack at the aftern00n !!
0mg Zzzz
ne0printt !! [ see yrself luhs ]
hahahahas X)
went t0 PS t0 sh0pp !
f0r christmass dec0 !!
headed t0 viv0 t0 watchh [ 30 days 0f nite ]
AWES0ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ass~ nice luhs , 2pid s0und effect~
we weree anxi0us abt the checking 0f IC~
l0ls! lucky nv check =x

went h0mee~
br0 c00k maggie f0r us~
vege maggie -.-"
s0 mani mushr0omm~
ass ~

wa0hh ~!
1st time in SG ~
lets party !!
hehes ><"

~ { 12:27 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I Hate Copy Cat !!!
I Hate Copy Cat !!!
I Hate Copy Cat !!!
I Hate Copy Cat !!!
I Hate Copy Cat !!!
I Hate Copy Cat !!!
I Hate Copy Cat !!!
I Hate Copy Cat !!!
I Hate Copy Cat !!!
I Hate Copy Cat !!!
I Hate Copy Cat !!!
I Hate Copy Cat !!!
I Hate Copy Cat !!!
I Hate Copy Cat !!!
I Hate Copy Cat !!!
I Hate Copy Cat !!!
I Hate Copy Cat !!!
I Hate Copy Cat !!!
I Hate Copy Cat !!!
I Hate Copy Cat !!!
I Hate Copy Cat !!!
I Hate Copy Cat !!!
I Hate Copy Cat !!!
I Hate Copy Cat !!!
I Hate Copy Cat !!!
I Hate Copy Cat !!!
I Hate Copy Cat !!!

STOP COPYING ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ><"

~ { 1:52 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, November 26, 2007

26-11-07~ finalli g0t my R0LLER @ bugissssss~

~ { 12:33 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, November 25, 2007

[[ Batman & R0bin ? ]]

[[ era cap !! edis0n chenn w0ree this m0del bef0re ! X) ]]

[[ players? hehes ]]

25-11-07~ 0mg every0ne!!
ii just kn0w tat FENOM d0n haf my sizee !!
the smallest is size 32 ..
b0ringg ritee? but ii saved $600++
hahas X)
but arh , ii realli wan t0 0wn it~
seri0usly !!
s0 n0w ii g0ing t0 aim 0ther brand aledy ~
n0t g0nna sae the brand namee bec0z ii scare ppl will c0py me again! ><"
b0ringg stuff~
s0 ii am g0ing t0 be a quiet playerr
d0pee dudee~ 0hh0h00h0h0h00~
n0t g0ing t0 name the d0pe stuff ii am buyingg

MADE BY HUMAN bagpack ~ here ii c0mee !!! =x

~ { 2:01 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Saturday, November 24, 2007

24-11-07~ w0rking at heeren t0daee!!
argh , muchh m0re fun than PS =x
dun0 why als0 ?

and yes ! my SLOTS at PS is GONE-EDD !!!!!!!!
likee ar0und $190++ m0ney just g0nee bec0z 0f a few str0ke !
b0ringg ~

ii wan t0 GO BACK TO HEEREENNNNNN !!!!!!

yeah yeahs~
my h0ody is c0ming tmrr tgt with the tee ~
w0ah w0ahh ><"

l0ng j0hnn reallii fill my st0machh
wakakakas ><"
went h0me with jick and Ade

taiwan taiwann , ii am c0mingggggg
argh , cant wait anym0ree
less thenn 1 mth~
FEN0M + HP p0uch + cl0t
MUST HAF !!!!!!!!!!

ii hate stalker , y0u can d0 it , why n0t me (:

~ { 1:36 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Friday, November 23, 2007

[[ 小豬 VS ben free style ]]

[[ 小豬 = Michael Jackson ]]

[[ 我不會唱歌 ]]

andd my 2PID w0rking daes had been cut !
5 daes y0u kn0w ~!!! wtf!?
m0ney !!!
tmrr w0rk at HEEREN !!!
finalli ! =x

~ { 12:56 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, November 22, 2007

[[ my 0wn n0tices b0ard ! ]]
[[ can y0u read th0se w0rds ?? every side has it meaning (: ]]

22-11-07~ the past 2 daes was JAMES's DAY~
had fun playingg th0se RED ALERT gam X)

ups and d0wn
g0od and badd
buy this buy tat
NEED $$$ arhh !! )=

2pid result
suxy luhs !!
sux sux suxs !!!!

aiya , walking d0wn hill again luhs~
wtf... )):

~ { 1:04 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, November 19, 2007

ii am currently in a bad m0od
ii d0n kn0w anything andd ii d0n understand anything
and ii am being accused
and ii had been Stacked !?
everythingg SUX like hell
fuckin' 2pid !
st0p everythingg luhs~

b0ringg l0usy m0od~
w0rking at heeren tmrr~

~ { 1:11 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, November 18, 2007


[[ Z0MBIE GRP PHOTO -.-" ]]

[[ This sweet is nicee !!! ><" ]]

[[ cl0t 69FM n0n-st0p ]]

[[ me withh KUAY tat STUCK in my m0uth -.-" ]]

18-11-07~ sh0uld ii be happii 0r guilty !?
finalli my dae at FLMP is 0verr!
d0 dr0pp by next time..!!
3 daes 0ff break , rest my leg , rest my back
time t0 sh0pp !! wakakas

everything als0 $$
$ hard t0 earn
but ez t0 spend!
0mg ~ zzz
but ii am g0ing t0 spend it 0n my TAIWAN trip !!

sh0pping list :

1: fen0MxLevi'sJeans
2: cloTxKiksty0
3: levi'sJeans
4: 达人jeans
5: Headp0rteRxFragmentPouch
6: t0kyoP0rterP0uch
7: BapeRing
8: GucciStrip


tats all d0pe`r !!
**fcuking awes0me **

~ { 2:04 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Saturday, November 17, 2007


DEVILCLOT X LEVI"S 501 !? 0mg ! DON BUY !!
LOLS ><"

~ { 2:02 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

14-11-07~ currently w0rking at FLMP plaza singapura !!
arghh , just , my curry puff had expl0ded in the mirc0wave !!
l0ls ><"
ii 0nli put 1min andd is expl0ded !!
this pr00f that OLD CHANG KEE de curry puff g0t n0 h0les !

my leg is aching and my back is aching !!
seri0us back pr0blem ~
b0o !!!!

b0om ~!

~ { 1:26 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

[[ my c0llecti0n s0on ]]

~ { 1:54 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, November 12, 2007

juicee Magazine!!
[[ every0nee please grab a JUICE magazinee ]]

[ this is wad happenn when ii am unlucky ]]

12-11-07~ ii am s0 unluckyy s0 s0 s0 s0 s0 s0 unlucky ~
我走下跛了.. hais ~
ii am !!
s0 s0s0s0s0s0 suay luhs..
every m0ment ii am suay~

like just 0nli ii hurt my t0e when ii jump jump jump t0 kitchen t0 find f0od~
zzz , is s0 n0nsense l0rr [ see the tissue ] my leg is numb-ing !
b0ring luhs , hais
s9 s0s0s0s0s0s0 suay f0r me ..

-yr w0rds is s0 0bvi0us , d0n haf t0 put it straight in my face bec0z ii understand simple b0dy lauguage , thanks ~

-y0u think y0u s0 p0pularr ?? y0u thinkk y0u s0 fam0us until every0ne kn0ws y0u? y0u think 0nli y0u can get th0se things? ii cant gett? c0me 0n luhs , is s0 simple t0 d0 it 0kiee~ d0n acting big here and theree , why n0t just finished it??

- i like STAGE -
- n0t bec0z 0f it's pr0duct -

~ { 12:49 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, November 11, 2007

[ my d0g with pink clip !! the next d0gg id0l is him X) ]

11-11-07~ w0ahw0ah !! eatenn my lunchh withh darr at yatch club =)
i l0ve the nasi g0reng theree !! X)
saw lucas and th0mas fr0m Americann club~ [ i 0nli saw they f0r the 1st time ]
they aree cute , they aree just swimming beside us ! LOLS!!

afterr tat t0ok cab t0 wisma ..
went t0 taka [ reds ] t0 cut hair..
0h shit, ii am scaree when it c0mes t0 cutting hair!

phew , ii like it X)

LOLS !! bec0z... ii sh0w her the ph0t0 !!
guess wh0's hair ii cut bahs ~

watchhed [ game plan ] afterr tat
rec0mmended sh0w !!
whenever ii watch dad and child de sh0w , ii will cfm haf wet eyes !!
wah seh , cann0t tahan~
THE ROCK r0cks .___."

LOLS !! g0 watch bahs !!

20 daes t0 SHOW ON STAGE~
1mth 8 daes t0 TAIWAN~

12.04am- suddenly n0t in the g0od m0od , leavee mie al0nee !
ii am g0ing t0 play an0ther kind !!

~ { 10:33 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Friday, November 09, 2007

sign my album , p0ster and c0ncert tic !!!
w0ah w0ah w0ah~
he is... s0.... =x hands0me =\
he keep l0oking at my shirt bec0z my shirt is SEXY !!!!!

went steamb0at-ing with darr chang vivien and chein !
[ 天天火锅 ]
ii am damn full !!
niceee.. ii like steamb0at ! l0ls =x

~ { 10:19 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Fcukk th0se Whities !!
b0o b0o b0o~

~ { 1:53 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, November 05, 2007

05-11-07~ this week is exam week
just finished SALE & MARKETING t0daee
dun0 whether can pass an0t..

tmrr is ec0n , i think will fail bahs
n0 c0nfident with it
h0pe ii will just pass~ phew ..... ):

things are making my m0od d0wn d0wn & d0wn!

s0me0nee nv reply my msg , my call
there g0es my items
ii was s0 nerv0us
but ii dun0 wad t0 d0 als0
hais , all ii can d0 is wait
wait wait wait
ii nv buy any h0ody bec0z ii kn0w it will c0me 0ut
ii am alrdy planning t0 buy but... ii bec0z anxi0us n0w...

just g0t a news just n0w
17 daes in FLMP bec0me less thenn 7 daes..
$700 plus bec0me less than $100 plus..
why my fate bec0me liddat??

is like , my fate just crushed d0wn!!
why ehs?
did ii d0 anything wr0ng??

hais~ sian..
n0 m0ney , n0 m0od


~ { 1:21 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Saturday, November 03, 2007

羅志祥 一支獨秀MV完整版 Channel V首映場

20071021羅志祥SHOW ON STAGE進化三步曲簽書會

03-11-07~ ii am g0ing t0 b0red t0 death !
just g0t my internati0nal p0rter de white p0uch!
w0ahhhhh... hehes X)
I AM A MAJONG KING !!! wakakakakakkas !!

~ { 1:04 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Show on Stage VCR

01-11-07~ just g0t my pay
but ii aint happi..
s0 manii 0f things t0 buy,
s0 little m0ney.
s0 little brain space,
s0 much t0 think.

exam is ar0und the c0rner but ii haven study~
$360 + $360 + $.....
s0 much t00 buy
s0 little t0 pay

********[[ a l0usy attitude will lead y0uu t0 n0where~ ]]*********

g0t a l0usy feeling n0w
h0pe tmrr will be better ~

~ { 2:07 AM }
reflections of you and me;