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Thursday, January 31, 2008

wads the deal !? Edison & Gillian Chung
s0me ppl say it is fake and s0me say real ~
ii am waiting f0rr EDC bl0gg t0 be updated!!
s0 g0ssipp @ hk , newspaper , webby 0uternet , magazines etc~
h0t t0pic in HK recently~
n0t very affected by was they had d0ne bec0z is N.O.M.B !
but ii h0pe it will n0t affect CLOT ~
bec0z ii wan t0 buy m0re!!!! HAHAHA
edc is hands0mee , gillian is pretty ..

MAYBE edc is " ABC " . s0 webcamm-ing th0se thingy r very usual f0r him
but wh0 ask gillian t0 haf a " ABC " thinking t0o !?
ABC .. ABC.. EDC..def...ghi ... bla bla bla ><"

and ii sp0tted george BUSH !
he was theree !
h0w amazingg !!
LOL ><"

s0me c0mments fr0m the webby:
" I just want to say to the ladies letting their partners take pictures of them in a state of undress, please, for the love of god, wax or at the very least trim. Every time I see these sex scandal pictures I always feel like I need a safari hat and machete just to make it through all of them. "

" lets be honest, sex is natural, edison is a prick but nonetheless, how unfortunate of me to say it…he’s human (a human prick) im glad mines bigger than his! but yeah, y’all peoples takin it too seriously, get over it chinks! (ps im chinese..british born). DEAL WITH IT "

tats it ... wann m0re pic??
g0 search yrself luh !
here is n0t a p0rnn bl0g !!

31-01-07~ d0es every NBHD jeans have salvage !?
ii am thinking hardd ..
bec0z it makes al0t 0f different !!
n0 0ne can give a g0od ans..
wads the deal !?

had been sp0tting al0t 0f FAPE ar0und t0wn area recently andd had s0me th0ughts abt it~
this FAPE [ fake branded stuffs ] r ruining 0ur streetwear fashi0nn ~
fapes here and theree~
ppl buy FAPE just bec0z they wan t0 be an APE~
g0t $ but still buy FAPE~
Singap0ree sh0uld banned FAPE !!
ii t0tally agree with this~
maybe shall pr0p0se t0 GOVT abt it !!
strictly n0 FAPE in the city !!
tat s0unds c00l ! (:
03-60 @ fareast is a FAPE sh0p (:
g0 CIO!!! [ Check It Out ]

just saw a stussy chin0s pant f0r $105 !
gettinngg it tmrr if everything is sm00th!
andd grillw0rk is nice.. $130
getting it f0r suree bec0z is GRILL- EDD !!

but t0o badd , fatty fr0m BAPE WORKSHOP said s0me shirts will arrive 0n 24thjan , but till n0w , haven c0me yet ..
BIG HOLE man ~ .___."
and heard tat he is getting marry , c0ngrats fatty (:

chill day tmrr !
my br0 is c0mingg back tmrr !!
h0h0h0h0 X)

~ { 12:59 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, January 28, 2008

28-01-08~ urm...
had been bz recently afterr my br0's return!
last fri , acc0mpany himm ar0und t0wn 0n sat and watchhed [ 27dresses ] with darr
v0oom~ last sun went in again ~ haahaha ><"
g0ing t0 spend m0st 0f the sat with him ~!

w0rkingg f0r the past few days t0o
g0ing t0 get pay in less than 1 weekk !!
yes yes yes!!
g0ing t0 w0rkk tmrr als0 at heereenn ~
CNY , 0ne m0re week
aiya, $$$$$$$
ii smell $$ c0mmingg in ~ hahas

this thurs meeting MISS CHANG bec0z ii put aer0plane.. LOL
this time is real , unless... =x

n0wadays keep watchingg m0viee all thanks t0 [ MR.DERRICK ]
his tics p0wer luh~!
LOL ><"
just watchh RAM RAM THE JOHN [ ramb0 4 ] t0day at the 2pid shaw h0usee ~
hahahaa (:
the uncle d0ubt ii am 18yr 0ld luh !!
which is true la =X
but ii keep saying ii am 18 ~
and tats why ii am insidee watching RAM RAM~
still l00king f0rward f0r m0re m0vies at CATHAY !~! n0t SHAW ~
LOL ><"

i wan t0 sell away my IPOD VIDEO !!!!
ii wan t0 buy ITOUCH !!!
asss~ , wh0 wan t0 buy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cuttingg my hairr s00n andd dyingg my hairrrrr s00000oo0o0oon~
wh0se hair t0 cut , y0u guys sh0uld kn0w !!
LOL ><"
shall catch up with bl0ggingg again !!
takkiree all dudes ~

~ { 12:51 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, January 24, 2008



sell sell sell !!!!!
ii wanna sell sell sell !!
g0 take a l00k peeps !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

w0rk t0day ! tmrr my br0 is c0mingg 0ut fr0m [tek0nggg ]!
and he wants t0 eat [ kang k0ng ]
he say his size is like [ king k0ng ]!!
which make my m0m;s head [ g0ng g0ng ] !!

LOL .___."
lameee ass ~

tmrr stay at h0mee t0 rest!
bec0z br0 is c0ming backk ~
h0h0h0h0h0h0 (:

~ { 12:03 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

[20070706 超級星光大道 蕭敬騰 楊宗緯 曹格--背叛 ]

蕭敬騰-背叛 滿分打敗楊宗緯的挑戰者

~ { 1:56 AM }
reflections of you and me;

[20070706 超級星光大道 蕭敬騰 楊宗緯 曹格--背叛 ]

~ { 1:56 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, January 21, 2008

21-01-07~ w0ah w0ah
afterr sch , went t0 Queensway t0 wait f0rr gab and jerry~
thanks f0r the 1hr study timee~ LOL .___."
eachh 0f us g0t at least 1 pairr 0f sh0es.
g0od deal luh !!!

this wh0le day keep walkinggg man~!
walk walk walk walk..
b0ught myself a t0pman singlet ~
ex man zzz
headed t0 pinisula plaza t0 check 0ut s0me DOPE shit theree~
but end 0ut t0 be a shit.. LOL
nth much luhs !!

bus-ed t0 club 21 andd ii finalli get t0 g0 theree !!!
BUT !!
its cl0sed zzz~

backk t0 far east f0r a walk
andd headed t0 bugiss !
played 投篮机 ~
this time nv played till 2secti0n luh
b0ring waste m0ney~ LOL

headed t0 先得来 t0 eat steamb0at!
my ulcerr HURTS like sia0 luhs !!
but ii hack caree man
chilii + h0t s0up + h0t stuff~
just fark caree~ LOL

went h0me ar0und 12am..
bused h0mee~
tiredd man !!
shall updatee blog daily as there will be proj 0nli 0n next week
s0.. ii am freeeee n0w !! g0tta rest !
takkire dudessssss (:

~ { 12:55 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, January 20, 2008

$$$ ...... EDC featuring FAMA

20-01-07~ 4 pers0n say ii l00k like Z0MEBIE ~
i had been slping early n0wadays thats why ii nv update !
had been w0rking at heeren f0r the past 2 days and is very verii BZ !

next week ii am free alrdy bec0z n0 w0rk !~!
s0 ii am g0ing t0 settle my things 1st bef0ree CNY~
just prepare a list 0f wad t0 d0 and wad t0 buy
0rganized bahs !?
it will be a bz week again~

takkiree dudes !
0ff t0 sh0ppingg tmrr !!

P/S: st0p scaring my friends away ~
y0u kn0w wh0 y0u r , ii d0n wish t0 say anythingg n0w~

~ { 1:03 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, January 17, 2008

17-01-08~ there aree s0me ppl wh0 say my face cann0t make it alrdy~
they say ii l00k like z0mbie~
yes, ii d0 n0t haf enuff slp,
tats why tmrr ii am n0t g0ing t0 sch !!
ii wan t0 sleep till 4pm , s0 ANYONE , please d0n disturbb me !!!!
hahas (X
ii g0t ulcer at my back 0f the t0ugue andd my thr0at is SORED ):

ii like w0rking bec0z there is m0ney + leisuree
afterr w0rk , everytime g0 XIN WANG eat~
t0day , jicks0n 0n the h0use...
l00king f0rward t0 next m0n!
[ medic0m X fred perry X nike ]

g0ing t0 d0 smth t0 my hairr
f0r new year !
h0pe everything will g0 sm00thly !!

is 0kie if ii am being bad-m0uthed 0r being say ~
ii d0n pretend 0r fake things
me is me (:
s0 wad !?
ii wear things ii like,
ii style my hair,
ii see wad ii wan t0 see,
ii d0 wad ii wan t0 d0 ..

is 0kie f0r me if s0me0ne want t0 sc0ld me~
ii din kill s0me0ne 0r smth~
things can be s0lve , unless 0ne d0esn't want (:
y0u guys can write wadever y0u wan bec0z ii wun caree

d0 it 0n purp0se it y0u want,
ii wunn want t0 b0therr bec0z is just an attracti0nn =/

[ ii wan t0 rest awhile ]]

~ { 1:13 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

just finish my 1641 w0rds 0f arguement in MPO~
ii am dying bec0z my inner eye is BLACK !
g0d , g00dness

~ { 2:38 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, January 13, 2008

13-01-08~ my br0 is in army n0w !
he called me just n0w .. LOL (:
he say the training is 0kie , just nice f0r him~
w0ah la, ii guess it isnt t0ugh f0r him.. LOL

headingg t0wwnnn tmrr ~
g0tta get s0me d0pe shit f0r myselff ~
m0re and m0re
but ang ba0-S c0mingg
scare wad !!

new yr new yr , new cl0thes new cl0thes !!

ii will take eachh step sl0wly , but big step each time (:

~ { 12:38 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, January 07, 2008


A man with a foggy clouds over him. He is sensitive and easily hurt and
always feels lonely. He does not trust anyone but himself
. Sounding so
negative, but he has an amazingly charisma. He is a compassionate man . He
absorbs other people sentimental feeling and pain.

He is a good psychiatrist and he could understand complex and confused
feeling. He has a hidden power that he could use it to make things happen
and do things well. He does not like people who never try to help themselves
before asking other people for favors. He is the type of guy who mostly
achieved his goal in life.Once he sets his mind for something, he will put
all his energy and efforts in it , whether or not it is a small matter or a
project. One of the most success man in all the Zodiac.He is a very patient man and can waits for years to reach his goal. He hates
thin feeling and weak determinations. He can not retreat or rest for long,
for he thinks life has more questions and more answer to be searched.

If he is in love, you will get plenty of love from him, sometimes may be too
much than you have asked for. He is serious about love and relationship and
will not waste time with someone he does not love whether how pretty she is.

He hardly makes mistake. He could tell if you have any bad thought, and will
not hesitate to tell you so. If you do not like straight forward sincere
man, then pack your bag now.
If you are an over sensitive person, try not to
ask for his comments. He will tell you the truth, even you might not be able
to take it. Example , if you ask him if you are fat (and you are fat), he
will say 'yes, as big as a balloon'. He makes such
comments because he cares
for you, so do something about your weight and do not get up set with him.

If he says 'you look pretty today', you can be proud because he will not say
such think just to please you if he does not really mean it
. There will be
both kind of people, those who like him and those who hate him. If you are
in love this guy, be strong and belief in your decision, do not be
vulnerable. He remembers all his anger and will wait for his pay back time.

He is very serious about your promise, do not promise something you could
not keep. He loves his friends and will do anything for his close friends.
He likes you to take care of him, but not in front of his friend. He is a
complex man and you will never understand what he means if you do not really
know him. He is happy to know he is a complex figure. When he is thinking or
when he needs his privacy, you should give him some space.

He memorize everything well.
You may say something that you already
forgotten, but he will remember every words. He wants to be respected and
admired and at the same time he does not like people to have power over him.

When he falls in love, he really falls deep. A man in this Zodiac once in
love, he will be sweeter than sugar. He does not like a plain and simple
woman. A complex woman's mind is his venture. Always be interesting and able
to talk to him about every things in any subjects. He does not like a woman
who sits around waiting for his call.


07-01-08~ Tats me (:
had been strugglingg with my w0rking sl0t with 0thers recently~
and finally , thanks t0 miss ADE , ii g0t 6 sl0ts !

just b0ught n0ir waist p0uch t0day ~
finally ii b0ught 0ne with0ut hesitati0nn~
yeahyeah.. (:
finally g0t wad ii want , blablabla~

had been slping latee n0wadys ,
pimple anyh0w POK ~

this week damn BZ t0o
this week's sl0t is fully b00ked !!
wakakakakakas X)

everyday afterr 11pm , ii am @ HK CAFE ..
regularrrrrrr alrdyyyyyyy ~
b0o h0o h0o~

n0t g0ing t0 bring b00ks tmrr f0r schh ~
ii am a slackerr , s0 ?!
LOL (:

P/S: any0ne wan t0 buy SWAROVSKI necklace + pendant f0r [ $100 ]
bec0z they sell in tri0 , s0 wanna find s0me0ne t0 buy tgt with me !! (:

~ { 12:29 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Wednesday, January 02, 2008


Happy New Year

~ { 12:02 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

01-01-08~ ii dun0 wad t0 write 0n this bl0g anym0ree~
bec0z ii d0n haf the feeling t0 bl0g ..
this new year is s0 different fr0m last year 0r even 16 years ag0~
urm , can say is special but yet ...
ii dun0 ~

s0 many things happened this 2 weeks , tats why ii d0n wanna bl0g abt it
n0r write them 0ut

t0day was the 1st time MR heeren managerr [ jerry ] being transfered t0 PS t0 w0rk~
tats weird ~
t0 kill my time andd n0t t0 stick with s0me un-steady FRIENDS , ii ch0se t0 w0rk
ii can say ii g0t n0 stress 0r think t00 much while w0rkingg
n0t bec0z ii can kn0w ppl theree ,
but t0 spend my time with ppl wh0 can shareee things with mie~
theref0ree , this c0mingg year , ii wlll w0rk w0rk w0rk w0rk w0rk w0rk w0rk
till ii kana sack~
ii realise tat w0rking with0ut stress is called the real [ w0rk ]
and is bec0z ii enj0yed it~
is n0t the matter 0f w0rking at HEEREN or PLAZA SINGAPURA
is the matter 0f wh0 are y0u w0rking with~
ii d0n mind w0rking at PS bec0z ii kn0w ii can be happy theree~
i had learnt s0 s0 s0 s0 MANY things theree when w0rkingg
s0metimes , had s0me 0ver-agee friends might be g0od (:
it depends~

s0 many things happened
wanna say s0rry t0 pe0ple
wanna say thanks t0 s0me peeps ,
but .. if ii wan t0 type it here , ii think ii d0n haf t0 slp lia0 luh~

just wann every0ne t0 be SAFE this year and be happy n0 matter wad happen (:

2008~ NO BIG DEAL , just an0ther year t0 start .
everything depends 0n me~
there will be 0f c0urse [ happy ] [ sad ] [ angry ] [ dissap0intment ] [ etc ]
0f c0urse LUH !

everytime when ii sit in fr0nt 0f this very c0m ,
ii start t0 thinkk~
i dun0 why , had been slping late n0wadays like 3-4am~
if this c0ntinue , i think ii will be ending up in h0spital with a needle in my hand~
bef0ree the year end , ii br0ke d0wn~
just nice t0 invitee the NEW YEAR~!
i dun0 why t0o huh..

d0n think ii will be bl0ggingg tat 0ften
unless ii feel like
this bl0g is useless t0 mie anym0ree~

may g0d bless YOU~ (:

~ { 11:44 PM }
reflections of you and me;