[ b0ught ]cheap m0ndae skinny jeans 45min st0ne washed [$119]
head p0rter bag [ $360]
[ b0ught ] april 77 skinny jeans [ $199 ]
Lv bag [ $180o ]
[ b0ught ] Stage bling tee [ $238 ]
[ b0ught ] stagee tee [ $55 ]
stage jeans [ $196 ]
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Steven Lim talking about 陈冠希/Edison chen
~ { 3:35 PM } reflections of you and me;
27-02-08~ finally g0tta t0 bl0g lia0! t0day is the 1st day 0f exam [ mp0 ] ehs , think ii can pass bahs ! hahaha~
recently heard tat STAGE is heading t0 SG!? 0mg ?? stage in SG !? yeahyeah ~ if it happen , tats great ! s0 ii rand0m t00k s0me pic 0f my c0llecti0n 0f stage [ n0t all ] h0h0h00~ andd this happen, ii can st0p DEPENDING 0n ppl wh0 shipp STAGE 0ver t0 sg bec0z they only know how to act big ! LOL.. p00r guys , n0 $ f0r y0u (:
g0od- THE END~
~ { 3:05 PM } reflections of you and me;
Thursday, February 21, 2008
[(陳冠希記者會 ] 15:03:53 21/02/08 thursday
~ { 10:05 PM } reflections of you and me;
~ { 1:13 AM } reflections of you and me;
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
19-02-08~ i am d0wn with flu !! this 0nly happenn 0nce a th0usand years~ andd t0dayy is the day.. ): SHIT !!
AND FINAllY ! ii f0und a sh0p tat will buy my IPOD vide0 !! HAHAHAS ><" ii am happy dudee , but ii dun0 whetherr it will c0st h0w much =( if m0re than $300++ , straight it0uch afterr w0rk.. LOL if n0t, g0tta wait wait waitt~
tried a Chanel specs , d0pe , c00l shit ! but the pricee is als0 SHIT.. hahahas~ maybe di0r ? maybe gucci ? maybe .. brandless?
b0ught a 0rganizer b00k t0 0rganizee thingy. w0ah~ is nice 0kiee !! hhahaha andd h0pe my v0ucherrrrr will c0me ASAP !! bec0z ii cant wait t0 buy things !!!
my stagee tee had arrivedd !! is s0 nakedd ~ =x g0nna wear tmrr .. stage day dudes !! w0rkingg @ heerenn ..
exam ar0und the c0rner.. study is a must... but is afterr tmr.. HAHAHHAHAA !!!!
afterr seeing waddd xia0 gui wears , my heart is itch.. LOL 0mg , even if ii g0t the $ , ii cant buy als0 leii.. unless.... =x
happen t0 pass by a sh0p called " mintmark & co " they sell cheap necklaces and s0me access0riess (:
P/S: sellingg all my thingy bec0z ii wanna buy new thingy !! see this ===> [ http://xd0t.blogspot.com/ ] ><"
~ { 1:31 AM } reflections of you and me;
Monday, February 18, 2008
[ can y0u imagine wad if is y0u !? ]
~ { 11:12 PM } reflections of you and me;
~ { 9:56 PM } reflections of you and me;
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
12-02-08~ t0day's 蓝球机 rec0rd.. my FLMP rec0rd is [ 304 ] duet jerry and me [ 639 ]
WAKAKAKAKAKAKAS !!! ><" ii am gettin the hang 0f it ~ LOL !! getting betterr each time.. LOL
and i wan t0 intr0 y0u guy a game in PSP called " MEDAL OF HONOUR || "[ MOH ] just had a battle withh 4 players . HAHAHHA and all ii can say is .. BAZOOKA rocks ! LOL ><"
maybe this fri , an0ther game ?? LOL ><" hate the game , n0t the player !
~ { 12:30 AM } reflections of you and me;
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
w0ke up @ 4.20pm ! andd start playing PSP !! just g0t addicted t0 the game [ MOH ] hahaha !!
this is wad we eat duringg the 2hrs steamb0at ! LOL ><" g0ing t0 wear new cl0th tmrr ! wh0h0h0
ANG BAO !! i smell it !!!!!!!!!!1 ><""
~ { 1:26 AM } reflections of you and me;
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
[ 福 by FLMP ]
[ faces by us , which 0ne nicer !? ]
[ this is wad w0ods d0 in MUSTAPHA CENTRE ! ]
[ this is wad gab d0 in MUSTAPHA CENTRE ! ]
05-02-08~mustapha centre !! 24 hrs man !! LOL X) cann0t g0 there and walk walk .. farrer park mrt , s0 near !? LOL ><" chinese new yr tmrr !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! n0n0.. is new yr EVE ! steamb0at time !!
~ { 1:15 AM } reflections of you and me;
Monday, February 04, 2008
Edison Chen 陳冠希 talks about photo scandal
************************************************************************************* lets hear wad EDC g0t t0 say !
to all the press that have misquoted me from today's newspaper i would like for u to respect the situation that everyone is in and report the truth to the fullest if u would like to say yesterday i have posted a msg CHALLENGING the people who are doing this to me then i have nothing to say but u are reporting the wrong news please check my blog from 5 monthes ago and the top of the BLOG entry u will PROFILE DESCRIPTION that has been there from the first day my blog has been up
MY BLOG ENTRY FROM YTD was a MOVIE PICTURE release alert not a challenge to the people who are doing this
yes in my profile i say the following
edc is edison chen...... hate the game and dun hate the player......... i am all bout unity....... but if u fucks wid me i gotsa fuck wid u..... in clot edc's role is the FRONTLINESOLDIER..... ACT LIKE U KNOW
BUT this wasn't posted yesterday it was posted in MAY and it is not a challenge to anyone or anything these are lyrics from a song that i really like i do not see any harm in this and it was not directed at anyone in particular, it was a general statement
yes i have been silent and everyone thinks i am hiding but today there will be a press release and i hope u can all read from that and report the TRUTH and do some homework before trying to ruin someone's life, cuz that is exactly whut u are all doing to me putting false statements on the FRONT PAGE of newspapers and to others as well
ONCE AGAIN yes i have made the statement of IF U FUCKS WID ME I GOTSA FUCK WID U this is but i had posted this from MAY 2007 not JAN 2008 PLEASE GET YA FACTS STRAIGHT!!!!!!!! this is not a game, this is my life.....................